The police was notified of the leak by Joh. Johansson coffee at Filipstad clock 10:04.
The clock 10:45 enlightened police that six people are brought to Ullevål hospital, and that 51 people have been evacuated.
– None of the six show signs of serious damage, but they should be examined to find out what they’ve got in, says operations manager health Bjørnsveen.
“We have searched the entire building, and have not found anything dangerous gas. Police are investigating the cause forward, “notified Oslo Fire and Rescue Service on
A Sea King helicopter which stands at Rygge was requisitioned to bring out six disabled persons from Besseggen.
– It had to turn back because of cloud cover at Fagernes. They did not run. Now we will try to retrieve them with an air ambulance from Dombås, said rescue leader Ben Vikøren by JRCC in southern Norway at 21.30 o’clock.
Last option
At 22.30 o’clock he tells that also air ambulance was stopped by the weather, but that they have landed five kilometers from where tour mates are. At midnight had air ambulance still not reached the group in the mountains.
Air ambulance shall, however, have managed to come so they got given away a bag with clothing and equipment to tour mates, said operations manager Arne Gunstad by gudbrandsdalen police Aftenposten.
– they have landed at Gjendesheim and put a game plan from there, says Vikøren at JRCC.
Thus, there is no other option to get taken out with helicopters. Normally, JRCC sent Sea King from Floro, but also they are weatherproof.
One of the alternative plans to submit the Red Cross crews to help them.
– Could not bear more
the six are at Bessvatnet
Lake, on the eastern side of Besseggen, located in Vågå municipality in Oppland. The water is about 1400 meters above sea level. Gjendesheim is located at the foot of Besseggen.
– They have the ten companions who would walk over Besseggen. This would they spend three days, but now they come to a point where they need help. They are physically and mentally exhausted, and is cooled, said operations manager Jon Rehearse Engen Wilberg at Gudbrandsdal Police told Aftenposten.
Bad weather
According to him it is bad weather in the area, with winds of 12 m / s, little rainfall and a temperature of six degrees.
– they bring some equipment to tackle this, but they looked dark to continue. They could not bear more, simply, he said.
Meanwhile, the party lost one tent because of the wind.
The police was notified of tour mates clock 19.38.
A Sea King helicopter which stands at Rygge was requisitioned to bring out six disabled persons from Besseggen.
– It had to turn back because of cloud cover at Fagernes. They did not run. Now we will try to retrieve them with an air ambulance from Dombås, said rescue leader Ben Vikøren by JRCC in southern Norway at 21.30 o’clock.
Last option
At 22.30 o’clock he tells that also air ambulance was stopped by the weather, but that they have landed five kilometers from where tour mates are. At midnight had air ambulance still not reached the group in the mountains.
Air ambulance shall, however, have managed to come so they got given away a bag with clothing and equipment to tour mates, said operations manager Arne Gunstad by gudbrandsdalen police Aftenposten.
– they have landed at Gjendesheim and put a game plan from there, says Vikøren at JRCC.
Thus, there is no other option to get taken out with helicopters. Normally, JRCC sent Sea King from Floro, but also they are weatherproof.
One of the alternative plans to submit the Red Cross crews to help them.
– Could not bear more
the six are at Bessvatnet Lake, on the eastern side of Besseggen, located in Vågå municipality in Oppland. The water is about 1400 meters above sea level. Gjendesheim is located at the foot of Besseggen.
– They have the ten companions who would walk over Besseggen. This would they spend three days, but now they come to a point where they need help. They are physically and mentally exhausted, and is cooled, said operations manager Jon Rehearse Engen Wilberg at Gudbrandsdal Police told Aftenposten.
Bad weather
According to him it is bad weather in the area, with winds of 12 m / s, little rainfall and a temperature of six degrees.
– they bring some equipment to tackle this, but they looked dark to continue. They could not bear more, simply, he said.
Meanwhile, the party lost one tent because of the wind.
The police was notified of tour mates clock 19.38.
Both Henning Hotvedt (39) and people in his circle have told that he exposed his ex-roommate for an attempted rape after it had become final between them.
– the defendant has never hidden the event of unwanted sexual activity. It’s an event he ashamed of, that helps to shed a bad light over him, and he has had a bad conscience, says defender Brynjar Meling.
– But such incidents which makes him a possible killer? Or is it that he explains about such unacceptable behavior, which strengthens his credibility?
Henning Hotvedt (39), who is accused of killing Kristin Juel Johannessen (12), see down in the table.
Twelve-year-old was found strangled and killed 5. august 1999.
