Two people are injured after they were taken by an avalanche at Sognefjellet, said JRCC Southern Norway.
Time 14.09 received police notification of an avalanche at Sognefjellet. Shortly after came news of the new slide, in Jostedalen.
Ras in Jostedalen
– There were ten people who were taken by the landslide at Sognefjellet, but they came out. There are reports that two of them are injured and complaining of pain in the body. They have not been evaluated by healthcare professionals. Landslide occurred just west of Steindalsnåsi, about 8 km from Turtagrø. Air Ambulance and Sea King helicopter in the area, says Per Rimmer, operations manager of Western Police District to BT.
The clock 14.15 received police notification of a new avalanche, this time by Vangsen in Jostedalen. Here were three people involved, but everyone is out of the landslide and undamaged.
– They have come out on their own, says Rimmer.
Consider avalanche danger for large
He says that there are a lot of people in the mountains, as there is a festival at Turtagrø. Rimmer urges caution.
– When it’s been two landslide almost simultaneously, we consider the avalanche risk to be great. We ask people to be careful in the mountains, he said.
Nødetatene ble like etter klokken 17 lørdag ettermiddag varslet om at en mann var tatt av et snøskred mellom Kavlisetra og Kyrkjetaket. Omtrent én time senere kunne politiet melde at mannen var funnet, men at livet hans ikke sto til å redde, skriver Romsdals Budstikke.
Den svenske mannen var på skitur med en kollega da skredet gikk. Det var også et annet turfølge med tre personer like ved, men ingen andre ble tatt av skredet.
- Det var de øvrige fire som startet søket og fant mannen som ble tatt av skredet, opplyser operasjonsleder Leif E. Bergem-Ohr i Møre og Romsdal politidistrikt.
Lørdag kveld gjennomførte statens personaldirektør og fagorganisasjonen Akademikerne en liten revolusjon. YS, LO og Unio sto maktesløse og så på at Akademikerne inngikk ny tariffavtale.
Det er uklart hvor mye de tre kan oppnå ved å forhandle videre, eller bryte og gå til megling.
Størst irritasjon ser det ut til å være over at Akademikerne nøyer seg med runde formuleringer om å endre pensjonssystemet for statsansatte.
De tre andre hevder at de vil streike i år, om det er nødvendig for å få inn formuleringer som sikrer at pensjonsforhandlingene blir del av lønnsoppgjøret neste år. Det er nødvendig om de skal kunne streike for å beskytte pensjonsvilkårene.
Klokken 21.30 møtte organisasjonene statens personaldirektør. Han har tilbudt en lønnsvekst på 2,4 prosent, der tre fjerdedeler skal fordeles lokalt.
Satser på markedskreftene
Dette er musikk i Akademikernes ører. De ønsker mer lokale lønnsforhandlinger, selv om de ikke har streikerett lokalt. Grupper som jurister, siviløkonomer og ingeniører regner med at de har såpass markedsverdi at de kan presse opp lønnene ved å true med å gå over til privat næringsliv.
- Jeg er veldig godt fornøyd,sier Anders Kvam, leder i Akademikerne stat.
Allerede ved neste lønnsoppgjør, i 2017, skal staten få et nytt lønnssystem, bygget på dette prinsippet, sier han. Og det nye systemet skal bygge på kveldens enighet.
I 15 år har Akademikerne hatt en tilsvarende ordning i kommunene. Mens de tre andre forhandler, megler og truer med streik dersom de ikke får den sosiale profilen de ønsker, forhandler Akademikerne lokalt ute i hver enkelt virksomhet.
- Vi har over lang tid samarbeidet med alle hovedsammenslutningene om å få til en modernisering av hovedtariffavtalen. Gjennom avtalen med Akademikerne har vi kommet et viktig skritt videre med å fornye og forbedre offentlig sektor, sier kommunal og moderniseringsminister Jan Tore Sanner.
Uklar fortsettelse
De tre andre organisasjonene forhandle videre natt til mandag. Men det er usikkert hvor mye de kan forandre.
Dersom de inngår en ny avtale, der Akademikerne blir sittende med sitt opplegg, godtar de i praksis at staten har fått to lønnssytemer, noe de tre har vært kraftig mot tidligere.
Foreløpig er det uklart om organisasjonene får forhandle med streikerett når staten skal legge om pensjonsordningen. For de tre andre, LO, Unio og YS har dette vært helt sentralt.
De tre andre organisasjonene anklager Kvam og Akademikerne for å satse på å være gratispassasjerer i denne striden. Om Unio, LO og YS får streikerett på pensjon, vil Akademikerne ha nytte av det.
Men Kvam sier at han ikke kjenner seg igjen i dette. Han stoler på signalene fra Arbeids og sosialdepartementet om at de ansatte skal sikres medbestemmelse.
Pensjon og streikerett
Kveldens vanskeligste tema er pensjon. Alle er enige om at de statlige pensjonsordningene må forandres, og at forhandlingene bør skje neste år.
Uenigheten dreier seg om hvordan forhandlingene skal skje. Fagorganisasjonene krever garantier fra staten om at pensjon blir tema i neste års lønnsoppgjør. Da kan de ansatte gå til streik om staten vil tvinge gjennom upopulære endringer.
Skjer pensjonsdrøftelsene løsrevet fra lønnsoppgjøret, har ikke de ansatte streikerett. Dermed kan Regjeringen gå til Stortinget med et lovforslag om pensjon som de ansatte misliker sterkt.
- Hvis staten fratar oss retten til å streike i forbindelse med de kommende pensjonsforhandlingene, anser vi ikke dette som reelle forhandlinger, sier Pål N. Arnesen.
Han er forhandlingsleder for YS i staten. Andre forhandlere sier i all hovedsak det samme.
Krangler om hvem som skal få penger
For LO Stat er det veldig kjærkomment at de to andre organisasjonene er enige om pensjonskravet. Dermed er sjansen stor for at alle bryter forhandlingene sammen.
Fagbevegelsen er nemlig ikke enige om så mye annet. Alle sier at de vil tilpasse seg den økonomiske rammen på 2,4 prosent. Men alle gjør det med en betingelse om at akkurat deres grupper får litt mer, på bekostning av de andre.
Særlig LO er opptatt av at tilleggene må ha en lavlønnsprofil. Dessuten krever de at så godt som alt blir gitt sentralt.
Megling i slutten av mai
Partene er allerede enige om at en megling får frist natt til 26. mai.
For en gangs skyld ble det kommunale lønnsoppgjøret avsluttet uten megling. Det er første gang på 20 år at partene klarte å forhandle seg frem til løsning i et hovedoppgjør.
I Oslo er det fortsatt uavklart, det er eget forhandlingsområde.
TURØY (AP) Firefighter Jarl Hestad was one of the first to arrive where a helicopter crashed and 13 people lost their lives. The sight that met him, he found it hard to describe.
– It was a disaster area. There were human remains on the one hand, it burned powerful on the other side, and aircraft components lay scattered, says the experienced firefighter VG.
He has worked for Øygard fire brigades for many years. The small fire station has only two full-time employees, among them Hestad.
Friday just before noon he found himself a kilometer from the downtown core of Øygard. On the phone began to tick messages from residents at Turøy notifying wildfire.
– We are a small local fire, so the locals know me. Several notified of what they thought was a grass fire, so that was what was in my head when I ran out.
Then came the alarm. The transmitter in his jacket pocket began to beep. “Work Accident” , it said.
– I remember thinking: “Work Accident”? What is this? Perhaps there is a small helicopter, such that tend to swirl around Turøy, which has encountered problems?
