Saturday, August 6, 2016

Conservative politician called for violence against rape acquitted – NRK

“I get physically sick of this, simply spyklein and frustrating pissed! I sincerely hope that someone takes these three bastards, round courts and keel tails, happy every time they show themselves in public, “wrote the former mayor in a public Facebook thread under a newspaper Post according Dagsavisen.

the statement came in conjunction with the three men recently was acquitted of gang rape of a 18 year old girl in Hemsedal in 2014.

– Standing in for I was angry and upset me

the former mayor is currently deputy Sor-Trondelag in Parliament. She says she after the acquittal of the men ‘let your fingers run in line with the commitment “on Facebook.

– There I very much regret. Neither I nor anyone else should write something that can be perceived as incitement to violence, says Slungård NRK.

The first part of Facebook status says she still inside.

– I stand inside that I was terribly angry, sad and scared when I read that it is possible to go free, says Slungård NRK.

– the debate should be about justice system is good enough

the men were acquitted of the minority of the judges of Court of Appeal. The case has attracted attention and strong reactions. Slungård believes the legal system in Norway should be debated.

– The men are acquitted, so it is not what the discussion. The discussion should be whether we have a legal system that is good enough, says Slungård NRK.

Are you afraid that your comment will affect your political career forward?

– I have not thought about. I deleted the post now, and am sorry that I wrote what I wrote. I have not thought about whether this will affect my career, she says to NRK.

Will report all threats

For Dagsavisen says defender to one of the acquitted men, Arne Seland, he will report any threats of violence when he has gained visibility. Also Slungård her.

– The fact that a representative of the legislative power, and the former mayor of one of the largest cities writes such a thing, demonstrate that this witch hunt is completely out of control. They are acquitted, but there is a point that no head is interested in, says Seland Dagsavisen.

In an email to Dagsavisen writes parliamentary deputy of the Conservative Party, Nikolai Astrup, the following:

– I have great understanding that this matter involved many people, but it is obviously not acceptable that politicians encourage vigilante, and I perceive that Slungård agree.

Read also : – The legal system is as secure as possible

FASHIONED NEW 18: NRK took the debate Wednesday night.

FASHIONED NEW 18: NRK took the debate Wednesday night.


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