Friday, August 12, 2016

A person to hospital after traffic accident – NRK

– Three vehicles were involved in the accident, one car located on the roof. The tunnel is closed, said operations manager Arve Samsonsen Western Police District.

The fire department report serious material damage.

– It should have been a total of five people in the three cars, but no clamped , said acting guard commander Hakon Myking at Fireguard Hordaland.

– A person is sent to Odda hospital, and two people, one adult and one child, is sent to the emergency room for the check, saying Samsonsen Western police District.

He can not say anything about the cause of the accident.

– But there are 80 zones in the tunnel, so it is possibly high speed involved, says operations.

None of the three cars is executable after the collision, said police. Hauler is requisitioned to remove cars. Until then tunnel closed in both directions.

The accident was reported shortly before kl. 19.30 and according to NPRA happened collision ca. two kilometers inside the tunnel from the Odda side.

folgefonna tunnel is 11,150 meters long and is the third longest road tunnel.

The case is updated.


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