Track : This has happened
Met panicked homeowners
The Hestad thought was a harmless fire, would prove to be something quite different. Only when he saw the big helicopter parts in the water, he understood. It was clear that this was the hull of an offshore helicopter. Hestad was no longer in doubt that something very serious had happened.
– I remember that one civilian on the bridge grabbed me when I arrived. He was in despair and did not speak coherently, but the man managed to convince me that this was a real big event.
VG has previously met the man who grabbed Hestad. Anton Magne Turøy was on the bridge over to the island when the accident occurred. He and his wife had to run for their lives to avoid being hit by parts.
Wreck: Here hoisted helicopter hull out of the water.
Photo: Krister Sørbø VG
CAA: Accident Helicopter shifted gears and rotor head for years
Remember silence
– I called several of my men came quickly to the place. Afterwards they told me that seriousness not dawned on them until they saw the remains of people. They were scattered over a fairly large area, both in water and on land, says Hestad.
VG special: This is the victims
ACCIDENT helicopter: It was such a helicopter from CHC helicopter service that crashed at Turøy outside Bergen Friday.
Photo: Kristoffer Rivedal NTB scanpix
– What impression sets strongest mark on such an experienced firefighter?
– It is difficult to answer, says Hestad.
But he remembers the smell of gasoline. And silence. Usually there is much sound at a crime scene. Cars that hums and instruments sums. But looking at Turøy heard not like that. It was silent.
– People were so concentrated. It was a tremendous focus on saving lives until we got mapped the full extent of the accident. After that operation characterized by the many strong visual impressions we met through the day. You know, such an impression that makes people a little quiet.
READ ALSO: Lost cousin in the accident
TOUGH CONDITIONS: It jumps fire crew in the water during the rescue operation on Turøy.
Photo: Krister Sørbø VG
– Surreal
ordinarily engaged Hestad with the training of novice firefighters. He thus tends to take pictures at crime scenes he is in, to use in class.
– A house fire or car accident, snap, snap. It is not always easy to draw an example of a firefighter, but it is easy to see. In this incident, however, I have not taken a single picture. I do not think it had been joke to do it either. For whom should you teach this?
The accident on Turøy is the single most important event Hestad has been involved in. It will take time to process the impressions, he believes.
– This is an unusual situation for us. You know, we firefighters are really quite A4. When we are notified of an event, we form an image based on previous experience of what will meet us. This time I had no reference points. Everything was just surreal.
Not the first time: Several fatal accidents with Super Puma helicopter
Per Angel from the NCIS ID Group says it is difficult to say how long it will take before they are finished with the identification efforts.
– It’s hard to say anything about the progress. We’re not quite sure if we found everything and everyone, said Angel on a pressebrifing Saturday morning. He thinks more will be clear during the weekend.
13 people were killed when the helicopter crashed on its way back from Gullfaks B Friday morning.
– We have a good indication of when we finish tomorrow. Should be finished in five days if all is found, said Angel.
18 people from NCIS
– Do not comment on how many we’ve found. We have simply not a number to give you. There is such a wide and ugly incident site that we do not have the answer yet. That id work answer. The relatives are notified first, said Angel from the NCIS ID Group.
He said that NCIS now has 18 people working in the identification.
– This is work which is demanding in the sense that there is a huge apparatus that is started. We have started a painstaking fundraising efforts at the site. This is brought to Gades, where identification work going on, said Angel.
Although there are strong visual impression, says Per Angel that crews are well trained and familiar with the work.
– I’m not worried that we will not be able to manage this job, he said.
Police going to keep working the crash site today.
Photo: Hommedal, Marit / NTB scanpix
Will work to raise the wreck
– during the day we start raising the rest of the fuselage and take the remaining parts so AIBN can start its work, said chief of staff Gustav Landro Western police District on pressebrifingen.
He said that last night was part of the helicopter made by sea and it is the work that will continue today .
the police have since last night security at the accident site and resumes the search now in the morning.
– now when it’s light, we have started with searches at sea, and going to start with search on land to make the site work completed, said Landro.
Landro explains that there are many wreckage and a large area, so it requires a lot of resources to get this done in a proper way.
– it’s hard to describe how it looks in a place where a plane crashed straight into the ground. There are many strong impression for those who have been there and worked, said Landro.
– Please reply soon
They created a center for the relatives at Scandic Bergen Airport Hotel.
Later today, Crown Prince and Princess and Prime Minister Erna Solberg visit relatives center.
– the police district here working with the relatives group. It’s challenging in the sense that there are people in mourning. It’s stressful, but our experience is that families appreciate efficiency. They want answers quickly, said Per Angel from NCIS.
(Dagbladet): Just before at 14 today arrived the Crown Prince and Princess and Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) Statoil dependents center in Bergen, where survivors have gathered in mourning over the dead in the tragic helicopter accident yesterday.
Both King Harald, Queen Sonja and Crown Prince and Princess canceled Friday his visit to Sweden on the occasion of King Carl Gustav’s 70th birthday just because of the accident, which is believed to have killed all thirteen who were on board.
Crown Princess wore black clothes for the occasion, but did not talk to the press on the way out. It is expected that both the koneglige and statsmininsteren will make a statement after meeting the relatives.
– Strong
They were received by Eldar Sætre, Margaret Øvrum and Arne Sigve Nylund in Statoil management.
Statoil CEO Eldar Sætre arrived dependents center at Flesland earlier the same day.
He intend to spend most of the day at the center, where a number of families have gathered over the last scant day.
– There have been strong to be here. We are only human in it here, but it’s good to share grief, says Sætre to the attendants the press.
The company lost one of its own employees. Each of the eleven killed oil workers who were on board the helicopter, however, was at work for Statoil on Gullfaks B platform in the North Sea.
Sætre is tight-lipped when it comes to the cause of the accident.
– We should help AIBN in their work with the investigation. I do not want to speculate on anything now, he said.
It was 12 o’clock yesterday that a helicopter owned by CHC Helikopter Service crashed just off Turøy outside Bergen. All 13 people on board the plane, believed to have perished.
We are talking about a woman and eleven men of Hordaland and Rogaland.
Klokka 12.23 fekk politiet melding om eit helikopter hadde gått i bakken med to personar om bord. Helikopteret byrja og brenna, men dei to kom seg ut.
– Ambulansepersonell var kort tid etter på plass og kunne slå fast at dei to var uskadde, seier operasjonsleiar i Sør-Vest politidistrikt, Brit Randulff.
Snurra rundt to gonger
Helikopteret var av typen AS-350, og det styrta ved flystripa til Jæren mikroflyklubb på Nærbø. Det tok av frå Sola og skulle gjennom nokre rutinemessige tryggleiksprossedyrar.
Det var ein instruktør og ein pilot om bord i flyet.
– Noko gjekk gale med det hydrauliske systemet, slik at piloten måtte gjera ei landing. Det fekk han ikkje til, og helikopteret snurra rundt to gonger før halen blei knekt og kutta av rotorbladet, opplyser innsatsleiar i politiet, Trond Olav Salte.
STYRTA PÅ FLYSTRIPE: Her kan du sjå brannmannskapet sløkka helikopterbrannen etter ulukka på flystripa på Høyland på Nærbø laurdag føremiddag.
STYRTA PÅ FLYSTRIPE: Her kan du sjå brannmannskapet sløkka helikopterbrannen etter ulukka på flystripa på Høyland på Nærbø laurdag føremiddag.
Kom seg ut før brannen starta
Dei to kom seg ut av helikopteret før brannen starta. Dei blei tekne med til legevakta av ambulansehelikopteret.
Brannvesenet fekk sløkt brannen raskt (sjå video).
BERGEN (Dagbladet): NCIS ‘national ID group is internationally recognized for his work on crime scenes and after tragic events.
