Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Here evacuates those from man – NRK

After NVE raised danger level by the avalanche mountain party man to red Tuesday, people residing in the area were evacuated from the site.

– We are no happy, says Gunn Walstad Sogge said. She lives next to the man and have evacuated this afternoon.

A total of 11 people, six residents and 5 seasonal workers, and some animals have been transported away. Mayor of Rauma municipality, Lars Olav Hustad, said that both he and the residents hope that the mountains final races.

– Yes, it’s clear that we do it now. To live so long with such an imminent threat, literally, take off. Especially for those who live there every day, he says to NRK.

Includes possessions

More cars are seen running away from the avalanche mountain party.

Photo: Gunhild Sætre / NRK

NRK reporter on site observed several cars drove away from the farm on Horgheim located just below where a suspected ras will strike. Among other things, several cars have been seen running back and forth from the farm with the most assets.

– Those who live here have begun to evacuate themselves and bring with them what they need now. There are also some animals on the farm which must be carried to safety. It works with civil defense, said Hustad.

Residents under the mountain has evacuated several times before.

– Some of the residents have access to shelter just across the road, a caravan, while the last family uses to take with relatives, said the mayor.

Heavy rains

Civil Defence is in place by man.

Photo: Remi Sagen / NRK

the reporter on the spot said that she has never seen more waterfalls spill down the mountainside in the area and that it still rains a lot. The movements in the mountains is around 10 cm a day. It’s been about 21 mm of rainfall in the past six hours, which helps to speed up the mountainous area.

Civil Defence is also in place and helps to work throughout the night.

– today our task is primarily to evacuate some sheep and horses. So we have been tasked by the police that we will make sure there are no people walking across the bridge here, said FIG leader of the Civil Defence, Elin Malones.

Raumabanen is closed to train traffic on the stretch between Dombås Åndalsnes, reports Rail Administration. E136 is currently open to normal traffic.

Should capture sounds from the mountain

During the evening, the Civil defense create listening post at Horgheim and stay there throughout the night. There they report they hear sounds from the mountain.

Elin Malones is FIG leader in Rauma. Three of civil defense will be left in a listening post at Horgheim.

Photo: Lena Høyberget / NRK

– There will be three people on duty from us here tonight and tonight, says Malone.

police also reduced speed limit area. Police efforts leader Mariana Bale asking people pay attention when they drive past.

– When it gets dark, it is not so well lighted here. We have lowered the speed limit to 50 km, but here is an overview, If there is a lot of traffic and people can create a dangerous condition, said police efforts leader Mariana Bale.

NRK: Directly from” the man “in Romsdal


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