Monday, April 4, 2016

Family reunification cases in syrup – Dagsavisen

– My wife’s mother applied for family reunification in early March 2015. During the summer, she was sick, and she did not have any in India to look after her. The other children are in England, while my wife is here in Norway, says Darbara Singh Dagsavisen.


The 70-year-old Indian Sukhwinder Kaur lost her husband last year. During the summer of 2015 she was unstable blood sugar and had an acute hospital stay. Both diabetes and heart problems were part of the clinical picture.


The family asked for the application hurry treated but did not get this through.


– We called several times to the UDI to leeks. Wait Tida increased only for every day. She died on February 4 this year, and around 20 February she granted family reunification, but it was too late, says Singh.


Did not reach his own goal


“Unacceptable” was the term Attorney General Anders Anundsen (FRP) used in Parliament last March, the gap between the target of processing time and the actual time of Immigration (UDI) spends on treating family reunification cases.


But this admonition did not result UDI reached the goal of shorter processing in 2015.


Last year, 51 per cent of cases processed within six months. In 2014, 60 per cent dealt with within six months. Now is the level from 2015 the new requirement from the Department of Justice to the UDI for 2016.


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– Hopelessly


– The level of ambition is scary low, says Trond Botnen, who is head of the Norwegian organization for family reunion – Boundless love.


They think it is scandalous that the waiting time for family reunification has increased in 2015 even though the Justice Department in its allotment letter demanded that it should go down.


UDI received 16.3 million for the treatment of deportation cases and family cases in the revised national budget last year.


– Family life is a right. When one gets a waiting period of about two years in many cases it goes beyond the kids and it goes beyond the mental health of the couple who can not be together, reminding Botnen.


Shorter on certain matters


Immigration stating that there is a big difference in processing time between cases. Are you from the US, is married to a Norwegian, and has submitted the application at the embassy, ​​processing time can be in four months. While a Palestinian married to a Norwegian may have to calculate well over two years to family reunification.


Since there will be a varying document situation and different needs to obtain additional information, the processing times vary in both types of cases and countries, says UDI (see fact box).


FRP: – Borrowed out employees


“We must be realistic,” is the Ministry of Justice explanation of the new objective requirements.


– We must be realistic about what is possible to achieve, says Vidar Brein-Karlsen (FRP). He is Secretary of State for Sylvi Listhaug, now responsible minister in the area.


The major asylum seekers arriving last fall also affected UDI results, according to Brein-Karlsen.


– Among other borrowed Department UDI out workers to other parts of the UDI’s business, says Brein-Karlsen.


He reminds simultaneously that UDI in 2015 have worked with the differentiation of family issues in various saksløp and autumn has seen a positive development in terms of people as family immigrants from countries where the UDI does not need to obtain additional information to consider the matter .


UDI: – time will vary between countries


Adequate lighted cases are processed faster now, says UDI.


UDI believes they are in a better procedural flow now.


– We had a long period a challenge with big scissors input and insufficient processing capacity of applications for family. In autumn 2015, we received added resources to process more cases, and we are now in a positive development where processing times have stabilized and where we also got a shorter turnaround time for certain types of cases, says the director of Residence Department Karl Erik Sjøholt Dagsavisen.


– Since there will be a varying document situation and different needs to obtain additional information, the processing times vary in both types of cases and countries, adding Sjøholt to.



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