Monday, August 1, 2016

Sigrid gunman came with confession after several conversations with the hospital –

(Dagbladet): Yesterday, the Dagbladet tell that 41-year-old sentenced to compulsory psychiatric care for killing 16 year old Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne on Østensjø in Oslo in 2012 now has given an explanation which he confesses murder.

parents counsel Harald Stabell call it a false confession, and said 41-year-old has given it to get better psychiatric treatment, NRK reported.

“I’m told that I’m not going me on the system if I do not remember what happened to Sigrid. This, for their information, push out a FALSE confession “stated in a letter allegedly sent by the convicted 41-year-old police in Oslo on June 8, according to Table.

– False confession

Stabell told Dagbladet that the letter was sent to the police in advance of the hearing where the man should have confessed the murder, but that it arrived before it was completed. He says he and his parents received the letter earlier this summer.

The parents think it is explained is not a confession, partly on the basis of the letter, explaining chart Dagbladet.

– As defense I wish I could draw the same conclusion and that my client is not guilty, but I leave the judgment of the police investigation, writes the convicted 41-year-old defender John Christian Elden told Dagbladet.

Elden told NRK that he was not familiar with the letter the man allegedly sent to police in Oslo in June

– confessed in the hospital

to Dagbladet wrote in yesterday, the exhaust 41-year-old a new statement to the police in late June this year.

pOLICE mUST ETTERFOSKE: 41-year-old defender John Christian Elden says it is the police who must investigate whether confession is correct. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet more

It was only after he should have come with a confession at St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim, department Brøset, where he is coercively. Brøset is a psychiatric hospital and a center for prison security and forensic psychiatry.

– It’s the hospital that alerted me that the repeated calls he made a confession. He held it and explained that he wanted to explain to the police. He wanted to confess and have made it both written and spoken and acknowledged manslaughter. He has waived want to get the case reopened, explains Elden in a text message to Dagbladet.

Unanswered questions

The police also questions about explanation.

– What we think about the statement and the value of it, we get to come back to. A convicted person has made statements to the police about his explanation that makes us ask some questions around the actual explanation. We will do more studies and reviews before we say anything more, says Metlid NRK.

Defender John Christian Elden is clear that the police must take this assessment.

Sigrid case:
  • Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne (16) disappeared on Østensjø in Oslo night to Sunday 5 august 2012.
  • 3. September the same year, she was found dead in a grove at an industrial area in Sofiemyr in Oppegård. The same day, the now 41 years old man and a 65 year old man was arrested and charged with murder. 65-year-old was later released.
  • In Oslo City Court was convicted of murder, but the court found that he was psychotic and therefore criminally insane at the time of the offense.
  • Both the families and the 41 year-old man appealed the ruling, but the Borgarting court of appeal country at the same conclusion as the District court.

– the police must now investigate whether the confession is correct, or whether it still goes one killer loose and confession is false. For him it was important that both the deceased and his family were told that he undertook full responsibility for the murder, writes Elden.

– Ille parents

Lawyer Harald Stabell said the arisen situation is bad for the parents, and that they are unhappy with it has come out that it is a confession.

– it’s really hard for them every time the matter will be discussed in the media, says Stabell, to Dagbladet.

Elden described the new explanation so yesterday to Dagbladet:

– I can confirm that our client now recognizing and confessed that it was he who killed Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne. He wished Sigrids survivors should be warned and get fact. Therefore exhaust his new statement to the police, where he testified about the disappearance and murder.

Disappeared without a trace

Sigrid vanished on August 4, 2012. The case attracted enormous attention. A big police action was initiated, and several hundred volunteers participated in the search for the 16-year-old Oslo-girl.

The disappearance – which ended up being a murder case – characterized in many weeks the news in Norway.

WOUND DOUBT: parents counsel Harald Stabell said the family believes her husband’s confession is false. Photo: NTB scanpix more

First, a month after Sigrid trace disappeared, she was found dead.

Dagbladet is aware that the 41-year-old has made a detailed explanation of what should have happened when the 16-year-old Oslo-girl disappeared four years ago and that he recently explanation acknowledges the facts.

it is this explanation police now questioning.

– Drove her

41-year-old should have explained that he was tired, tired, paranoid and very ill that evening Sigrid was hit and then killed.

41-year-old should have explained that he was out driving car evening Sigrid disappeared, but that he saw the young girl before he had run on her.

the man who in 2013 was sentenced to closed psychiatric institution testified that he then lifted Sigrid into the car and put her in the backseat. and she at this time should not have been conscious.

KILLED: Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne (16). Photo: NTB Scanpix / Private View more

In his confession claiming 41-year-old that he really thought driving to Oslo Emergency, but he changed his mind.

Get consciousness

41-year-old should have taken Sigrid with into a caravan. Here he have caused her death by beating her in the head.

According to legend claims 41-year-old that he wanted to beat her unconscious, but that it was never intended to turn Sigrid such she died.

41-year-old further claims that he then tried to revive Sigrid several times.

Hidden track

After the 16 year-old girl was killed and 41-year-old tried to hide her body and tried to hide the tracks in the car and in the caravan.

After the corpse was hidden and the tracks tried washed away, the 41- old having traveled to Ålesund. There, he will have stayed for six days before returning to Oslo.

The man who had decided to put the cards on the table, and after four years has confessed to killing Oslo-girl , testified that he struggles to remember what happened.

– I think if there are more details that I have forgotten, the 41-year-old said.

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