When Oslo is closed to traffic this week will Bryn Train Station NSB Central Station for a week. Bryn station, people go away to the bus stop or down to the subway station at Brynseng. The time 08.10 was one minute wait for the bus.
– Maybe it’s the calm before the storm, or maybe it’s going to go smoothly, says NRK reporter at Bryn, Vivian Stensrud.
30 000 people in the Oslo area affected this week when a lot of train traffic around Oslo S stands. In addition, the capacity for vehicular traffic halved in Bryn tunnel, and Norway Cup is also putting additional traffic on roads and subways.
Gina Scholz, NSB.
Photo: Vivian Stensrud / NRK
National Rail renovating and building new in the region of Oslo S and closes the main station for passengers until Sunday August 7th. In this period will not train between Oslo and Grefsen, Bryn, Lillestrom and Ski.
– yet it goes right as well. We are waiting for chaos, but it’s not started yet, says Gina Scholz in NSB.
– We are anxious to see how this goes. But we have done a lot of preparation and we have informed a long time. We hope this does not come as a surprise.
There are 300 buses for trains, and since Oslo S is closed, it is also “bus for the airport train.” Gina Scholz NSB said that all buses in Oslo area can be problematic.
– Therefore locks we also people to Bryn. The greatest challenge will be when all going home in the afternoons.
– I have taken note that the shuttle train and have not agreed on early meeting at work today. Kristin and Jacob Stavrum have taken bus from Oppegård Bryn station and they will continue to Ensjø by subway.
Photo: Vivian Stensrud / NRK
Cathrine Mikkelsen has also taken the bus from Oppegård and waiting for the subway to the National Theatre. She thought it was very wise of NSB they moved the main unit to Bryn, for it was very chaotic same week last year.
Photo: Vivian Stensrud / NRK
Which routes will be closed from 1.8 to 7.8
These routes closed to train in week 31 (from 1.8 at 03 to 08.08 at 02):
- Oslo S – Bryn (Main Line)
- Oslo – Grefsen (Gjøvikbanen)
- Oslo S – Ski (Østfoldbanen)
- Oslo S – Lillestrom (Gardermoen)
Source: NSB
Alphabetical List: How are you traveling in week 31
- A lna-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn, walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo-Alna: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take train to Alna.
- Asker Oslo S: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10 and L14 is set
- Oslo-Asker: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10 and L14 is set
- Askim-Oslo: Trains to Spydeberg, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Askim: NSB bus from Oslo S track 19 to Askim.
- Auli-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Auli: NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- B Laker-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB bus Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Blaker: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- bleach-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – bleach: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Bodung-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Bodung: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- Brumunddal-Oslo: Either 1) Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. Or 2) NSB bus from Hobart to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S – Brumunddal: either 1) Take Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn. Or 2) NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Hobart. Trains from Hobart.
- Bryn-Oslo: Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Bryn: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn.
- D al-Oslo: Take train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Dal: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Drammen-Oslo: Line R11, L12, L13 are running normally. R10 is set.
- Oslo S – Drammen: Line R11, L12, L13 are running normally. R10 is set.
- Email idsberg-Oslo: Trains to Spydeberg, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Eidsberg: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Eidsberg.
- Eidsvoll-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. (R11 is set Eidsvoll and Oslo S)
- Oslo S – Hobart: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Eidsvoll work-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. (R11 is set Eidsvoll and Oslo S. R10 stops extra)
- Oslo S – Eidsvoll Verk: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Eina-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Eina: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- F etsund-Oslo: NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Fetsund: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund.
- Fjellhamar-Oslo: Take train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Fjellhamar: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Fredrikstad-Oslo: Take the train to Vestby, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S – Fredrikstad: NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Vestby. Take a train from Vestby.
- Frogner Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo – Frogner: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- G Jovik-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Gjøvik: Metro from Jernbanetorget to Storo, trains from Grefsen.
- Gran-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo – Gran: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Grefsen Oslo S: Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway from Storo to Central Station.
- Oslo – Grefsen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen.
- Greverud-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Brynseng. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Greverud: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, NSB bus from Brynseng
- Grorud Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo – Grorud: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Grua-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Grua: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Gothenburg-Oslo: Take the train to Vestby, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo – Gothenburg: Take NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Vestby. Take a train from Vestby.
- H aga-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund , NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Haga: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- Hakadal Oslo S: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Hakadal: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Halden Oslo S: Take the train to Vestby, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo – Halden: NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Vestby. Take a train from Vestby.
- Hamar Oslo S: either 1) Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Jernbanetorget.Eller 2) NSB bus from Hobart to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo – Hamar: either 1) Take Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn. Or 2) NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Hobart. Trains from Hobart.