Yesterday sent group 18 people in Bergen and Turøy to assist in the work after 13 people died in a helicopter accident.
The police is still early for work, and late yesterday were victims transported to Bergen Flesland from the crash site before they were driven in column Gade Institute, forensic department at Haukeland University Hospital.
While police and crews continue to make search for both victims and wreckage at the site, is now starting work to identify the deceased.
Do not know how many are missing
It is a comprehensive process for NCIS. Polititet is not yet certain how many deceased they found at the site, which is one of the most important issues to clarify. Chief of Staff Gustav Landro Western Police District told Dagbladet that they partly looking for all the body parts that are missing.
– It’s a demanding crash site to investigate. We’re both in the water, on land and in the wreckage. It is also a challenging work for those who are on site, says Landro Dagbladet.
Police have previously operated by the figure that 11 of 13 are found, but the chief of staff Landro says police will not operate with a number now, and that it is too early to know how many are found.
He said that all relatives in Norway is formally notified by the police. On the two foreign nationals, where one was Italian and one Briton, missing police official confirmation on alert, but has received indications that these have been notified.
To retrieve information from the 13 victims’ family and closest being an important part of the work ahead.
In addition to the Criminal Police collect DNA records from victims’ families, there are also many other tracks followed up.
– For such a task, we will initiate systematic. This means that we notice, documents and packages into what we find. In its efforts to identify, we see among other characteristics such as tattoos and scars. In addition to this consideration is tooth samples and X-rays, as well as DNA samples, leader in NCIS ‘national ID Group, Per Angel, told Dagbladet.
This is checked further against the register.
– We attempt to acquire so full profiles as possible. We use the familiar to uncover the unknown, he said.
– Yesterday mobilized we all professions in the ID group, ranging from dentists, pathologists and crime technicians and not least when ID administration. We have started a painstaking recovery work related to that found at the scene, the people and human remains. This is work we know amends from similar accidents, it is challenging in the sense that it is stroking the sights, but the crews are well trained and familiar with the work, says Angel.
Five days
he said that police hope to have identification ready within five days.
– Tells the number you have here today something about the difficulty of the investigation?
– It does not really. We have people on the scene, the forensic institute, tips central and working up with relatives, he said.
NCIS ‘national ID group has assisted in work on major disasters such as the tsunami in Thailand in 2004 and the terrorist attack in Algeria in 2013. Angel says that efforts are mostly the same, but the crash site on Turøy partially disordered.
– We are still in the early stages and is not finished, but is confident that this is going well. ALSO READ: What we know about the helicopter accident
Ulykkeshelikopteret fikk nytt rotorhode så sent som for en måned siden.
Dette går frem av en redegjørelse om ulykkeshelikopteret som Luftfartstilsynet la ut på sine nettsider i kveld.
Tilsynet redegjør for hva som har skjedd med maskinen den senere tid:
- Ulykkesfartøyet ble registrert 13.08.2009. Det skiftet girboks den 17 januar 2016 og rotorhode den 27 mars 2016, heter det i redegjørelsen.
Dette er et forhold direktøren for ulykkesselskapet, Arne Roland, ikke vil bekrefte eller kommentere overfor Aftenposten.
- Dette er forhold den videre etterforskning må avklare, sier han.
Direktør William J. Bertheussen i Statens Havarikommisjon for Transport sier til Aftenposten fredag kveld at det vil være naturlig at kommisjonen, i dens etterforskning av tragedien, går inn i alle forhold rundt maskinen.
- Også den historikken Luftfartstilsynet har vil selvsagt være interessant og blant de dataene vi innhenter, sier Bertheussen.
Han vil ikke si noe om hvor lang tid det vil ta for kommisjonen å konkludere.
- Vi spekulerer aldri i årsak før vi vet noe helt sikkert, sier han.
Erna Solberg om helikopterulykken:
Har fått utsatt service
Eieren av ulykkeshelikopteret, CHC, har nylig to ganger fått innvilget utsatt service på helikopteret som styrtet fredag. Det bekrefter Luftfartstilsynet til VG.
En feil i girboksen har tidligere gjort at denne typen helikopter, EC225, har fått flyforbud.
– Jeg kan bekrefte at det konkrete helikopteret har fått utsatt service. Det er riktig at det ble søkt om såkalt gangtidsutvidelse i 2015, bekrefter juridisk seniorrådgiver Hege Aalstad ved Luftfartstilsynet til VG.
HCH-direktør Roland sier til Aftenposten at utsettelsen var en rutinemessig hendelse, og at dette skjedde under kontroll av både produsenten og Luftfartstilsynet.
- Det er helt nøyaktige nedtegnelser om hva som har skjedd med maskinen, sier Roland.
Luftfartstilsynet har nå utstedt et umiddelbart sikkerhetsdirektiv som innebærer et flyforbud for helikoptertypen EC225LP. Super Puma-helikoptrene har en historikk med problemer knyttet til rotor og aksling.
Flyforbudet gjelder inntil videre og norskregistrerte fartøy og operasjoner innenfor norsk område, heter det i en melding fredag ettermiddag.
Juridisk seniorrådgiver Hege Ålstad i tilsynet sier til Aftenposten at det dreier seg om 21 helikoptre som det nå ikke lenger er lov å bruke. 14 av disse tilhører ulykkesselskapet CHC Helikopter Service.
- Hvor lenge dette forbudet vil vare er ikke mulig å si. Vi har en stab som kommer til å jobbe med denne saken gjennom helgen, sier Ålstad.
Dette er ulykken kort oppsummert:
Det var et Eurocopter EC-225 Super Puma som har styrtet ved Sotra i Hordaland.. Helikopteret har plass til 19 passasjerer og to piloter.
CHC Helikopter Service bekrefter at det er deres helikopter som har styrtet.
- Det vi kan si, er at dette er et totalhavari, sier redningsleder Bjørn Larle Åmlid ved Hovedredningssentralen på Sola.
Det var 13 personer ombord, og så langt er det ikke funnet tegn til noen overlevende.
Vitne: Rotoren løsnet
Vitner på ulykkestedet har fortalt at det så ut som hovedrotoren på helikopteret løsnet like før styrten.
- Jeg sto utenfor huset med datteren vår og pekte opp på helikopteret, sier Chris Andersen til BT.
- Da ser jeg at helikopteret begyner å vingle mye frem og tilbake. Det kommer noen smell, så løsner rotoren og faller mot byggefeltet, sier Andersen.
Data fra Flightradar 24 viser at HKS 241 mistet både kraftig fart og høyde, inntil registreringen sluttet.
Flere hendelser med rotortrøbbel
Super Puma-maskinene har en historikk med flyforbud som følge av ulykker og nødlandinger som knyttes til akslingsbrudd i hovedgirkassen, som forbinder rotoren med resten av maskinen.
Saken fortsetter under grafikken
Hovedgirkassen er en svært sentral komponent i et helikopter, og en feil her kan få alvorlige konsekvenser.
I mai 2012 måtte en maskin av denne typen foreta en kontrollert nødlanding i sjøen utenfor Aberdeen i Skottland etter indikasjoner på svikt i hovedgirkassen. Alle de 14 ombord ble reddet.
Undersøkelsen foretatt av Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) viste en sprekk i en aksling hovedgirkassen. Sprekken lå tett opp mot en produksjonssveis.
Så, i 2012 oktober måtte et Super Puma-helikopter lande i havet 50 kilometer sørvest for Shetland på grunn av problemer med maskinens girboks og oljetrykk. Alle de 19 ombord ble reddet.
