Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ikea closed due to threat – NRK

– We can confirm that there was found a note at Ikea, said operations manager Karsten Tendenes by South Western Police District told NRK Rogaland.

tag was found in the warehouse.

it was written according to the police that it was going to repay.

– there was one thing, that would say boom, says Tendenes.

the police will not comment tag further, but sources NRK spoke with said that there should be talk of a bomb threat.

IKEA was closed a half hour earlier in the day due to threatening letters.

Photo: Inger Johanne Stenberg / NRK

Ikea chose police to shut the store a half hour before it usually closes due found by tag.

– We agree in considering whether to shut Ikea says Tendenes .

police have this evening been in place and secured the area.

There are so far created a undersøkelsessak as possible becomes a etterforskningssak.

that’s according to operations manager made no other discoveries at the site.

in the interests of customers and employees

Warehouse Manager Hans Inge Skadberg at Ikea Forus.

Photo: Inger Johanne Stenberg / NRK

Outside the warehouse hangs a note that says:

“Dear customer / Dear customer. Because of an unannounced update our checkout system we have today shut warehouse clock 20:30. This means that all items must be paid within 20:30. We apologize for this and welcome back tomorrow. “

The warehouse manager Hans Inge Skadberg say they the interests of customers and employees decided to close up shop for half an hour before.

This tag met clients who would enter the Ikea tonight.

Photo: Otto Voldsund / NRK

the reason they did not say that it was because of a threat was according Skadberg that they had such a good time from the found tag to it eventually something happens that they chose to do it in a way that was calm.

The police were active, but came according Skadberg not with his recommendation until nearer 20.30. Police were also, as mentioned earlier in the case, agree with Ikea’s decision.

Skadberg say they told the staff about the real reason why the store was closed.

– there were only a few people knew that it was because of a threat, he said.

they also chose not to tell the cause because they wanted the evacuation of the store would go quiet for itself.

– we ante peace and no danger

– we were told when we were going in that they came to close about half an hour and we had to leave the premises within half an hour, says Ikea customer Brith Svendsen Mjølsnes.

She arrived Ikea Forus around the clock 20 in the evening.

– Over the intercom, we were told that Ikea closed a half hour earlier than usual due to an unscheduled update till systems. It seemed a little strange that they should do it now, but we did not think much more about it, she says.

When Mjølsnes came home, she read that there had been a threat in the warehouse.

– All the staff seemed quite calm. We walked around and ante peace and no danger. There was no reason to believe that they had received a threat, but in retrospect, I was taken aback that they let us in when they knew we soon had to back out, she said.

All customers and employees were out of the warehouse at 20.45.


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