- Hanaborg-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Hanaborg: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Harestua-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Harestua: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Hauerseter-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Hauerseter: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Haugenstua-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Haugenstua: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Hauketo-Oslo: Take Ruter bus line 81A or 81B from Hauketo Station to Tolbooth. Walk about 250 meters to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Hauketo: Walk about 250 meters to the Customs Office bus stop. Take Ruter bus line 81A or 81B to Hauketo Station.
- Heia-Oslo: Trains to Spydeberg, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S heath: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to heath.
- Holmlia Oslo: Take Ruter bus line 80E from Holmlia drive to Tolbooth. Walk about 250 meters to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Holmlia: Walk about 250 meters to the Customs Office bus stop. Take Ruter bus line 80E to Holmlia Station.
- Høybråten Oslo S: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Høybråten: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- J aren-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo – Jaren: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Jessheim Oslo S: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Jessheim: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- K ambo-Oslo: Take the train to hill. NSB bus from Ås to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Kambo: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Kambo.
- Kjelsås Oslo S: Ta train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Kjelsås: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- LaSalle-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Gujrat: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Knapstad-Oslo: Take the train to Kråkstad. Take NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Knapstad: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Knapstad.
- Kolbotn Oslo: Take Ruter bus line 83 from Kolbotn station to Tolbooth. Walk about 250 meters to Oslo.
- Oslo – Kolbotn: Walk about 250 meters to the Customs Office bus stop. Take Ruter bus line 83 to kolbotn station.
- Kongsvinger Oslo S: Take the train to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo-Kongsvinger Take NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- Kråkstad-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Kråkstad: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Kråkstad.
- L anghus-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Brynseng. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Langhus: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, Take NSB bus from Brynseng.
- Leirsund-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Leirsund: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Lillehammer Oslo S: either 1) Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. Or 2) NSB bus from Hobart to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo – Lillehammer: either 1) Take Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn. Or 2) NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Hobart. Trains from Hobart.
- Lillestrom Oslo S: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Lillestrom: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Lindeberg-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Lindeberg: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Ljan-Oslo: Take Ruter bus line 81A or 81B from Siksakveien to Tolbooth. Walk about 250 meters to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Ljan: Walk about 250 meters to the Customs Office bus stop. Take Ruter bus line 81A or 81B to Siksakveien ..
- Lunner-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Lunner: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Lysaker Oslo S: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10, L2, L22, L21, L14 are set.
- Oslo – Lysaker: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10, L2, L22, L21, L14 are set.
- Lørenskog Oslo S: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo – Lorenskog: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- M oelv-Oslo: Either 1) take train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Jernbanetorget.Eller 2) NSB bus from Hobart to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S – Moelv: either 1) Take Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn. Or 2) NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Hobart. Trains from Hobart.
- Moss-Oslo: Take the train to Ås. NSB bus from Ås to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo Moss: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Moss.
- Movatn-Oslo: Take train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Movatn: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Myrvoll-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Brynseng. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Myrvoll: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, Take NSB bus from Brynseng.
- The whey-Oslo: Trains to Spydeberg, NSB bus to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Mysen: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Mysen
- N erdrum-Oslo: Take the train to Lillestrøm Change trains at Lillestrom to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S Nerdrum: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn Lillestrom. Take train to Nerdrum.
- Nittedal-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Nittedal: Metro from Jernbanetorget to Storo, trains from Grefsen to Movatn.
- Nordby Oslo S: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Nordby: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Nordstrand Oslo: Take Ruter bus line 81A, 81B or 83 from Nordstrand bad to Tolbooth. Walk about 250 meters to Oslo.
- Oslo – Nordstrand: Walk about 250 meters to the Customs Office bus stop. Take Ruter bus line 81A, 81B or 83 to Nordstrand bad.
- Nydalen Oslo S: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo – Nydalen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Nyland-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Nyland: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- O ppegård-Oslo: Take NSB bus to Brynseng. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Oppegård: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, Take NSB bus from Brynseng.
- Oslo Airport Oslo S: Take the NSB bus from Oslo Airport to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo). Buses run directly and departs approximately every 15 minutes.
- Oslo – Oslo Airport: Take the NSB bus from Oslo track 19. Buses run directly and departs approximately every 15 minutes.
- R akkestad-Oslo: Trains to Spydeberg, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters Oslo S).
- Oslo S Rakkestad: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Rakkestad.