Warns jury against fear to disappoint Kristin’s family
Hotvedt is for the second time charged with murder, after previously having been first convicted and then acquitted for it.
Behind Hotvedt in Court of Appeal sitting Kristin’s mother, father and sister. They have 17 years struggling to find answers to who killed their daughter and sister.
Meling warns in its procedure jury against letting the desire to give the family answers, become paramount.
– the bereaved have experienced the most painful parents and siblings may experience. They have been through processes with straight laps earlier, and they have even closed down a major piece of work and exercised pressure on the police to get them to resume the case, says Meling.
– The father with the set from a legal perspective is that one must not think that “now we will not send this poor family home without a response.” It’s a psychological element to it as you must be aware of, says Meling to the jury.
WANT ANSWER: Behind defender Brynjar Meling and defendants in the courtroom sitting Kristin Juel Johannessen father Roar and sister Linda. Also the mother is present in court. The family has fought for years to get the police to resume murder case.
Photo: Pedersen, Terje / NTB scanpix
– his big problem is that he has no alibi
Henning Hotvedt testified that he was on a boat trip along with ex-girlfriend and their two children together in the days before Kristin was killed. The tour ended with the ex-girlfriend brought their kids and the boat and ran away from Hotvedt after an argument.
Hotvedt came to a couple of friends, where he stayed from August 4th to August 5th, the day Kristin was killed.
he testified that he went from friend pair at 14 o’clock on August 5. Since then he has not been with other people before he at 20.30 o’clock went to a children’s party with his brother.
Kristin rode home by 18.30 o’clock on August 5 to take a swim in the evening with a friend. The clock 21.15, she was reported missing to the police, and then had family and friends already initiated a large-scale search and rescue.
Kristin matter
– Hennings big problem is that he has no alibi between the hours of 14 and when
he comes to his brother in 20.30 time duration. That one does not have an alibi, is a problem, but from there to say that he based it must be the perpetrator, it is a good piece, says Meling.
He also notes that witnesses testified that Hotvedt behaved perfectly normal when he arrived at his brother’s house that night.
– the prosecutor has portrayed him as degraded and unstable, that it was about to fall over for him, and that he had need psychological help. How likely is it that he just hours after a murder should act so cold and quiet ?, asks Meling.
Said he had done something unforgivable
While the prosecutor Alf Martin Evensen in his procedure drew a picture of the defendant as a man who struggled mentally summer Kristin was killed, who was annoyed because he had poor economy, and that fits with witnesses descriptions, believes defends Meling picture is not as clear.
Trial former partner has told the court that Hotvedt after it was over between them in May 1999, assaulted her. This also Hotvedt even explained.
– She continued despite the adverse event to be friends with Henning says Meling.
Both ex-girlfriend and her girlfriends have told defendant repeatedly threatened to kill her cohabitation.
the ex-partner’s girlfriend has told the court she met Hotvedt shortly after the murder of Kristin, in mid-August 1999 and that he then threatened to take their life.
– he had it not okay and said he had done something unforgivable. But he never said what it was, she said when she testified.
Meling emphasizes to the court that neither friend nor any of the others who knew about the defendant’s threats to harm themselves or commit suicide , put it in the context of the murder of Kristin.
– They thought that it was related to the attack on ex-girlfriend. There was no one who said that “there goes a killer free here, and we have a friend named Cindy who say that he has done something unforgivable.”
– Unable to appraise Witnesses memory
Meling reminds the jury that it is 17 years since the murder and that he believes therefore less reliance to Witnesses memory.
as an example he mentions that one witness testified that she thought Kristin had white helmet, while the helmet was actually dark.
– It proves that one can not rely on your memory of a witness after 17 years, not in such a serious matter, says Meling .
– not in control of who had access to the evidence
the day after Kristin was found murdered, she was autopsied, and her nails were secured as to whether one could find traces by the perpetrator.
in many years, there was only Christina’s own DNA on the nails, but new and improved technology meant that forensic tried again last year. Then came the breakthrough. At Christina’s nails found DNA from two people: From Kristin itself and from the defendant Henning Hotvedt.
Kristin nAILS: these bags are the nails that was cut by Kristin Juel Johannessen fingers during the autopsy, retained. On the nails of his left hand has the coroner found skin cells belonging to the defendant Henning Hotvedt.
Photo: Runa Victoria Engen / NRK
Meling has consistently questioned by how the nails have been kept in all the years that have elapsed since the assassination, considering the defendant’s DNA may have rubbed off on nails from such seizure of the defendant.
