Tuesday, August 16, 2016

One of Støre’s “golden boys” withdraws from parliament – Aftenposten

He is described as one of the most talented of his generation Labor politicians and an upcoming Health Minister Støre government. Therefore, many taken for granted that the 37-year-old Buskerud representative should say yes to continue in Parliament.

He does not.

– It’s not a decision I have taken with a light heart, but the right decision for me, says Micaelsen Aftenposten.

– not a final goodbye

While it Tuesday becomes known that Labor veteran Martin Kolberg says yes to a new period for Buskerud Labour Party, it becomes known that Torgeir Micaelsen withdraws.

Read about how Micaelsen are referred by their own: Minister praises of his young “gold number”

he says that he thinks three periods the parliament is long enough for him. But he adds words to “this time” and he denies that this is a final goodbye to politics

– No, it is not. But it must be possible to be a potential participant in the Norwegian toppolitikk without sitting the whole life of the Parliament, he said.

Elected in Parliament from Buskerud since 2005.

Set of the finance Committee from 2005 to 2013, the last four years as a leader.

Health spokesman for the Labour Party since 2013.

Members of the Labour since 2009.

Have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and political science from the University of Oslo and an Executive Master of Management BI.

Before parliamentary career he worked as a teacher substitute, self-employed in the entertainment industry and selling.

Source: Wikipedia

Taus on State Council-light

Micaelsen was elected in Parliament in 2005. the first period he sat as a private member of the finance Committee. After four years he was promoted to chairman of the committee and the last period he has been Aps premier health politician in Parliament.

– I live by the motto: Life is short. I like to constantly challenge myself, and therefore wanted to try to do something else.

– But if Labor wins the election and forms the government. Do you want to do something else than to engage in politics too then?

– If Labor wins the election, it is amazing. What might happen then, I’ll decide when the time comes. I have helped to win two choices for Labor before, he said.

– You have not tried to be minister before. Deadlines that you?

– I want to win the election for Labor with it entails, he said and expressed that he has been long enough in politics to let him know that it is not You’ll want to comment on such questions.

Health Politician: – Completely unacceptable that women give birth alone

was put under hard pressure

Micaelsen took the final decision Friday night.

Aftenposten know that he is put under strong pressure to continue. He describes the attempts to persuade him to stay in Parliament as a “Badge of Honour”.

– But it made the decision difficult. There are certainly some who think it’s stupid that I’m out. It is a personal, not a political decision, he repeats, adding that he believes many of his generation is “so screwed together” that they want to do different things in different phases of life.

several top politicians resigning

in June surprised Minister and Conservative Crown Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (38) with the message that he declines re-election in Parliament.

– I’m almost 40 years. In practice, I have been doing politics full time since I was elected leader of the Young Conservative Party in 2004. Since then I married the woman of my life, we’ve got a wonderful daughter who turned two years yesterday, and that I enjoy every moment along with. We would like to have more children too. Becoming father puts his life and everyday life in perspective, he wrote in a press release.

It has also made headlines several of SV’s most prominent politicians refuse to re-election. SV deputy Snorre Valen (31) lends itself as a national politician and moves back to Trondheim. Also the former SV ministers Heikki Holmås (44) and Bård Vegar Solhjell (44) says no to a second term.

Read farewell interview where Bård Vegar Solhjell explains why he gives himself: Solhjell finished in Norwegian politics

Solvik-Olsen took issue with the parliamentary environment

Before the parliamentary elections in 2013 created quite a stir that FRP top Ketil Solvik-Olsen did not want another four years in Parliament . In a farewell interview in the class struggle, he took issue with the culture at Lion Hill.

– I do not have figures on how many hours I’ve wasted on completely meaningless debates in Parliament, said Solvik-Olsen.

Solvik-Olsen was notoriously transport minister after FRP helped win the 2013 election.

Also, former petroleum and Energy and deputy Sp Ola Borten Moe (40) refused to re-election on Parliament in 2013. he moved back to South Trøndelag but continued as deputy Centre Party.

Will bet everything on winning the election

Although he stated that some of the best political leaders he knows has been sitting very long in Parliament, he said that it is not entirely positive about anyone who wants future top positions in policy aiming to “be parliament rest of your life.”

– the that you withdraw, it is a sign that you do not believe Labor will win the election?

– no, that’s not it, but I understand that question is asked, he said.

– What do you want to work with when you are done in Parliament?

– I have many ideas about it, but it’s not there right time to talk about it now. I have always been keen to go wholeheartedly into what I’m working on. Now I will use all my power and soul to win the election again.

Labor can not afford to lose Jan Bøhler | Andreas C. Halse Sp sets record, while Labor plunges on remeasuring


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