Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tower crane secured – residents can move back – Adresseavisen

The case is updated.

Operations Rune Brandmo by police in Trondelag confirmed to Adresseavisen that the crane was unstable at Lade, now assured. Hedging is done by the crane is jacked level. Geoteknikere has placed a measuring instrument that provides a clear warning about the situation should change.

– There is now no danger. Now it is as stable as any other crane, said Brandmo.

– Is this stabilization a permanent solution?

– Yes, it may be so. If it had been necessary, they would cock been dismantled. It is not necessary and residents can safely move back, he informs.

Regional Manager of Veidekke, Pål Magnus spike, according to Adresseavisen that the tap is jacked level.

-Geoteknikerne made measurements for over two hours and are now confident that the crane is assured , he informs.

Veidekke is not quite sure the cause of the crane started to move, but they are almost certain that an ongoing lime stabilization is the cause.

Stabilization with lime is common in areas of clay, so there is a lot of Trondheim. It should be set up blocks in the area, and it was therefore in the process of stabilizing the ground using lime.

– This lime stabilization has probably spread until the area where the crane was standing, and it has probably happened a fractures in soil – which has led to this movement.

– What is broken why?

– That part of the reason the lift crane is affected by lime stabilization, and part of the reason is not. We have therefore been given a deposition, says regional manager.

Aglen states that the thirty-meter-long boom on the crane is taken down Wednesday. Why should then be checked further.

Trondheim assists and send out sms alert to those concerned about the issue now is paramount.

Tower crane at Lade in Trondheim Bekken who began to move the crane is 32 meters high and the boom is 30 meters long.

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Earlier today illuminated region manager Paul Magnus spike in Veidekke property that they were trying to jack crane. Kranor, which owns the crane, and geotechnologist Veidekke had decided that jacking is best option.

Police: – May soon walk the streets

– It is important that residents realize that this takes a while. There is no point in going into the streets, said operations manager Rune Brandmo Trøndelag police district at 16 o’clock. Residents can now at 19 o’clock walk around the area in line with the barriers lifted.

Enteprenør reporting

This said police then they received notice of the crane Tuesday morning:

– We got a concern from the contractor at 12. the crane is getting skewed, and if tipping is a risk that it could fall over some apartment buildings, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo Trøndelag police District.

It is both apartment buildings and office buildings which are in danger of being hit by the crane. These are evacuated. Police and fire departments are on site along with the contractor to ensure the crane.

Prohibits way and evacuates

Jarle road was blocked between Ladeveien and Hakon Magnusson street, at the entrance to City Lade. Police redirecting traffic on site, and all residents between charging Pelvic and Haakon Magnussen street were asked to leave their homes.

scene commander Roger Mogstad on site stated that some of the residents in the area had to get assistance from health to be evacuated . Some were picked up on a stretcher.

police to manage onsite Roger Mogstad. Photo: Kristin Slotterøy

Retrieved dog

Daniel Steinbakk is a director of Charging port condominium, where an apartment building has been evacuated. He said that there are 109 apartments in the block, but do not know how many people were at home.

– How did evacuation?

– It went pretty okay. We just got home, and ran up to grab the dog, says Steinbakk.

Although he is not particularly worried that the crane tipping over.

– I can see from a distance that it is slightly skjeiv, but is not afraid. I’m excited when they start working, it might just be a little critical. I understand why the police have evacuated us, says Steinbakk.

Torleif Vålandsmyr and Sigrid Aasvik Soleng are some of the evacuees who have gathered under the roof at Bunnpris on Charge . – We moved in yesterday. We have now been here for an hour, and have not heard anything about when we get to go back in, says Soleng. Photo: Line Pevik

– Was asked to leave the building

One of the evacuees said to Adresseavisen police came and asked they leave the office building they put in because a crane could fall over.

– Now we’re outside. The entire building has been evacuated. At my workplace we are 45 people, said the woman.

The evacuation was calm and the atmosphere outside the building is good, according to the evacuees woman.

– There are three buildings evacuated two apartment buildings and one office building. The evacuation went smoothly, even though some are older people who are bad to the bone, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo.

Unni Schultz have been evacuated from their homes, and have settled on a bench outside Bunnpris while she waiting to get into their homes again. Photo: Kristin Slotterøy

Here buses run

AtB has published a free operating after Jarle road was closed.

“This causes the route 4 must run divergent route, and do not get serviced stops Stiklestad Road, City Lade from town Ladeveien and Harald Fairhair street. Buses run Innherredsveien – Mellomveien – Thomas Von Westens gt. – Innherredsveien – Bromstad road – Hakon VI street – Charging allè – Olav Engelbrektsoms allè t / r. “, the statement said.

Driver Ahmed J. Falah says that evacuees can sit in the bus parked at the City Charge to the can go back again. Photo: Kristin Slotterøy


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