Monday, August 15, 2016

Selection: teachers are too weak academic community – NRK

It is one of the main conclusions of a government-appointed committee of experts who have looked at the teacher’s role.

The committee, which was set down in the wake of the harrowing teacher strike in 2014, delivered its report to Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H ) Monday.

– professional teaching is often referred to as a semi-professional and seem to have a weaker profession community than some other professions. It is important to strengthen this community to develop the teacher’s role, improve education and give the profession a better academic and professional grounding, said Commission chairman Thomas Dahl during the ceremony.

The Committee recommends strengthening the professional community not only on the individual school, but also locally, regionally and nationally.

Recommendations for teacher role

* A government appointed expert group delivered Monday a report on the role of the teacher to Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H).

* the expert group has looked at how the teacher’s role has evolved over time and what kind of society’s expectations to teachers today.

* the Committee’s main recommendations are:

* Strengthen professional community of teachers, both at the individual school, locally, regionally and nationally.

* Get more professions into school health nurses and child welfare workers.

* Differentiate teaching work more including using teacher specialists and resource teachers.

* Making teacher education more professionally oriented and research-based, while closer everyday classes.

* school sector should agree on a few good goals there is broad agreement.

Source: “if the teacher’s role – a knowledge base,” the Ministry of Education.

Game about time

When the teachers went to great strike in 2014 was because school owners KS demanded that teachers would be more at school – just to have more time to “cooperation, planning and professional development.”

Selection manager denies, however, that the report supports the KS in the need for teachers residing physically more at school.

– it’s not the extent of time that is important, it is how it is used. Studies show that if the teachers are experiencing joint meetings relevant to what they do in the classroom, when they experience their work situation as less bothersome. Feels contents however not relevant, then becomes common time a problem. We have found that there is a big difference between the schools how good they are at organizing joint time so it feels relevant to teachers, says Dahl said.

Meetings where principal informs on municipal plans or strategic choices in education authority, emphasized as an example of not well used shared time.

Teacher Raise

HAPPY WITH rEPORT: Leader Steffen Handal in Union believes the report supports the teachers’ desire to not be detailed controlled.

Photo: Kallestad, Gorm / NTB scanpix

Leader in Education Association, Steffen Handal, called the report very good.

– It is clear that school owners and top managers must be better to support teachers in their work, instead of micromanaging and override them, he said.

– to believe that one can leapfrog teachers and determine what they should spend their time on, it is not wise, and it supports the report, as I read it, says Handal.

Director of education in KS, Erling Barlindhaug, told NTB that the report supports the importance of the KS tried to achieve in 2014 – time to build stronger professional community.

– We raised this question in working negotiations the hallways just to add frames to build this community. That said, it’s working just one of several tools that can contribute to this. Our focus now is how we can achieve this goal, not which tool to use, says Barlindhaug said.

Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) says the report is part of a larger, ongoing process to strengthen school.

– the teacher’s role is an incredibly important role, therefore, we wanted a knowledge base and a slightly firmer standpoint to continue this work. Now it is our job to use this politically, said Isaksen.

He says he does not currently come with some signals now about the actions that the report may result in.


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