Sunday, August 7, 2016

Base Hopper died in Nesset – Romsdals Budstikke

A foreign man in 30s was confirmed dead after he parachuted from Cat Hammaren in Nesset Sunday afternoon.

Found screen in rock face

The man was reported missing by a mate shortly after the jump. Emergency services received the message in time 12:12 Sunday afternoon and jumped allegedly took about 20 minutes before that. It was immediately launched a rescue helicopter and was requisitioned.

About two hours later rescuers observed a parachute up the rock face. Both a Sea King helicopter and ambulance to assist to reach the base jumper, which was found at about 1000 meters hight.

Found dead

Before the man could be salvaged down the ambulance with a climber from rescuers and a doctor sent up for bidstå man, he was, however, already dead.

– They could conclude that he was dead at the scene, said operations manager Jan Helge Cool og Romsdal police to Rbnett.

Relatives were not notified about the death at 15.30 Sunday afternoon. Sea King helicopter and crew worked when retrieving the deceased man from the mountain.

Disappeared from fellow

The man who died should have jumped with a buddy. His friend jumped first and, according to the explanation he has given to the rescue team arrived the deceased man just behind. He should have hit the rock face along the way, I jumped.

In addition paramedics by helicopter Sea King helicopter and police also participated Romsdal alpine rescue team in action.

This is the fourth incident with fatal outcome in Romsdal this week.


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