Thursday, August 4, 2016

Labor refuses to acquiesce for AUF their tax desire – ABC News

When AUF leader Mani Hussaini today opened this year’s summer camp on Utøya, he came with clear requirements for Labor to go in for higher taxes.

Hussaini want increased property taxes and the introduction of inheritance tax . In addition, he found that those who have one or more homes must pay property tax.

– It is only with the efforts of AUF-ers across the country that Jonas could become prime minister in a year. But the efforts we do not give away for free. We have clear requirements for what we expect from the Labour Party, and we expect to be heard, stated Hussaini, according to NTB.

But getting the message across that the mother party should go to election on property taxes, may AUF and Hussaini see far behind.

Read the case: – Jonas can not stake our free

Tajik: – not property tax

– There is no current policy of the Labour Party to go in for increased taxation of people’s homes. Tax agreement in the Storting states that secondary housing, ie housing out of the residence, must be treated equally with such shares. It can contribute to less speculation and eventually help to curb housing inflation, says Deputy Chairman of the Labour Party, Hadia Tajik, told ABC News.

Hadia Tajik (Ap) says no to AUF their tax requirement increased property taxes. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Tajik says to ABC News that the Labour Party still stands behind tax settlement concluded in Parliament.

– The predictability of tax policy is important for both businesses and people, says Tajik.

(See full settlement at the bottom of the case)

Want more property taxes – as AUF

The Labour Party received strong criticism of the OR when they joined the tax settlement.

– Jonas Gahr Støre can no longer credibly accuse government to give huge tax breaks to those who have most of before. With Labour’s blessing adds tax settlement now up to exactly the same, said Snorre Valen (SV) NTB in May when tax settlement was reached.

The once said Labor in response to Valentine and SV that wealth tax could come to be increased by a possible change of government in 2017. It believes the deputy chairperson should still be done.

– The government has spent billions of money to cut taxes for the richest, but also increased taxes for most people. Labor is against the government’s redistribution from those with little to those who have most of before. We have shown through our budgets that it is possible to achieve redistribution through the tax system by those who have most contributes something more, including through increased wealth.

Read case: Here tax settlement

debate on inheritance

Tajik says it is unacceptable for the party to reintroduce inheritance tax as it was arranged before, but that it is natural to have a debate.

– it is natural to debate on increasing differences and whether inheritance should be more important than the value of what you create yourself. I expect this issue to be raised up to the convention.

See also: – An impressive AUF leader

This is tax settlement:

* except SV are parties of the finance Committee agreed a settlement on business taxation. The Greens are not on the committee and are therefore not in agreement.

* The settlement counts 17 points. These are among the key points:

* The introduction of a separation of the wealth tax between so-called working capital and other assets, and it shall be given a valuation discount of 20 percent for stocks and assets. This will be introduced by 2018.

* Dividend tax is kept unchanged at the current level, but shielding rate will be increased to a “level which better reflects the risk-free return.”

* The corporation tax and income tax for individuals shall be reduced to 23 percent by 2018, and further reductions will be assessed in the light of international developments and in neighboring countries.

* the introduction of a financial tax from 2017 that will provide the state 3.5 billion in revenue to be used to tax cuts elsewhere. Government should get back in the budget proposal with a model of how this will be implemented in practice.

* It also promoted measures to ensure greater transparency in money transfers, deposits and debt. Specifically, it must be considered limitations on tax advisers and lawyers’ professional secrecy.

* The government will also review and improve the system of valuation of holiday properties and propose a scheme for long-term savings in listed shares and mutual funds, which means that gains are not taxed ongoing .


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