Monday, August 8, 2016

Oslo police: – Searching for work’s-by detention in … –

(Dagbladet): Oslo police are searching for multiple offenders on Hauketo in Oslo after a man was threatened with a firearm and then abducted from a private address in Moss this morning.

After the aggrieved man was taken from that address, put the perpetrators head to Oslo – with the aggrieved party.

police Østfold therefore requested assistance from the Oslo police suddenly at 7:00 this morning, according to operations manager Vidar Pedersen of Oslo police District. Police have now controlled the aggrieved party.

Alerted police itself

It was the aggrieved man who even alerted the police at 6:25 this morning. The messages went out that several offenders threatened him with a gun and tried to make their way into the residence he stayed in, according to operations manager Terje Marstad in Østfold police.

– When police arrived at the address, it was not the people on the spot. We became suspicious and began searching for the perpetrators and the victim, says Marstad.

Surgical manager would not comment on the circumstances of how Østfold police knew the perpetrators and the captives were on our way to Oslo.

Also the front line for the abduction, did not want Marstad to comment at this time.

– It’s part of the investigation that we started on it this morning, said Operations Officer.

the victim unharmed

it was the Oslo police, who gained control of the aggrieved man on Hauketo, south of Oslo, near the county border to Akershus.

– We got control of the concerned on undramatic manner, said operations manager Vidar Pedersen of the Oslo police told Dagbladet.

the police are now searching for the perpetrators around around Hauketo. Police have armed themselves.

– The reason for Armament is that the victim allegedly been threatened with a weapon in Moss, says operational manager of the Oslo police.

The victim is not physically injured, according to police. He has given statements to police but Østfold police do not want at this time to comment on the content of the explanation, or whether it contains anything that might be valuable to the investigation.

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