Også her ble det funnet en sprekk i en aksling i hovedgirkassen, og helikoptertypen fikk flyforbud mens produsenten kartla feilen nærmere.
Flyforbud i ni måneder
Fagforeningen Safe advarte så sent som i august 2013 mot Statoils bruk av Super Puma-helkopteret i Nordsjøen. Dette etter en ulykke med fire omkomne med den samme helikoptertypen utenfor Shetland. Alle maskiner av samme type ble satt på bakken på britisk sokkel etter ulykken.
I mai 2013 mente produsenten Eurocopter at de hadde identifisert problemet. I juli ble flyforbudet i Norge og Storbritannia opphevet etter at produsenten hadde iverksatt flere tiltak for å hindre lignende hendelser, ifølge Teknisk Ukeblad. Da hadde maskinene stått på bakken i ni måneder.
Helikopteret som styrtet var på vei fra Gullfaks-feltet, som opereres av Statoil, til Flesland. Statoil opplyser nå at de setter alle trafikkhelikoptre av denne typen på bakken.
Statens havarikommisjon for transport (SHT) opplyser på sine nettsider at de varslet om ulykken, og at mannskap fra SHT er på vei til ulykkesstedet.
To styrt på Gran Canaria
Helikopteret som styrtet i Hordaland i dag er av samme type som to helikopter fra Gran Canaria som styrtet i 2014 og 2015, skriver Canariajournalen.
22. oktober omkom tre personer fra SAR-802 på Gran Canaria da et Super Puma-helikopter styrtet i Atlanterhavet 74 kilometer utenfor Vest-Sahara.
Fire personer omkom da et tilsvarende SAR-helikopter styrtet mellom Fuerteventura og Gran Canaria 19. mars 2014. Den eneste av besetningen som overlevde, omkom i ulykken 22. oktober i fjor.
Etterforskningen av årsaken til begge ulykkene peker mot menneskelige feil.
The parties in the municipal sector arrived to a negotiated solution in the main settlement on Friday night. The unions expressed in the whole satisfaction over the result.
– With tight financial constraints we have got an acceptable result. For the first time we’ve gotten our share of the financial framework. Thus, we have broken the trend of lavlønnsprofil municipal settlements, says chief negotiator Steffen Handal Uniontown municipality, which negotiated on behalf of the 129,000 employees in the municipal sector.
The wage settlement in the state and in the municipal sector started on 12 April. The parties were given until April 30 to reach agreement.
In the municipal sector negotiated LO Kommune, YS Kommune, Uniontown Municipal and Akademikerne commune with KS. In the state of retailer LO, YS State Uniondale State and Akademikerne State with Kommunaldepartementet.Rammen for settlement in 2016 is 2.4 per cent and thus on a par with front subject.
20 years since the last
It is 20 years since the last time a major settlement in the local government sector was finalized without the assistance of the Office mediator.
– Anyone who has participated in these negotiations, has reason to be proud of the result, and that we managed to reach the finish, and well before the deadline. It really is reason to commend all negotiating parties to have shown strong will to find comprehensive solutions that the entire sector can live well, says chief negotiator Per Kristian Sundnes in KS.
He believes the most important thing is that parties have agreed on major and permanent changes in the structure of the main collective agreement.
YS Municipality pointed out that they have put in place a separate category of skilled workers with vocational training from 2017.
– for many settlement was an important requirement for YS-K. This is an important victory for us. This means that expertise now paying off at all levels, says manager Erik Kollerud in YS Municipality (YS-K).
He is also pleased with the introduction of 16-year seniority ladder for all job and that it made coordination of college groups.
Integrated Payroll System
LO Kommunes negotiator Mette Nord emphasizes that it negotiated a unified pay system that safeguard all employees. For 2016, it was agreed a general increase for most of 7,300 million or more.
– One of our main requirements was rewarded for competence and measures to reduce pay differences between women and men. This requirement got among other things count for through the creation of a new category of skilled workers with additional education, says North.
The Parties agree that anyone with a three-year college education is placed at the same level in position system.
the agreement ensures that wages for Academics members shall be determined through local bargaining in the municipalities without upper frame – both in 2016 and 2017.
– local wage formation has been shown to provide our members with good results and allows municipalities have access to important academic labor. That said, I am very disappointed that we did not get approval for a similar scheme for lecturers in schools, says Jan Olav Birken garden which leads Akademikerne municipality.
Lecturer get an addition of about 14,000 kroner 2016 12,000 million in 2017, while the allocation of funds to local negotiations.
Eastern Norway can expect a lot of rain, and in addition leads snowmelt danger of avalanches in almost all counties.
More og Romsdal and Trøndelag can get strong winds, with gale in exposed areas in northern Trøndelag, the meteorological service.
Much rain
Saturday is expected 30-40 millimeters of rain in 24 hours in parts of eastern Norway. This corresponds to the normal rainfall for the entire month of April at Oslo station, writes Aftenposten.
The areas east of Mjøsa and some distance east of the Oslo fjord are most vulnerable. In higher elevations will get snow, and on Friday night it may even snow in lowland areas. Agder, Telemark and Buskerud must also be prepared for snow in the mountains.
NVE has issued flood warnings at level 2 of Østfold, Akershus, Oslo, Hedmark and certain municipalities in Oppland and Buskerud. It is also sent mudslides alert level 2 for the same areas.
High avalanche danger
There are avalanche warning level 2 and 3 for a number of regions. This applies to parts of Finnmark, Troms, Nordland, Sør-Trøndelag, Møre og Romsdal, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Rogaland, Buskerud and Telemark in addition to Svalbard.
– Avalanche situation throughout our country is now complex. We recommend waiting with trips in steep terrain, if you do not have control on snow and avalanche conditions where you are, warns avalanche alerts Birgit Rustad in NVE.
If the snow is so wet that foot sinking up to your ankle , it is likely that skiers and boarders can trigger avalanches.
(Dagbladet): Director of the aviation department of the AIBN, Kåre Halvorsen told Dagbladet that the two black boxes, which is actually a combined entity, is observed by divers on the seabed at the crash site outside Turøy.
The black boxes will be picked up as soon as possible, and then promptly sent to AIBN in England, says Halvorsen.
Eleven people have been found dead after the accident, and search is still ongoing after the two last one was on board. Statoil says that they are working in different companies, but everyone was at work for Statoil.
Police told Dagbladet that all aboard presumed dead. Approximately at 17 notified JRCC on Twitter that the operation has been completed but that the search for the estimated casualties continues under the auspices of the police.
Divers observed boxes
Halvorsen can not at this time comment on what condition the boxes are in or what they look like.
– We do not know about the data that is on them complete until we have read them in a laboratory under controlled conditions so we do not destroy information in the process, says Halvorsen.
the AIBN has three people at the accident site, and two new ones are on the way.
– We are about to acquire an overview of the accident site, and in collaboration with other agencies take up what is in the sea. The material will be cleaned in a proper manner and transported on to a collection point, says Halvorsen.
It is uncertain how long it will take before eventually getting treated the data located on the black boxes, which actually is orange in color.
– How long the work will take depends entirely on the condition of the tachograph and sound recorder, says Halvorsen.
– Hoping that the data is complete
Halvorsen says that the data located on the black boxes will be very important for the further investigation of the accident.
helicopter type which today crashed, EC255 has previously received no-fly because of a fault in the gearbox, writes VG. CAA also confirms to Dagbladet that accident helicopter twice has been deferred service on two occasions in 2015. Earlier today introduced CAA-fly for the relevant type of helicopter.
The tachograph and the cockpit voice recorder shall be observed. The tachograph records a number of technical parameters, such as heading, altitude, speed and speed of the rotor. The cockpit voice recorder, or sound recorder records sound in the cockpit, sound between cockpit and audio between cockpit and cabin.
