Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Will go to election on higher taxes – Dagsavisen

From the pulpit on Utøya takes AUF leader Mani Hussaini today asserted that Labour should go to the choice of raising taxes in 2017.

– We will have a tough distribution policy aims to reduce differences and gives equal opportunities. 70 percent of the population is willing to pay more for the community if it gives the community something back. Labor must go to the choice of raising taxes so that those with the strongest shoulders contributes most, said Hussaini.

Wealth, inheritance and housing

If Labor comes to power in 2017, should the party raise capital tax, impose inheritance tax and a property tax for those who own two or more homes, said Hussaini.

– This is the taxes that help reduce inequalities, said Hussaini.

He elaborates:

– There is, for example. time for a tough taxation on those who speculate in housing. Today there are people who own apartment buildings in the city center, which rents out apartments to blood price, and blocking common people from entering the housing market. I think we need to have a tough taxation on housing two, three, four, so that it either becomes profitable to invest in businesses and jobs than houses.

The much disputed inheritance tax was removed by the government in 2014. Hussaini did not want to reintroduce the same fee but thinks it’s wrong not to tax the inheritance.

– Money is passed, and then continuing differences. Should we equalize this, we have to levy taxes. I think we need to introduce a form of tax on inheritance while being fair to avoid having to sell their home to operate taxation, he explained.

Ready to be unpopular

the last six months have been marked by oil crisis and unemployment crisis. The mantra from the right side has been that there would be even fewer jobs and more unemployment if Labor had ruled, for a stronger capital tax would have taken their toll on businesses and entrepreneurs. This dismisses Hussaini off.

– Last Labor ruled, we increased the wealth tax but reduced the tax burden on income. We created over 360,000 jobs. Prime Minister Erna Solberg has tried many times to say that wealth tax leads to defunct businesses, but she can not find examples of it. Siv Jensen’s own people in the finance ministry says no, cutting the wealth tax does not create jobs. They could continue to believe that it does, but it is thus imagination, says Hussaini.

– But it’s not very popular to go to the choice of increasing taxes?

– We do not go to the choice of raising taxes for fun, it is about reducing inequalities and providing equal opportunities. There are people willing to pay for. Many strategists argue that to go to election on higher taxes, that means you lose, but last year’s municipal elections showed the opposite. In Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø won Ap although we stood for election on property taxes, he said.

Hussaini thinks it’s a year-long tradition and AUF task to make unpopular demands from Utøya rostrum.

– Our job is not to fight for what feels good, but what is correct. Requirements for gay marriage and one percent of the state budget to aid, was controversial when it was proposed, but today it is Norwegian policy. My job as AUF leader is to continue this tradition and be the party’s salt, he said.

Game about Lofoten

Topics at this year AUF camp is “We build the country for the future.” A main issue for the future, in particular when working with Aps new party program, the oilfield. AUF has a crystal clear and unwavering purpose: Labor shall neither go in for an impact assessment or drilling in waters off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

– Hadia Tajik said in 2013 that Labor did not listen enough to the AUF in climate issues. Støre has said that climate should be the framework around all politics, and when Trond Giske was AUF leader told him off the party leadership for the oil and gas policy. Now there are three that have the responsibility. All Norwegian party has been in power and all have failed to open these vulnerable fields. It would have been detrimental to our climate credibility if we stood for election to the contrary.

– But an opening of these fields could always given more money and jobs to the community?

– We are not confident that oil is so profitable in the future, it may be money spent on oljeleiting becomes a waste. It costs to say no to oil, and we are willing to pay the price. Northern Norway has great potential for renewable energy, tourism and aquaculture. This we do not get used if we use all the money on looking for oil, said Hussaini.

Do not divulge Krf syn

AUF camp will not be free for discussions on Aps directional selection. About Ap takes a step to the right and form a government with the Party and the Christian Democratic Party, is perhaps the hottest topic. Hussaini itself will not reveal what he thinks about such a constellation.

– I will not conclude. There is great debate in AUF on Utøya onwards. It was on Utøya that anniken huitfeldt the late 90s initiated the coalition cooperation. We AUF believe that it was the government that made most of the issues and values ​​that are important to us.

– And just in value questions Labor and KrF separates most teams.

– that’s right, while we also share many values ​​with KrF. I have my personal opinion, but I will not share with you. This deserves a real debate in the party. But I can say that I am a fan of what happened 15 years ago, said Hussaini.


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