Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sweden’s Minister had 0.2 parts per thousand – goes off – Aftenposten

On Thursday, Aida Hadzialic (29) in Copenhagen on a concert. In Denmark drakk Socialist party politician two glass of wine before she did it she describes as sitt life’s biggest mistake.

She drove the car tilbake to Malmö.

At 23:51 diaper she punched in a promillekontroll by the Oresund Bridge. She won the blowing, cutting two multiplies, opplyser Malmo police to Expressen.

Expressen writes that Hadzialic had 0.2 per thousand in the blood. Promillegrensen in Sweden – as in Norway – on nettopp 0.2.

believed alcohol was ute

– Alcohol and bilkjøring not belong together, said Aida Hadzialic in a press conference on Saturday. It was banquets a conversation with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven Friday evening that she decided seg for å trek seg.

Expressen writes that she diaper spurt why she put seg in the car and drove when she knew that she had been drinking. Hadzialic answered that she believed that she had drunk so early that she had forbrent alcohol.

– But it turned seg that candy was not. It was a serious mistake av meg, and therefore selects å I do what I do today, she said.

The Swedish writer and debate aunt Ursula Berge wrote on Twitter that Mann had come unna 0.2 in per thousand, but not one woman were, which also calling a lawyer. “Kvinna och lawyer! Då go inte 0.2 per thousand. Tyvärr! Double Standards! “She writes.

– Well, we have no stories with mann straight state has who has been driving with blood alcohol and blitt tatt for it, but I think that we forgive hu dumheter easier enn we does with kvinner, says Berge and legger to:

– woman were pluss per thousand pluss that she is a lawyer is a bad kombinasjon. 0.2 per thousand is not that bark a lot, but it’s a brudd and reach tar she consequence av it.

A political talent

Hadzialic came to Sweden from Bosnia in 1992 along with his family. The flyktet from the war. The family moved to Halmstad and Hadzialic made a bemerkelsesverdig career. In 2014 she diaper Sweden’s youngest State Council gjennom Tidene, 27 years and 255 days old.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is lei seg over it which has hendt. In a press release he writes:

– I share her views on alvoret in conditions faced. But it is verken first or the last time a bra man makes a poor assessment. sure to note that promillekjøring (or rattfylleri as heter in Sweden) innebærer to bilføreren has minst 0.2 per mille of alcohol in the blood or 0.1 milligrams per. liter in the air it blows ut.

Works rushed

Expressen has intervjuet Swedish statsviteren Jonas Hinnfors who is surprised by the kjappe avgangen.

– The works premature. It is an interrogation character at all. One wonders whether it is noe not she says, it’s a overreaksjon or Löfven want å prey along ut, he says.

Subtle svekkelser

How myeloma Weakening one av 0 , 2 per thousand? It varies naturally from person to person, but nettstedet defines the sweets: “0.1 to 0.29 per thousand: Most will appear as normal. Subtle svekkelser that can be registered with spesielle tester ‘.

What the would hendt this had skjedd in Norwegian politics, few people want å speculate. Samferdselsminister Ketil Solvik-Olsen writes on SMS to’ I’m avholdsmann so I have no problem with blood alcohol ». State Secretary Sigbjørn Aanes, also referred to as Erna Solberg’s personal ‘spin doctor’, begrenser seg for å si:

– It’s kjent the car and alcohol do not mix.


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