– the cockpit voice recorder of this type is mandatory in aircraft of a certain class because accident investigation boards will have a tool to understand what as has happened in the aftermath of an accident or incident. It is very important for us to get reading and data, and we hope that the data is complete and usable, says Halvorsen.
– Do not speculate
When Dagbladet spoke with pressevakt Klaus Sonberg helicopter company CHC he would not comment on what could be the cause of the accident, or the information that the rotor should have loosened in the air.
– We’re not going to speculate, communicate or confirm what has happened, but have sent two people from the Sun to the scene, he says to Dagbladet.
He said, moreover, that it comes representatives from producers behind Airbus helicopter from France’s errand to assist in the work.
Ongoing assessment
Legal senior advisor Hege Aalstad by CAA told Dagbladet that they can not go out with information on how and why the helicopter overthrown.
This will be investigated, and the audit can not go out with how they are now going to work on.
– We take ongoing assessments, says Aalstad.
Major accidents
Former major accidents (ie with five or more fatalities) in offshore helicopter, according to the CAA:
• 1977 LN-OSZ, Sikrosky S-61N, helicopter Service, the North Sea. Here killed 12 people.
• 1978 LN-OQS, Sikrosky S-61N, Helicopter Service, the North Sea. Here killed 18 people.
• 1990 LN OML, Bell 214, Helicopter Service, Askvoll. Here, five people died.
• 1997 LN-OPG, Eurocopter AS332, Helikopter Service, North Sea (Norne). Here killed 12 people.
The accident today is the first in Norway with the new version of the Super Puma (EC 225). Norne accident happened with the old Super Puma (AS 332), writes Aalstad in email
(Dagbladet): A student at a middle school in Trondheim has sent a letter to the principal, with notification of classmates at school sends photos and videos to each other showing naked boys, girls in thong and sexual activity, writes addressees.
– You get completely shocked, thinking: What are they doing. This is just over, says the head teacher of the school in the newspaper.
According to Adresseavisen writes pupil in the letter that the material will be posted on a private site that students use. The headmaster said they believe the student, and that the letter came while school conducted campaign “Use your Head”.
Body Culture extending
Earlier this year it was announced that more than one in ten Norwegian 13- old who is on Snapchat send pictures of themselves with intimate or sexual content. The figures from NTNU based on a sample of 1,470 youngsters. Professor Berit Skog has collected figures, and says nakensnapping is even more common in the age group 15-17 years and increases until mid-20s.
– I find it surprising many who send intimate pictures on Snapchat, said forest Dagbladet.
– for it can assume that this is part of a body culture that is spreading, or that it has become a norm among young sending such pictures to each other.
Earlier this month came the Oslo police out and warned against a new trend: Live from adolescents’ bedrooms.
“A new trend among young people is to send live images from the bedroom on Facebook. At various private groups send boys and girls directly as they tell about themselves and encourage people to ask the questions about everything, “wrote Department of violent and sexual crimes of the Oslo police in a Facebook post.
head of section of sexual crimes in the Oslo police, Kari-Janne Lid, told Dagbladet that this is completely new to them.
– We have not received any cases yet, but the behavior of great concern, she said to Dagbladet.
Important dialogue
In Dagbladet Article series “children’s secret life” came too it emerged in a number of issues that children and young people live a social life today parents know little or nothing about.
Norwegian Centre for Information Security (NorSIS) and service has previously warned that parents do not know enough about children’s use of apps and activity on-line.
– It is important that parents have a good dialogue with children about mobile and web usage, said Hans Marius Tessem, senior adviser in NorSIS Dagbladet.
The black boxes on the accident helicopter is found.
There were 13 people on board the helicopter that crashed on the island Litleskori by Turøy in Mountain Friday.
11 were Norwegians, one Briton and an Italian. 11 found deceased. The clock 17 is the rescue operation officially ended. It is still ongoing search for the last two people, but also they are believed to be dead.
– Based on findings at the scene and the information contained therein, we believe there is no reason to believe that anyone has survived, says Terje Magnussen, Senior Operations in Western Police District.
Read also
Friday night was police commissioner Kaare Songstad at the scene.
– It makes a strong impression to be on this scene, he says, and emphasizes that the work at the scene is going to take many days.
Shortly after 19 clock informs the Civil Aviation Authority that the so-called black boxes to accident helicopter to be found.
– They were located by divers in the sea. We have not taken them up, says Kåre Halvorsen AIBN.
– We have right now three in the scene. Tomorrow there will be substantially more, with at least ten people. In a case like this, there are many external advisors, as manufacturers and regulatory authorities, says Kåre Halvorsen AIBN.
The black boxes going to the laboratory to the British AIBN for reading.
– we will get assistance from the French and the English AIBN in further investigation at the accident site. In addition, representatives of the CAA and EASA participate, writes AIBN in a statement.
Found killed in the wreck
The victims were found both in the sea and on land.
BT are told that fatalities have also been recovered from the part of the fuselage of the helicopter was found underwater. The remains lay according JRCC about 20 meters from shore in five to seven meters.
– I can confirm that we have picked up people from the accident in the sea, but I will not go into how they exactly found, says Leif Linde in Bergen fire.
He has controlled the fire department’s total resources under the current search and rescue action, where Bergen fire fielded a total of 15 divers. Six of these were down by fuselage portion lying in the sea.
Read also
It is observed debris both on Litleskori and in the water, according JRCC. Several eyewitnesses told BT how rotor helicopter fell off before it went down.
– The rotor is found on land some distance away, while the helicopter is located at 5-7 meters deep in the sea, said spokesman John Sjursø by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre.
Read also
There are layers down fly and a ban on the use of drones in the area.
That’s according Sjursø started preparations for raising the helicopter.
Read also
On the way from Gullfaks B
the helicopter went from Gullfaks B to Flesland, according rescue leader Bjorn Jarle AAMLID by JRCC in southern Norway.
CHC Helikopter Service confirmed to NTB that it was one of their machines wrecked by Turøy Friday and that they had two of their staff on board the helicopter.
– The accident occurred during approach to Flesland, Bergen. Expected landingstid was at 12:04. CHC Helikopter Service was told about the incident clock 12:05, and alerted Norwegian authorities and JRCC immediately, says CEO Arne Roland in CHC Helicopter Service.
Gullfaks B is operated by Statoil. However, there are several companies that perform services and contracts related to the operation.
In addition to the two helicopter pilots, it is confirmed that there were eleven people on board. Four of them were employed by Halliburton, according to Aftonbladet.
Statoil Friday night halted all production on Gullfaks B to protect personnel on the platform.
– Mostly decayed
– The feedback we have received indications that the helicopter has largely disintegrated, said Bjorn Jarle AAMLID at HRS.
the accident happened a little before 12 o’clock Data from Flight Radar 24 shows that the helicopter lost both powerful speed and altitude, until registration ends.
the helicopter crashed at an islet just outside Turøybrua. Eyewitnesses reported an explosion and intense fire after the crash.
ambulance, rescue skate “Kristian G. Jebsen” boats from the fire department, military and Red Cross participated in the rescue efforts, as well as several rescue helicopters and crews from Civil Defence. NCA struck a plane with thermal imaging camera.
– The rotor fell off
Several witnesses say they saw the rotor fall off the helicopter before it crashed.
– As I looked up loose rotor and disappeared for themselves northward. Afterwards turned the helicopter north, and I saw that it burned on top of the helicopter, where that rotor is attached. It took thus guy in fixed before it crashed, so I saw it -.
It says John Atle Sekkingstad who witnessed helikopterstyrten Friday.
