Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Foundation Director of Scandinavian Star investigation: – Very badly done … – NRK

Oslo police will at 13 o’clock today hold a press conference about the “Scandinavian Star” -etterforskningen. But VG has already reported that police believe there is evidence that there were several arsonists on board. Thus absolved crew who for 26 years has lived with arson accusations against them.

DISAPPOINTED Gisle Wedde Fence is the main technical studying for the expert group that wants a new investigation into the Scandinavian Star fire.

Photo: Marit Kolberg / NRK

The rebel Gisle Wedde fence. He is the main technical studying for “Foundation investigation of murder fire Scandinavian Star”.

He believes witness observations support their theory that the fire aboard the Scandinavian Star was not one fire, but several independent fires established as part of a planned insurance fraud.

– Oslo police investigation has been a major cover-up. They started already in 2014 by stating that no one would be held accountable, says Wedde Fence NRK.

– This is not unexpected, but it is very badly done to us. We are very, very disappointed, he said.

Do not trust the police

Wedde Fence mean among other things that only the crew may have opened fire doors to the car deck, that members of the crew were involved in several other ships fires and that the police wanted to interrogate witnesses who support the group has proposed.

He believes result was given when Oslo police should investigate their own investigation.

– We has no faith or confidence in the Oslo police. To dismiss a mass murder is totally unacceptable, says Wedde fence.

Danske Mike axdal was aboard the ship when it burned, and spokesman for Scandinavian Stars Danish support association. He is also critical of the police.

– Norwegian police have at no time shown that they have an overview of the context of the case, and I have no confidence in the policing investigation, says axdal news agency Ritzau.

– Can not live with this

Wedde Fence think the crew was behind several fires, while the fire experts in the investigation establishes that the intense heat spread in the steel structure of the ship and ignited combustible materials and gases.

– This case is by no means over. The relatives can not live with that this case remains unsolved, says Wedde fence.

He is excited about what the parliament-appointed investigative committee comes forward. The Commission shall submit a report to Parliament by 1 June 2017.

Oslo police do not want to respond to the criticism before the press conference at 13 o’clock.

– We give an explanation when we present report and will comment more then, says press officer Unni Grondahl told NRK.


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