Thursday, August 11, 2016

Police: Probably one person left in the blazing building – Bergens Tidende

Smoke divers fail to take into the apartment.

the time 5:35 police got the message about the fire in an apartment in Måløy in Sogn og Fjordane.

– There are smoke divers in the building, but they will not completely in due flame and high temperature. Probably is it a person inside the apartment, said operations manager Trond Hatlenes.

The apartment is located in street 1 in Maloy. It burns on the upper floor and the ceiling.

– We have three røykdykkerlag in action. There are open flames onto the waterfront, says Terje Brandsøy, head of the 110 exchange in Sogn og Fjordane.

The fire department is now working full time with to extinguish the fire.

There should be little risk of spreading, but a neighboring house have been evacuated, according Hatlenes.

the police reported first on Twitter that a person was brought out of the building, but it turned out to be wrong.

Time 7:10 police officials that it remains powered fighters on site.


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