Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ap-Tajik remove King – VG

Labour’s deputy Hadia Tajik (32) and over 80 percent of the younger labor group in Parliament will reject the Royal Family and introducing Republic in Norway.

just three years ago set Tajik even at King’s table and was minister of culture.

Now she is Labour’s most powerful woman and leads efforts to make the party’s new political platform ahead of next year’s parliamentary elections.

And Hadia Tajik has decided: the King has to go.

But Labor deputy leader is not alone in either Parliament or Labor to want to abolish the monarchy. As many as 28 members of parliament voted in favor with Tajik as a constitutional proposal to introduce Republic in Norway were voted upon in Parliament last Wednesday.

Of these, as many as 18 of the Labour Party.

Martin Kolberg railed against Crown Prince and Princess: – a step closer to liquidation of the monarchy

Do not answer about his own view

VG has asked Tajik an interview about her goal is that Norway should change state form of republic, but Labor Party deputy leader refuses to ask for an interview about the case.

Instead, send Tajik, via his advisor Svein Tore Bergestuen, comments as follows:

“Although we have a glorious royal family who I have great respect for, it is my opinion that the position should not be inherited. I have nothing to add beyond what fundamental standpoint I have expressed. Otherwise I do not consider this as something relevant issue for the foreseeable future. “

It gets it to go freaks monarchy defender and leader of the Conservative Party’s program committee, Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (37).

See also: – not the royal house task to organize such conferences

Palace Revolution

He meets VG on Palace Square in Oslo as he is on his way to fetch her daughter Karla (2 years of summer).

– If one of Norway’s largest party will have a palace revolution, I think we must expect that the discussion be in open space. As the leader of the Conservative Party’s program committee so I can say with 99.9 percent certainty that the Conservatives are not going to go into a republic, says Isaksen.

& lt; p & gt; KONGETRO: State Council  & # xE5; d Torbj & # xF8; rn R & #  xF8; e Isaksen (H) p & # xE5; Palace Square  in Oslo. & lt; / p & gt;

KONGETRO: Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) at the Palace Square in Oslo.

Trond Solberg VG

He is worried that opposition to the monarchy has grown his great among the upcoming powers in labor.

– it is not surprising that there are dissidents in labor, but almost all the upcoming generation of Labor parliamentarians supports the overturning of how our country is governed to introduce a form of government which we have never had before in Norway. It also means that they will put an end to the institution in Norway that has the largest and widest support among the population, except maybe the flag and celebrate May 17th, he says, adding:

– I’ve never in my 37 years have felt unsafe on the Labour Party’s stance on the issue of the Royal Family, but I get the insecure when I see that it is they who will lead Labor in the future who thinks this.

Labor leader is king-friend: Minister celebrated 50th birthday with Crown Prince and Princess

Aps king-story

Right-minister fears Labor deputy leader may have forgotten some of his own party history related to the Royal Family: When King Haakon appointed the first Labor government.

– I will not instruct Hadia or Labor about their relationship with the royal family, but it is important to remember that historically was a of the most important events in Norwegian history when king Haakon said, “I am also the Communists ‘king’ and thus paved the way for Labor received forming his first government. It was a Republican Labor government that took office on strong civic protests. The historical amnesia here can not be explained by that one is under 40. This is something that everyone should know.

In 2012 wrote Isaksen also scored on Minerva on this subject under the title “A principle in defense of the monarchy” .

& lt; p & gt; ROYAL N & # xC6; RV  & # xC6; R: During the finals in the halfpipe  in the freestyle world championships in Wyllerl  & # xF8; Ypa in Oslo on 5 March 2013 had  Crown Prince Haakon f & # xF8; result of dav  & # xE6 ; rendering of Culture Hadia Tajik. &  lt; / p & gt;

ROYAL PRESENCE: During the finals in the halfpipe in the freestyle world championships in Wyllerløypa in Oslo on 5 March 2013 had Crown Prince Haakon result of Minister of Culture Hadia Tajik.

Stian Lysberg Solum NTB scanpix

– Why do you think a king is better for Norway than a president?

– If we abolish the monarchy, we will lose one of the unifying symbols we have left in a society that is becoming increasingly diverse. Labor, and especially Hadia Tajik, has been very concerned about what binds us together as a society, and how to collect us in a society where we are increasingly different. The royal family does.

See also: – Is it fun to be King?

Remember Haakon

Hadia Tajik thinks Røe Isaksen should have other concerns than her monarchy stance:

– Ap appreciate the royal family’s efforts in general, and King Haakon rejection of anti-democratic tendency in particular. That individual representatives may have difficulty with the principal sides, we live well with. I’m more concerned that the Minister did not have more important things to worry about, says Tajik in a sms to VG last night.

Royalty problems within the Right

but neither the Conservatives are the royal order in the ranks. During the vote broke suddenly Conservative Member of Parliament from Oslo, Heidi Nordby Lunde (43) from their own group and voted for the republic.

& lt; p & gt; exclaim Parliament Heidi  Nordby Lunde (H) from Oslo. & lt; / p & gt;

exclaim Parliament Heidi Nordby Lunde (H) from Oslo.

Line Moller VG

she did without clarifying this matter with his own party leadership.

– Although the Conservatives have a stand that virtually the entire party behind, we are not a dictatorship. The voters can at least console themselves with the leader of the program is not going to change stance for the foreseeable future, says Isaksen.

– What disciplinary measures could Lunde expect?

– She’ll still need to go on official dinners at the castle ahead. Also we wipe maybe dessert for her at the Congress, says Torbjørn Røe Isaksen and laughs.

Right holds national congress at Gardermoen from Friday to Sunday this week.


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