– The police can not document how the evidence has been stored continuously. The nails lying in lynlåsposer, no other seal, which allows one will not notice it if someone has touched the evidence. It is also not in control of who has had access to the evidence, says Meling.
– There is no need to ask or suggest that police planted evidence. It is only necessary to ask whether this allows for the degree of doubt that it must come accused the benefit.
On Wednesday morning let Reitan out a picture of the activity plan to SFO for Steindal school on social media, entitled: “Your child comes home from SFO with this plan in the sack. How would you react? “.
– I was surprised that this could take place in 2016. I honestly thought that equality was progressed further, especially among those working with children in public, says Reitan TV 2.
As stated in the application for SFO is the huge difference in prices for male and female group.
the boys will have activities, speed and fun.
the girls are going to make bracelets, penal and soap and have neglespa.
Reitan, who studied special education, the deputy for the Liberal Party in the City council of Trondheim and deputy in adolescence committee of the municipality, hardly believed his own eyes.
– The memories of conditions for many tens of years ago. I hope the it is done with the best intentions, but we can not have such an attitude in a public school. We can not divide the sexes and reinforce stereotypes in this way, she said.
The principal of Steindal school says it is the students themselves who have chosen this.
– The girls called for some quieter activities and boys have wanted more physical activities. It was such offer arose. This is an offer that students have looked forward to and that have been popular, says Rector Kristin By Vollset by Steindal school Adresseavisa.
She emphasizes that the school has not had any thoughts about gender division.
the mayor discontinuing the practice
Reitan has sent a letter to the mayor Rita Ottervik (Ap) about what can be done to prevent gender segregation and reinforcement of stereotypes at schools in Trondheim.
– I also ask how this matter will be handled and what
will happen in other similar cases that may arise later, she said.
But the mayor has already taken action.
– this is a practice that the presidency both in February and in 2014 ruled that we should not have in Trondheim schools. Therefore, Councillor informed all principals that those who have such practices, must liquidate it, said Mayor Rita Ottervik NRK.
– Gender Cliches 50s
Sociologist and gender researcher Agnes Bolsø NTNU says the gendered SFO plan reminds her 50s strict gender segregation.
– This is reminiscent of biblical and religious regulations for what women can and can not, and to science in the 1800s who said that women did not have brains to work outside the home. There were gender clichés that got boomed in the ’50s, says Bolsø.
Have received tremendous response
Reitan says that she has gotten tremendously many reactions throughout the day, also from parents have children at the school.
– It’s taken completely off, much more than I could imagine. But it’s good that people are concerned about equality. It is completely unnecessary to divide by gender in this way today. With so much attention to the case, I hope the school does about this, she said.
It may not principal love, but insists that they are going to look into the matter.
– We will evaluate the offer and consider whether we can do something different, says Vollset.
Next year, opens the new terminal at the airport. If so, then the airport can accommodate up to 30 million passengers annually. The goal is to become an international hub for flights.
Politimeister Jon Steven Hasseldal East Police victory to NRK that the pressure on border control at the airport everything no is so large that terrorists or criminals at worst will pass. He believes the situation is an enrollment risk and that it will get worse without several employees.
– If ein watching too many passes over time, so leaving a “blind”. Here there is so much pressure at times compromising the quality and då we can not look away from that nokre that should Vore caught up, goes through, victory Hasseldal NRK.
In the new terminal to count of control for passport control be extended from five to 14 –
but police have not people to staff these. Immigration officers sit up to five hours at a stretch without toilet break or lunch and ifølgje NRK it up to 15 percent sickness absence, something that has led many have stopped.
(Dagbladet): – It is not fine dividing by gender, says Hanne Moe Reitan (V), deputy city council in Trondheim, to Dagbladet.
She is one of several currently has reacted on a program plan for after-school scheme at Steindal school in Trondheim.
the work program shall apply in autumn 2016 and images of the plan are currently being spread in social media.
Criticizes gender division
Moe Reitan shared photo on Twitter with the question “your child comes home from SFO with this plan in the sack . How would you react? “.
In the comments are a number of reactions, which partially or completely butcher work program.
“Tell the school that I seem to have gotten the wrong patch, this is from 1995, ” Miss ‘botox’, ‘we make augmentation’, ‘liposuction of thighs and buttocks’. Girl Lista, natch, “” First and foremost, responded to the use of comic sans. Then reacted really powerful when I eventually understood the contents, “” I understand now why girls cuts Inga to science is slow. Guys like also simmering. Stop gender brainwashing! “And” Is this a joke? “Are among the comments.
