Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hid 500 meters: Here are the 47 years old woman arrested after three … – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): It was an unusually dramatic police action that interrupted the summer idyll on Bjønnes south of Porsgrunn on Tuesday afternoon.

Just off the bay in the tight cabin area, the police should take them down to a of cabins to take a woman for questioning in a criminal case.

There were police met with firebombs – called Molotov cocktails – from the cabin. Police officers was forced to retreat and significant reinforcements in the form of armed police, dog squad, båtpatrulje and police helicopter were involved in what evolved into a massive police raid.

Arrested 500m away

An image from the site shows the woman by the extensive action being arrested. The action started just before 18.00 on Tuesday evening, and she was first arrested around the clock 21 just 500 meters from the cottage where police were first attacked with firebombs.

– When crews arrived at the scene, we facilitate through the cabin. There she was not. Then we facilitate in the area with Police Boat, helicopter and crew on the shore, said operations in South-East police Vidar Aaltvedt Dagbladet.

The police had both helicopter with heat-seeking cameras and police dogs out. However, it was a tip from a caller who was critical of the woman was found.

– She stayed to finish about 500 meters from the cottage where she lives. Based on the information we have now, she was alone in the cabin, said Aaltvedt.

DRAMATIC: Police Dogs and crew searching for the woman. Photo: Tipping more

It was earlier this evening several reports that there were two people who should have attacked police and that two or more people may have barricaded themselves in the cabin . Aaltvedt says Dagbladet tonight that it probably only one person involved.

He said the woman is an acquaintance of the police in theft cases, minor cases of violence and drink driving. He has late Tuesday night no idea which of these conditions the police to take her in for questioning for.

aT SEA: A Police Boat gone out in pursuit of the woman. Photo: Trond Reidar Teigen / NTB scanpix more

Dramatic hours

When police first found the woman, she was only wearing a bikini, and bled from the foot.

– This may be associated with that she has been out swimming, their clothes were left on a jetty. She probably has not sat the same place while the campaign has been going on, he said.

He describes the case as very serious. All emergency services were on site and the road to the cabin area was blocked for several hours.

– When someone throws petrol bombs against us, we must have fire departments on hand to extinguish. In such a situation we are also armed, and we must have ambulances in case someone gets hurt. When we come peacefully and to have her evidence in a criminal case, we can not let it pass this way, says Aaltvedt.

BIG FORCES: Several crews looked for the woman on the ground. Photo: Trond Reidar Teigen / NTB scanpix more

He says the arrest of the woman went undramatic separately. Right now she is presented to the emergency room in Porsgrunn. If she is not admitted, as she sat in jail in Skien, police said.

For the neighbors in the cottage area was a dramatic experience with large crews armed police.

– There is no reason to be anxious. It was a serious situation and it is clogged with cottages in the area. We tried to warn most by calling around and knock on someone, he said.

arrested: the 47-year-old porsgrunn woman is an acquaintance of the police. When the afternoon to take her in for questioning in a criminal case, she threw firebombs at police and ran away. Here she gets arrested just before 21.00 – several hours after. Photo: Theo Aasland Valentine Show more
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