Monday, August 1, 2016

Lawyer chart: – False confession from 41-year-old Sigrid case –

(Dagbladet): Yesterday, the Dagbladet tell that 41-year-old sentenced to compulsory psychiatric care for killing 16 year old Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne on Østensjø in Oslo in 2012 now has given an explanation which he confesses murder.

But parental counsel Harald Stabell call it a false confession, and said 41-year-old has given it to get better psychiatric treatment, NRK reported.

sENTENCED TO FORCED PSYCHIATRIC PROTECTION oF tHE HEALTH: 41-year-old, photographed under appeal in Court of appeal in Oslo. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix more

On the evening news tonight read chart of a letter, which he says has been sent by 41-year-old police, dated June 8:

– I am told that I am not going me on the system if I do not remember what happened to Sigrid. This, for their information, push forward a false confession, said in the letter according to Harald Stabell.

– Very Heavy for parents

chart says to Dagbladet that the letter was sent the police ahead of the interview, but that it arrived before it was completed. He says he and his parents received the letter earlier this summer.

– Their conclusion after reading the letter is crystal clear: That what is explained is not a confession, said chart.

He says the risen situation is bad for the parents, and that they are unhappy with it has come out that it is a confession.

– it’s really hard for them every time the matter will be discussed in media, said chart.

Aid lawyer said yesterday Dagbladet that parents believe the new statement “does not involve any kind of confession from the person concerned.”

– the parents came today that it had explained why they did not look at it as a confession, said chart.

ARRANGEMENTS: More laid flowers and candles after it became known that Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne was found murdered in 2012. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix more

– they are happy that the police also say they do not see it as a confession, he said.

Husband defends John Christian Elden described the new explanation so yesterday to Dagbladet:

– I can confirm that our client now recognizing and confessed that it was he who killed Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne. He wished Sigrids survivors should be warned and get fact. Therefore exhaust his new statement to the police, where he testified about the disappearance and murder.

Elden says to NRK that he is not familiar with the letter from 41-year-old.

Investigations Director for Sigrid murder, Per Einar Østrem, confirmed yesterday to Dagbladet that there had been new interrogation of 41-year-old.

– He explained in late June, and acknowledged the relationship. What he explained, I can not say anything about now, said Østrem.

Lawyer aND DEFENDER: Defender John Christian Elden (right) and counsel Harald Stabell photographed during the appeal trial in connection with the murder of Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix more

– Unanswered questions

Police Inspector Grete Lien Metlid said earlier today to the Manager that they believe there are still some unanswered questions in the case.

– V will return to the value of the explanation he has given, says Metlid Nettavisen.

16 -year-old vanished on August 4, 2012. The case attracted enormous attention. A big police action was initiated, and several hundred volunteers participated in the search for the 16-year-old Oslo-girl.

First, a month after Sigrid trace disappeared, she was found murdered. The same day, a now 41 year old man was arrested and charged with the murder. He has always denied culpability.

41-year-old is currently incarceration at St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim, Department Brøset. Brøset is a psychiatric hospital and a center for prison security and forensic psychiatry.

Sigrid case:

Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne (16) disappeared on Østensjø in Oslo night to Sunday 5 August 2012.

3. September the same year, she was found dead in a grove at an industrial area in Sofiemyr in Oppegård. The same day, the now 41 years old man and a 65 year old man was arrested and charged with murder. 65-year-old was later released.

In Oslo City Court was convicted of murder, but the court found that he was psychotic and therefore criminally insane at the time of the offense.

Both the families and the 41-year old man appealed the ruling, but Borgar Court of Appeal country at the same conclusion as the District Court.

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