Thursday, August 4, 2016

MÆLAND SMS to Widwey “disappeared” from the mail records – NRK

Mæland has since NRK mentioned SMS one Saturday refused to extradite them. The reasoning was that the messages are regarded as “internal preparatory work” and therefore be exempted from public access.

She has received sharp criticism from both law professors and political opponents for secrecy, and the Ministry of Industry have said they are looking at requests access to SMS messages again.

Five days later, SMS messages are no longer to be found in the ministry post journal. According to the ministry, they never been there.

a week ago, Thursday July 28, said industry minister colleagues this:

  • “We have not found recorded correspondence between economics minister Monica Mæland and Thorhild Widvey during this period apart from rendering an SMS exchange in connection with Widvey candidacy for Chairman of the Board of Statkraft related to clarification of Widvey availability and relationship to quarantine rules. Clearance is part of the ministry’s internal preparation. This type of internal preparation exempted disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act § 14, 1. “

today, Thursday August 4, said industry minister colleagues this:

  • “As the two SMS messages not considered journal mandatory, they are not recorded. (sorry imprecise terminology in our email to you 28.7.). When they still are considered to have documentation value and thus is considered archival value, they are filed in the Ministry (in company history of Statkraft for 2016, in line with established practice). “

Professor: the minister has committed a direct error

Law professor Erik Boe at the University of Oslo is no doubt that the text messages from the minister Widwey belong in mail records.

– text messages should obviously been journaled. So there you have the minister committed a direct error. Moreover Mæland far not come up with any valid legal basis for keeping text messages back. An SMS is a document, but an SMS to Widwey is not an internal document. This is incomprehensible handled by Mæland, says Boe told NRK.

The professor, who has over 40 years experience in research and teaching in administrative law, points out that the law only allows so-called internal documents kept off the record.

Kolberg: Could end up in the control committee

Labour’s Martin Kolberg, head SCSCA the Parliament, thinks it is very serious that the SMS messages are not recorded.

TO bottom: According to Martin Kolberg can SMS one end of the control Committee table. – That’s what can be development, but it must be discussed with the committee first.

Photo: Kallestad, Gorm / NTB scanpix

– It is prepared for resistance that all SMS exchanges which are significant for the outcome shall be recorded and made public. The use of a week at first to say that you have recorded them, so to say that you have not done so, it invites at least not to increase trust, to put it that way, says Labor veteran and continues

– Spoke the right in the first place, then? Or how is this to understand? This does not increase confidence, but it increases the need for SCSCA discuss the matter, it is certain, he says.

MISTER TRUST: Chairman of Labor, Hadia Tajik, says MÆLAND handling of the case appear to be strange.

Photo: Grøtt, Vegard Wivestad / NTB scanpix

Kolberg’s deputy, Hadia Tajik, took already Sunday called for Mæland should make public the contents of SMS messages.

Now, says Labor politician that MÆLAND handling of the case “is becoming more strange and less trustworthy. “

– I do not even know the contents of these text messages, but when the responsible ministry has had to spend almost a week to organize their own terminology so that they can still be kept secret, it seems having to have been borderline.

Food Minister Monica Mæland would not comment on this matter.


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