– I respond that it is divided into sex. I heard about a similar case not so long ago. This I am going to take up in the City Council. I have two questions I want to ask the mayor: What can be done to prevent gender segregation and reinforcement of stereotypes in Trondheim school? What will be done in dealing with this and similar cases ?, says Hanne Moe Reitan.
PIECE: SFO program parts into activities for “Boys Club” and “4 Girls only.” It has gotten people to respond. Photo: Screenshot / Twitter more
However, she emphasizes that she does not want any witch hunt on it that basically has come up with the idea and she thinks it is
done with the best intentions.
– But it must be a change of attitude to.
– Only talk about 1.5 hours a week
Principal Kristin By Vollset says male and female team is an offer that Steindal school has had in several years.
the scheme is for students in third and fourth stages, and according Vollset pupils even expressed a desire to have it the way it is today
– the offer is something students joins actively and is something which we believe strengthens cohesion within among girls and boys. It is also an opportunity where students can become better acquainted with one another, saying Vollset Dagbladet.
She emphasizes that kids can choose any activity other than to participate in clubs, including spontaneous play.
– There is also talk of only 1.5 hours of the total 19 to 20 after-school hours the kids are on a week, says the headmaster.
Do not plan on gender stereotypes
Asked Dagbladet about the effect of sexes and the type of activity the students can have in terms of gender stereotypes, responding Vollset that the school does not intend in the courts.
She adds that Steindal school has emphasized the students’ ability to be consulted.
– This is something students look forward to, says Vollset, adding that the school has not received complaints from parents regarding the scheme.
– If parents committee wants to change the system, so it is obviously something we would consider, says Kristin By Vollset.
After what Dagbladet experience should more Norwegian schools operate with girls ‘and boys’ club.
Hanne Moe Reitan, first deputy Liberal Party in the City Council of Trondheim and deputy in adolescence Committee, responded immediately when she saw the activity plan for after-school care to Steindal school Trondheim. The spread now in social media.
– I first thought it was a joke, and that the plan was from many years back. But then I realized that it was in autumn 2016. I think that’s a shame, she said to Adresseavisen.
She laid out the plan on both Twitter and Facebook with the following text:
“your child comes home from SFO with this plan in the sack. How would you react? “.
On the schedule for girl group are busy making their own bracelets and neglespa. For male group there are activities that kid movie and speed and fun in the gym.
Sex Researchers believe that the SFO plan is a monstrous bad idea and reflects 1950′s strict gender segregation.
This SFO plan by the trondheim school gets strong reactions on social media. Photo: SCREENSHOT SOCIAL MEDIA
Girls dress up as princesses and boys like superheroes – now dropper kindergarten carnival
– hear the past
Moe Reitan emphasizes that she does not have children at the school in question.
– I react to dividing into activities by gender. Had I been one of the girls who had gone on this SFO-one, so I’d been a boy, she said.
She thought such an activity plan was something that belonged to 50s. She thinks it is sad that the boys should get engage in activities that are fun and that it’s speed, while girls will sit and engage in handicrafts.
– It was not okay in the 50s either, but this belongs to the past, Moe says Reitan.
Head of FAU at the school in question say they have discussed the plan, but that they have not been materially many complaints.
swimming instruction in 8 . and 9th grade at Huseby school was this spring gendered. There are girls who have requested it to drop body pressed
– Made in the best sense
The trained special education teacher has worked with children before, and she thinks this plan is done with the best intentions .
– Some have probably thought that “this is fun for boys, and this is fun for girls.” But school is an official institution, and it is important that it does not promote a prehistoric sight.
READ ALSO: Parents saw red when they read about “being new-day” at SFO
will ask the mayor
Moe Reitan says that she was very engaged SFO plan and she will therefore immediately send questions to mayor Rita Ottervik to inquire about how politicians can deal with such
kind of cases and avoid the kind of episodes in the future.
– the goal must be to prevent gender segregation. We do not want to promote traditional gender stereotypes. I wish that this matter be taken up so that we do not just sit on the social media and writes that it is unacceptable. As politicians we can influence this, she emphasizes.
Hanne Moe Reitan sitting in adolescence Committee and reacts to SFO activities are divided by gender. Photo: PRIVATE
The politician believes employees at schools must be good role models and set a good example.
– I therefore believe that the activities should be open to all, regardless of gender, she said.
– Problematic
Ingrid Marie Sylte Isachsen, head of South Trøndelag Socialist youth, also reacts strongly on the plan.