Another witness said he saw parts of the rotor lie strewn on Toftøy, north of exit of Turøy.
29. April 2016: A helicopter with 13 people on board crashed at sea west of Turøy near Bergen on the way from Gullfaks to Flesland in Bergen. The rescue operation is in progress.
9. September 1997: A Super Puma from Helikopter Service with 12 men on board crashed en route from Bronnoysund to Norne. All were later found dead.
18. January 1996: A Super Puma helicopter made an emergency landing in the sea southwest of Egersund. All 18 on board were rescued by a rescue helicopter.
12. August 1991: A Bell 212 from Helikopter Service with three-man crew crashed while working on the flare on 2/4 S platform at Ekofisk. All three died instantly.
3. October 1990: A Bell 214 ST from Helikopter Service with five men on board flew into the mountains on the island Alden in Outer Sogn during a rescue mission. The five aboard were killed.
26. June 1978: The most serious helicopter accident so far in Norwegian oil history. An S-61N from Helikopterservice fell en route from Flesland to Statfjord A with 18 people on board. All perished. 13 were Norwegians.
23. November 1977: 12 people were killed when an S-61N from Wiking Helikopter Service flew straight into the sea 30 nautical mil east of the Ekofisk Complex.
9. July 1973: Four people were killed in the first helicopter accident with fatalities in the Norwegian sector when a Sikorsky S-61N from Helikopterservice wrecked on the way from the drilling rig Gulftide Ekofisk to Stavanger.
NCIS sends 20 people
All of available crews in Western police are called in to assist in situation. This also includes investigators and crime technicians.
Inge Morild, professor and forensic scientist at the Gade Institute in Bergen, confirmed to BT that it becomes an identification process after the crash. It shall be governed by the Police ID group.
Dentists, pathologists, police and others will attend to help the relatives, said Morild.
Press Officer Ida Dahl Nilssen in NCIS says all ID group is activated and travels to Oslo.
the group is tasked to establish their identity when many die at once.
– There is a fairly large group traveling over. We will also assist with other correctional professionals to assist with investigative research.
NCIS planning to send around 20 people.
– In addition to that again, we also assist with organizing the formation police work. This is done by Kripos- investigation leaders already in Oslo in connection with other matters, says Nilssen.
Stopped helicopter traffic
Airport Manager Aslak Sverdrup say they have turned full alarm at Bergen Airport Flesland.
– All helicopter traffic is stopped. The other traffic running normally, says Aslak Sverdrup, Avinor boss at the airport.
He says Avinor still have a crisis team. They also have a rescue at the crash site involved.
CHC Helikopter Service continually monitors the helicopter traffic to the North Sea should resume with types other than accident helicopter, which has received no-fly by the CAA. Also British aviation authorities have given no-fly to the relevant type of helicopter.
The company had two of their crews on the accident flight.
– We have informed the families of our two employees and do what we can to support those and our other employees, said spokesman Claus Sonberg .
the company has set crisis management at Sola and has ongoing contact with the Rescue Coordination Centre and Statoil.
It’s Statoil is responsible for management and preparedness in connection with helicopter transport in the North Sea. Central located at Sandsli in Bergen.
– We mustering our prepare closet organization now to take care of the incident with the helicopter. More I can not comment now, says spokeswoman Elin Isaksen Statoil.
The police have created a manned relatives to call after the accident. The number is 815 02 800. We have established an own kin center of Bergen. The oil company also has its own kin number: 800 500 20.
Friday night was still two of the 13 on board missing. Police reported that the two missing were presumed dead.
It was just after 12 o’clock Friday morning that the helicopter crashed into the sea just a few meters from shore in Mountain outside Bergen. The helicopter was on its way from the Gullfaks B platform in the North Sea which is run by the group.
The so-called black boxes from helicopter one which crashed at Turøy is found, informs The Accident.
AIBN states on its website that both the so-called Flight Data Recorder and the cockpit voice recorder from the cockpit is located.
– AIBN would bring recorders to England for reading as soon as possible, inform the Commission.
See also: Industry Energy require helicopters to be retired
According to TV2 should Witnesses have observed that the rotor blade of the helicopter came loose while it was still in the air. Then crashed helicopter in a rock faces, before it ended up in the water. Witnesses also report a huge explosion when the helicopter hit the ground. The last 10 seconds before the helicopter hit the ground it should have fallen over 640 meters, according to NTB.
wreckage is found both on land and in water. Parts of the fuselage is observed in 5 to 7 meters, about 20 meters from shore. Portions of helicopter a was raised by a crane vessel Friday night. Preparations to raise helicopter hull went on for several hours and around the clock 20 began work. According to VG was the tail of the totalvrakede helicopter one who was raised from 6-7 meters depth.
The 13 onboard, 11 Norwegians, one Briton and an Italian, was employed by seven different companies.
All the eleven workers who flew a completely routine repatriation from Gullfaks B platform on the way to the mainland and Flesland, worked for Statoil, but only one of them was employed by the Norwegian oil giant. The illuminated Statoil Friday night, writes NTB. The other was an employee of Halliburton, Aker Solutions, Schlumberger, WellTec and Karsten Moholt.
The two pilots were both employed by CHC Helicopter Service.
Read also: 11 deaths found by helikopterstyrten
The worst since 1978
We must go back to 1978 to find a similar serious helicopter crash in Norway. And they threw a S-61N from Helikopter Service en route from Flesland to Statfjord A with 18 people on board. All perished. 13 were Norwegians.
In 1997, crashed a Super Puma from Helikopter Service with 12 men on board en route from Bronnoysund to Norne. All were later found dead.
Read also: Eleven Norwegians, an Italian and a Briton in helicopter
More accidents
The helicopter crashed Friday Airbus Helicopters H225 Super Puma, a helicopter type was known as Eurocopter EC225 until last year when the helicopter manufacturer changed its name. Helicopter type was introduced in 2004 and has been involved in several accidents, type NTB.
In the period 2009-2013 was the involved in five accidents in the British sector. The most serious occurred in 2009 when all 16 aboard were killed in a helicopter crash off Peterhead in Scotland. In 2012, all 10 helicopters of this type in Norway grounded because the helicopters had been involved in two emergency landings with short time intervals, type NTB.
Shortly after the crash chose Aviation Authority to put all Super Puma helicopters on the ground.
The ban includes Norwegian registered helicopters for operations within Norwegian territory, said the CAA. Grounding states of a security directive that the Authority implemented as a direct consequence of the accident outside Bergen Reporter said.
Not Alone
JRCC Southern Norway says that the rotor and helicopter body is found 200-300 meters.
Press Officer Anders Bang-Andersen at JRCC said that the two main parts of the helicopter were found far apart.
Helicopter body is found in the water of 6-7 meters. The rotor is found on land.
Read also: Statoil: – Deeply tragic and incomprehensible
Erna Solberg says her thoughts go to all those who lost family or colleagues in the helicopter accident.
– Our thoughts are with all those who have received the heavy message that they have lost a loved one. They should know that they are not alone in her grief, said Solberg at a news conference Friday afternoon.
– This is a sad day for all who work in the Norwegian oil and gas industry, and for the Norwegian society, she said.
She said she has spoken with Statoil management and expressed their sympathy. She also emphasizes that the emergency services and a variety of resources were quickly on the spot.
Tragic accident
– I would like to thank everyone who contributed. This looks like a tragic accident, and one of the biggest disasters in years. It is long since a serious accident has hit Norwegian oil and gas industry, she said.
– The life and safety has been the highest priority in the Norwegian oil and gas, it should still be. We have one of the very safest in production methods in the world, says Solberg, but adds that one can never be 100 percent sure in any means of transport.