- Raufoss Oslo S: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Raufoss: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Reinsvoll-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Reinsvoll: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Roa-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo – Roa: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Rosenholm-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Hauketo. Take Ruter line 81A or 81B from Hauketo Station to Tolbooth. Walk about 250 meters to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Rosenholm: Walk about 250 meters to the Customs Office bus stop. Take Ruter bus line 81A or 81B to Hauketo Station. Take NSB shuttle Rosenholm ..
- Rearview-Oslo: Take the train to Vestby, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo – Rygge: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Vestby. Take a train from Vestby.
- Advise-Oslo: Take the train to Vestby, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S – Advise: NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Vestby. Take a train from Vestby.
- Rånåsfoss-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Rånåsfoss: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- S Agdal Oslo S: Take the train to Bryn . Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Sagdalen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- Sandvika Oslo S: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10, L14 is set.
- Oslo – Sandvika: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10, L14 is set.
- Sarpsborg Oslo S: Take the train to Vestby, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo – Sarpsborg: NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Vestby. Take a train from Vestby ..
- Skarnes-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Skarnes: NSB bus from Oslo grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- Ski-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Brynseng. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Ski: Take the subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, Take NSB bus from Brynseng.
- Skotbu-Oslo: Take the train to Kråkstad. Take NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Skotby: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Skotbu.
- Skøyen Oslo S: Line R11 , L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10, L2, L22, L21, L14 are set.
- Oslo S – Skøyen: Line R11, L1, L12, L13 are running normally. R10, L2, L22, L21, L14 are set.
- Slitu-Oslo: Trains to Spydeberg, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S -Slitu: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Slitu.
- Snippen-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Snippen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Solbråtan-Oslo: Take NSB shuttle Brynseng. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Solbråtan: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, Take NSB bus from Brynseng.
- Sonsveien-Oslo: Take the train to Ås. NSB bus from Ås to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Sonsveien: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Sonsveien.
- Spydeberg Oslo S: Ta NSB bus directly to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Spydeberg: Take NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Spydeberg.
- Stabekk Oslo S: Line L1 proceeding as normal. L2, L21, is set.
- Oslo S – Stabekk: Line L1 proceeding as normal. L2, L21, set
- Stange-Oslo: Either 1) Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. Or 2) NSB bus from Hobart to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S – Strange: Either 1) Take Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn. Or 2) NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Hobart. Trains from Hobart.
- Stryken-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Stryken: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- The power-Oslo: Take the train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S – Power: Take the subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn.
- The turn-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-bend: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- Omega-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Sørumsand: NSB bus from Oslo S track 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- T hymn-Oslo: Either 1) Remove train to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station. Or 2) NSB bus from Hobart to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S – Tangen: either 1) Take Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn. Or 2) NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Hobart. Trains from Hobart.
- Land-Oslo: Take the train to Kråkstad. Take NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Land: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Land.
- Trondheim-Oslo: Take the train to Brumunddal. Take NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo). Note that there are exceptions for night trains.
- Oslo – Trondheim: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Brumunddal. Trains from Brumunddal. Note that there are exceptions for night trains.
- Tuen-Oslo: Take the train to Lillestrøm Change trains at Lillestrom to Bryn. Walk about 350 meters to Brynseng subway station. Take the subway to Central Station.
- Oslo S Tuen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng. Walk about 350 meters to Bryn. Take a train from Bryn Lillestrom. Take train to Tuen.
- Toyen Oslo S: Go to Toyen Metro station (about 1000 meters). Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo – Toyen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Toyen Metro Station. Go 1000m Toyen station.
- V aringskollen-Oslo: Take train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Varingskollen: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Vestby Oslo S: Take the train to Ås. NSB bus from Ås to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Vestby: NSB bus from Oslo S tracks 19 to Vestby.
- Vevelstad-Oslo: NSB roundtrip Brynseng and subway to Oslo S
- Oslo S – Vevelstad: Metro from Jernbanetorget to Brynseng, NSB bus from Brynseng
- to Neby-Oslo: Take the train to Grefsen, Walk about 550 meters to Storo Metro Station. Take the subway to Central Station. Go to Oslo.
- Oslo S – Åneby: Take subway from Jernbanetorget to Storo. Walk about 550 meters to Grefsen. Take a train from Grefsen.
- Årnes-Oslo: Trains to Fetsund, NSB shuttle Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S Årnes: NSB bus from Oslo S grooves 19 (note new departure time) to Fetsund. Trains from Fetsund.
- Ås-Oslo: NSB bus from Ås to Tollbugata (about 250 meters from Oslo).
- Oslo S-Ås: NSB bus from Oslo track 19 to Ås.
Source: NSB


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