Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Former mayor reviewed by incitement to violence – Dagsavisen


One of the three men who were acquitted received violence and death threats in the wake of the judgment. The names were announced by the woman who reviewed the rape, but she will not be reviewed, says the man’s defender Arne Seland to Manager.


– It is by definition not illegal to publish the names, as she has done. But all that comes with threats of violence and death threats, we’re going to review, says Seland.


Also read: Right Top encouraged violence against acquitted in rape case


Trondheim former mayor, Conservative politician Anne Kathrine Slungård, is one of those being reviewed after she on Facebook wrote the following message: “I get physically sick of this, simply spyklein and frustrating pissed. I sincerely hope that someone takes these three bastards, round courts and keel tails, happy every time they show themselves in public. ” She has since apologized pass and explained that she pretended frustration run over the keyboard, in a situation where she was cursed.


For the newspaper says Slungård she takes note of, and that she has no comment beyond that.


The three men were acquitted by a minority of judges in the Court of Appeal. The three must still pay the woman’s civil reparation claims of 300,000 kroner. (NTB)


Comment: Right on WS (Hege Ulstein)



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