Pending Commission
Now the government will wait for AIBN finds. So far, not Solberg reason to take new initiatives.
– It is important that you go through helicopters and ensures that there is a system fault that runs through several helicopters. Will it be revealed that the cause could have been prevented with other controls and checks, so it will affect the regulations, says Solberg. Erna Solberg will now travel to Bergen and will then consider whether she should visit the accident site.
King and Queen canceled Sweden tour
Increased received royal couple and Crown Prince and Princess to cancel his trip to Stockholm, where they would join King Carl Gustafs 70th birthday.
– I have with great sadness received the news of the helicopter accident at Turøy writes King Harald in a condolence to Statoil.
– On behalf of myself and the royal family, I express our condolences and deepest sympathy to the bereaved and all who are affected, it says. (NTB)
According to eyewitnesses had rotor fell off when the helicopter hit the ground at Turøy outside Bergen.
– I heard a special sound and looked out the window. Then I saw a helicopter without rotor fall straight down, says Vegard Jostein Turøy, whose cottage near the accident site.
SEARCHING: All emergency services on site after the accident on Turøy in Oslo Friday. PHOTO: Kyrre Styve / Vestnytt
It was turned full emergency alarm when a helicopter with 13 people on board has crashed at Turøy in Hordaland. All 13 people are confirmed dead.
The accident occurred on an islet at Turøy near Bergen in Hordaland Friday morning. The helicopter was on its way from the Gullfaks field in the North Sea to Flesland.
– When the helicopter hit the ground, there arose a massive explosion. I called 113 right away, he said.
SO controlled: Vegard Jostein Turøy looked out the window and saw the helicopter go down.
Photo: Vegard Jostein Turøy
He says that the rotor hit the ground after the helicopter body.
Odd Roseth also witnessed the dramatic incident when he stood on the roof of his to lay tile.
– I saw part of the helicopter light up and the rotor flew through the air like a frisbee. The helicopter fell down with a giant bang and then came the smoke. I could not believe my eyes, it was totally unreal, he told VG.
Follow live broadcast from the crash here.
Thought there was an explosion
Susanne Moe (22) were having breakfast when the house began to shake after a loud bang. She says that the daily tend to fly more helicopters over residential area on Vindenes, right away Turøy, helicopters carrying oil workers to and from work.
– I first thought it was an explosion, and then I looked out the window saw lots of smoke over Turøy, she said.
it quickly became known in the media that it was a helicopter that had crashed, and 22-year-old spent time control in their loved ones. She says that there are many in the area who work in the oil industry.
– Anyone here know many who work in the oil, or they work there themselves. In these times are oil workers also moved hither and thither, so they often do not know how they work. It is disgusting to think about, we do not yet know who the victims are, she said.
WORKSITE: It was here, on Turøy in Oslo, that the accident happened just after noon. 12 Friday. Photo: Kyrre Styve / Vestnytt
Jumping For Life
Anton Magne Turøy was also an eyewitness to the crash. He was on the bridge out to Turøy when the helicopter arrived.
– Suddenly said the bang. We had to run for their lives to avoid being hit by parts of the helicopter that came flying, says Turøy VG.
He says he saw the helicopter go down on a small islet just east of the Turøy, before sharing of it went into the sea.
– it was completely unreal. I do not know what happened to people, and now they have blocked off here, so I do not see it now, says Turøy.
The whole house shook
WITNESS: Merethe Kjelby.
Photo: Private
Merethe Kjelby live just a few hundred meters from the accident site. Shortly before 12 o’clock, she heard some loud sounds over his house.
– It was almost like scratching noises and the house shook violently. I was of course scared and ran out to see what happened. It was when I saw the black smoke, she says to VG.
Kjelby thrown into his car and got down to Turøybroen.
– When I arrived, there was no emergency in place yet. It was all very dramatic and it was huge with black smoke. I thought quickly that this was a disaster that nobody could survive.
Absolutely terrible
Sissel Marianne Kleivdal Haga (55) stood on the terrace home on Toft Osen on Toftøy when she suddenly heard a violent slam Friday.
She has an unobstructed view outward toward Turøy.
– I stood out and stained. Then I heard a strange sound from the air briefly before the explosion powerful. Then came the black smoke from the area where the helicopter crashed.
– I have enough yet acted me the seriousness and the consequences thereof. But I notice that something is pushing on, this is the absolutely awful. There will surely come a reaction later in me, says Sissel Marianne Kleivdal Haga VG.
Understood that something was wrong
Annika Bersaas (28) staying in Turøy, and is currently maternity leave. She tells VG that she was at home when she heard the accident.
EXPLORATION ACTION: Checking for missing after the accident. Photo: Kyrre Styve / Vestnytt
– I heard the helicopter coming, it’s something we hear every day. But when I heard a loud bang, I realized that something was not as it should.
She speaks with VG as she stood looking at the scene from a distance.
– The flies many rescue helicopters over the area, there are rescue at sea and many fire engines on land. The accident occurred on a small island, so it’s not so easy to get to by fire engines there, she said.
– It comes helicopters over our island in the North Sea every day, so we are used to hear helicopters. We hear immediately when something is wrong, she says.
Reactions on Twitter
Several famous people, including Prime Minister Erna Solberg, expressing sympathy with those affected by the accident.
The head of the Christian Democratic Party Youth party, Emli André Erstad, is characterized by what has happened.
TURØY (AP) A helicopter with 13 aboard crashed at Turøy in Hordaland. 11 people are found dead, while the search is in progress for the last two.
“11 people found, no alive. Your progress for the last two, “tweet Joint Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) just before 15 o’clock.
Of the 13 on board found the eleven Norwegians, one Briton and one Italian.
– everyone who was on board presumed dead, said operations manager Terje Magnussen at the Western police District told VG just after 16:30.
– Do you know anything about the cause of helikopterstyrten?
– No, it’s hard to say and it will be a comprehensive investigation that will take hold of this, says Magnussen VG.
VG journalist at the site reported at 15.15 time duration that it was borne fatalities aboard naval vessel. 17.00 he explains that the wreckage is found at a distance from the helicopter.
– We’re still looking for the last two were on board the helicopter. We have divers in the water now, and we’ve got hold of people who are working to bring themselves into the wreckage, said rescue leader Børge Galta in JRCC VG clock 16.15.
It’s all about a helicopter en route to the country from the Gullfaks field in the North Sea, according to HRS. Statoil has mobilized its entire emergency response organization and put all helicopters of the same type temporarily on the ground.
– This is terribly tragic, and we are strongly affected. I can not give any information, it is the group that needs doing, says the primary contact for the shop stewards at Gullfaks B, Knut-Arne Antonsen.
In a press release says CEO Dag Falk-Petersen Avinor that mind goes to the bereaved.
– This is a difficult day for Norwegian aviation. Avinor is strongly affected by the serious helicopter accident at Turøy in Hordaland. Our thoughts are with the bereaved, colleagues and all concerned, says Falk-Petersen.
section : What we know about the helicopter accident
FOUND: The rotor which detached from the aircraft, is found several hundred meters from the accident site.
Photo: Tor Erik Mathiesen
CHC Helikopter Service confirms in a statement the accident with one of their helicopters Airbus EC 255, where 13 people were on board. It also states that the helicopter was operated by Statoil.
The CAA has by accident prohibited to fly the helicopter type EC225L, ie the type that went down outside Bergen today.
Witnesses say to VG reporter on site that they saw the helicopter begin to wobble while it made strange noises. They tell that the rotor gradually loosened from the helicopter, falling in a steep arc towards the ground.
