Friday, August 5, 2016

Man (25) charged with both rape and attempted rape – Bergens Tidende

The man who was arrested after what should have been an attempted rape Thursday night, is now additionally charged with rape.

Early Friday morning, a 24 year-old woman have been attempted raped in central Bergen. The man was arrested shortly after the incident.

Friday afternoon extended the police charges against them. The man should be prepared for detention on Saturday morning.

– The man charged with attempted rape. In addition, he is charged with a consummated rape, said police prosecutor Inger-Lise Høyland to BA.

She did not want to say anything more about where and when the alleged rape allegedly took place, but that the police have investigated whether the incident is related to a rape that allegedly took place at NHH a week ago. It is not yet, says Høyland.

Previously, police told BT that they are also investigating whether the case is related to other events in the downtown area in recent weeks. They do not go into detail about what.

Brothers followed

It was at 2:20 Thursday night that the woman (24) should have been attempted raped. As she walked from the square towards Fosswinckels street in central Bergen, a man will have followed her. To police, the woman explained that she tried to go faster, and then sought the man go.

– He grabbed her hard, and came with severe sexual statements. She fought back and managed to tear himself away, says Jannike Bremen Johannessen, head of section at violence and moral in Hordaland police.

The woman then ran a short distance and his two brothers, says Johannessen.

– She did not say much, but they were joined that something had happened and responded. They started walking toward the perpetrator, and spoke to him. So he ran, says head of section.

– Greatly upset

While the brothers followed the man, called the police, and were joined that he went into a building.

Near the area where the woman allegedly assaulted, a man was arrested.

– She was greatly upset and very affected by the incident. She has been followed up and will also be offered further follow-up, says Johannessen.

She would not comment about the man who is accused is known to the police before.


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