Saturday, August 13, 2016

Wounded bear in Meråker – police warn against traveling in the area – Adresseavisen

The case is updated.

Police reported that after the search has ended for the evening, but that it will resume Saturday.

– The police was notified that a bear was shot Friday night at 18.10, said operations manager Kjetil Moland, at Trøndelag police.

– the area where the bear was shot is a deserted area. We have alerted people in Stordalen about the event.

Moland urge people to refrain from posting in the woods in the area on Saturday.

It was a municipal hunting party Stordalen in Meråker shot the bear, after permission from the County, police officials on Twitter.

READ MORE: Bjorn Fear among sheep and farmers in Meråker

READ MORE: six new cadaver found after bear attack


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