Police: – Very demanding
scene commander at the site confirms ahead an overall push 16:30 that found 11 fatalities, and that the search continues unabated until police control.
– There are large forces in connection with the kind of accident, and therefore our work very demanding. What we focus on now is to do a good search on land and at sea. The wreck is located, but we have not found any survivors, he said.
Efforts manager did not want to tell about some of the victims have been found inside the helicopter. He does not wish to comment on whether it was sent some distress signal from the helicopter.
According helicopter expert Per Gram is very difficult to get sent a distress signal if the rotor loosening, because the pilot is completely bypassed and because things happen very fast .
Some found on land
the clock 15.20 tells John Sjursø by the Joint Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) VG that the search for the last two who were on board the helicopter, is in full swing.
– We have hopes of finding these two.
– can you say something about how the 11 that were found were found?
– I know that there have been found some land, but I’m not sure some also were found in the sea, says Sjursø, adding that it is an ongoing preparatory work to raise the fuselage of the helicopter, which is 6-7 meters deep in the sea.
Redningsskøyta Hordaland, operated by crews from Hordaland Red cross also searched in the past few hours.
– We found some debris, said deputy John Terje Furholm VG.
He confirmed that the main rotor has come off the helicopter.
– the main rotor sits on a rock outcrop about 100 meters from where the the helicopter is under water, he said.
case continues below the timeline.
– the rotor fell off
Gullfaks B is a living quarters, drilling and water injection platform in 145 meters of water. It was put into production in 1988.
Witnesses say to VG that the helicopter’s rotor should have fallen off before it hit the ground. The accident happened just before 12 o’clock.
– The rotor is located on the land, while the hull of 6-7 meters deep in the sea. Everything indicates that this has been a violent affair, said spokesman John Sjursø by HRS VG at 14.30.
– The helicopter company from CHC Helikopter Service, and is of a EC225 . It accommodates 19 passengers and two crew members on board, said information officer Hege Alstad in CAA, which right now has set up a crisis team.
Prime Minister Erna Solberg is now following the situation closely, getting VG lit from SMK.
Eyewitnesses : – We had to run for their lives
It transported 600,000 passengers to and from Norwegian oil platforms in a year, says helicopter expert Per Gram to VGTV.
Famous again skobag
Laila Merete Stenestø Vindenes (51) was until recently the base commander of a helicopter company at the airport.
she cottage winds Pollen near the place where the helicopter crashed Friday.
just before 12 o’clock, she heard a strange sound and a tremendous bang. She felt again that strange sound, and quickly realized that it had to come from a helicopter.
– I went in my boat and got out to help when help is needed. I am accustomed to hearing helikopterlyd, and the approach towards Flesland directly across the cottage my roof. I saw that it burned on an islet. Then I caught sight of small wreckage. Life jackets floated on the water surface, said Vindenes VG.
So she made a discovery that she would have liked to be without.
– I recognized the special color of the shoe bags that floated up to the surface. It’s the same skobagene as crew in CHC Helikopter Service always uses on their travels. Then I realized what this was, says Laila Merete Steinestø Vindenes – without her will deepen their relationship with the accident-stricken helicopter company.
Vindenes noted that there was a huge array of rescuers – both professional and volunteers at Dirt Holmene just after helikopterstyrten.
– I am tremendously impressed everyone who came to the crash site to offer his assistance. Here was breeding vessels, private boats and rescuers from all sides. It was just such a shame that there was nothing we could do, says of wines which even threw themselves in their boat when suspected what had happened.
She believes the pilots was no chance to avert disaster if it is correct that a rotor separating from the helicopter.
– If the rotor is, there are enormous forces that set in motion without control, describes Vindenes.
Partly under water
– We Avinor has turned full readiness and at the airport there sat a crisis team, said airport director Aslak Sverdrup VG.
JRCC informs to VG the helicopter appears to be totally destroyed and disintegrated.
– is situated partly on land and partly in the sea. Now it is done a thorough job on the spot. There are people we are looking for, says Sjursø by HRS, which says that there were 11 passengers and two pilots on board.
According to HRS is part of the hull observed under water, approximately 20 meters from shore.
Divers, boats, rescue boats and helicopters are participating in the search.
– We have received in many, many reports of a helicopter crash just west of Turøy. Many reported that they heard an explosion and smoke. We have confirmed that a helicopter crashed and that it’s seen people in the sea, says Sjursø, adding that they have declared full disaster alarm.
Turøy located in the municipality of Fjell, but Skit Holmen , islet where the helicopter went down, located near Bergen.
Three people from Accident Investigation Board is expected to land in Bergen already this afternoon. Two additional accident investigators runs over rocks from Oslo and arriving in the morning.
The same helicopter type : Involved in several serious accidents
the case continues below.
defense requested assistance
– JRCC Southern leader action and has requested the defense assistance, says Ivar Moen, lieutenant colonel and spokesman at the Joint headquarters, VG, before adding:
– There is considerable civilian capacity in the area before, but HRS has requested the defense of vessels and diving capacity. That we are responsible for is a frigate, the KNM “Otto Sverdrup” Two CB90-class fast assault craft with two divers each and Coast Guard vessel “Tor”. They are all in the area and heading towards the place now.
There is established a no-fly zone over the accident site, which also applies to drones.
smoke from the crash site
VG employee Harald Vikøyr is at a police roadblock at the exit towards Turøy, where police have set up a hold.
– there will still smoke from the crash site and there are many emergency vehicles from police, fire and health care on the spot, says Vikøyr.
case continues below the graphic.
Sending two priests to Gullfaks B
– We have a special contingency agreement with Statoil, which means that they contact us at the major and minor events as needed. We commonly seven priests have their daily work on the Norwegian continental shelf, says Asbjørn Vilkensen, Head of Foreign Affairs of the Norwegian Seamen’s Church.
Seamen’s Church was contacted by Statoil at 13 o’clock, and four priests were quickly involved. An hour later two priests in place upon receipt hotel at Flesland. The clock 16 Friday, two other priests fly out to Gullfaks B.
– This is first and foremost about being a human being. Priests working in the North Sea, and they know the environment and the people who are now affected by what has happened. The accident has affected the environment hard, says Vilkensen.
He emphasizes that the Seamen’s Church will assist Statoil as long as it needs it, and be present for employees, dependents and survivors. But also for colleagues from other parts of the offshore industry.
– I would think that most people who work in the Norwegian oil and gas industry feels strongly affected by this, says Vilkensen.
Witness: – A violent explosion
there are daily large helicopter traffic over Turøy and the surrounding area as this is a common route for many of helicopters carrying workers to the North Sea.
A witness to the accident tells VG about a violent explosion about 1,000 meters from her house.
– we stepped out of the car, then came my husband running. “Move you, move you,” he cried and said rotor blades could come against us. Then we heard a violent explosion, said Rebecca Andersen told VG.
– Before the accident, we saw that the helicopter vacillated and that the rotor blades came rushing into the air.
Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen is notified of the accident, getting VG illuminated.
Neighbour – Toasted whole house
Susanne Moe lives on Vindenes, a short drive from where the helicopter crashed.
– I heard that it was a helicopter on its way, so it was suddenly silent . And then a bang. It shook my whole house, she tells VG.
From his residence, she can see the smoke from the crash site.
– Now I hear a plane that has circled over the area for some time and lots of sirens, she said.
PS! We have established an dependents center Scandic Kokstad. Relatives asked to contact them by phone 800 500 20.
DRAMATIC: Black smoke is visible from the wreckage after helikopterstyrten by Turøy.
Photo: Vegard Jostein Turøy VG-Tip
SMOKE: Smoke seeps up from the crash site where a helicopter crashed at Turøy in Oslo Friday afternoon.