– it should be unnecessary to take up the fight against this in 2016, she said.
she notes that there was a big debate about gender division of teaching this spring.
– It is problematic that adults pushing children into gender roles. I do not think it’s okay that gender stereotypes recreated says Sylte Isachsen.
– Has been popular
The principal of Steindal school, Kristin By Vollset, says that this has been an opportunity for the older students at SFO in recent years.
– the girls called for some quieter activities and the boys wanted more physical activities. It was such offer arose. This is an offer that students have looked forward to and that have been popular, says the headmaster.
The boy and girl clubs is an offer that is given once a week for a period. She emphasizes that it is possible for children to choose other activities if they wish.
– We have not had thoughts about gender division behind this. This has been something that has been wanted by the girls, says Vollset.
She says that the offer have not previously emphasis reactions.
– We are going to evaluate the offer and consider whether we can do something different, says Vollset.
Follow Adresseavisen on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
– I do not understand why they are trying to take the focus away from the possibility that has now arisen, says Transport Minister told NRK.
He asks current owners continue to work with the private stakeholders and not shift blame to state.
– I think it is little wonder that when private players come and say that they have capital and visions, so will the current owners ignore this and rather look at the state. When I begin to wonder what is the motivation, maintains Solvik-Olsen.
See also: Olav Thon disappointed after Rygge- meeting
the main shareholders in Rygge Civilian airport expressed disappointment Monday after a meeting with a new group of shareholders who wish to take over the airport. Neither Olav Thon, Orkla or Østfold county exhibited any faith that the private initiative would succeed. Instead
they pointed once again that an agreement with Avinor and the defense must be in place.
– The only way to run Rygge airport is that the state enters through Avinor and cooperate with the Ministry of Defence, said County Mayor Ole Haabeth (Labor) told NRK.
Commercial flights from Rygge airport is scheduled to be wound up on 1 November.
Rating: More must expect to have debts into old age
See also:
Rygge employees taken by surprise by airport plans
SWANSEA (Dagbladet): Pimsiri Songngam (37) and her 12 year old son Petchngam Songngam were killed in Kirkenes on Monday night.
The police, the prosecutors Morten Daae told Dagbladet that the woman was in contact with police Friday last week. He says that this meeting concerned an administrative decision and questions regarding residence permit for her son if she walked from her 59 years old husband who is charged with double murder.
VG has previously announced that a friend of Pimsiri drove her to the police station on Friday to review it now murder accused her husband of psychological violence, but that Pimsiri was rejected by the police.
– She came out (from shelter journ.’s note) with an A4 sheet that read psychological violence at the top. Then we drove to the police to report the case, says the friend to VG, which says that the woman was inside a brief interrogation, but that the police shall have decided not to take the case.
Dagbladet gets confirmation from Nora center, a center against violence and abuse in eastern Finnmark, the woman had been in contact with them in advance of the murder.
People standing woman close, told Dagbladet that Pimsiri should move into the center on Tuesday. Police even by Morten Daae, told Dagbladet that they knew Pimsiri were moving into the shelter Tuesday.
Sara tool
All the police districts should now be taken in using the tool SARA (Spousal Assault Assessment Guide) to better assess the risk of further violence. (Read more about the tool below.)
Tove Smaadahl manager of women’s Shelter and have dealt with violence against women and domestic violence for nearly three decades.
– That the police did not apply SARA tool nor proceeded with the case in terms of a review, the misconduct. Serious dereliction of duty, she says to Dagbladet.
– He the friend who accompanied the woman to the police station, saying that he would report psychological violence, and it is evident of VG her case that she were met at the said Smaadahl, who also asks himself:
– Have Finnmark police at all implemented SARA tool? One can also ask whether the right person with the right skills met the woman on Friday, saying Smaadahl, saying that based on how she looks matter, so were several of the risk factors in SARA utility present.
– in the first place the police that she was at a shelter. When should a great beacon calling the police. Secondly, she was of foreign origin, which suggests that they have to ask her about the violence. The man was also unemployed and cohabitation between them were related. Most partner homicide committed in violation phase concludes Smaadahl.
police Directorate private tutor to the police districts about SARA tool, it says that ‘SARA: SV should be used within all cases of domestic violence in relationships. The tool assesses the level of risk for future violence and severity of violence can be. Ultimately finds murder danger. The aim of the use of SARA: SV is to prevent the emergence of new violence. “
Daae says that they will see whether they would handled the incident where the woman contacted police last week differently.
– what we have said is that we will go after seeing what information we received that day. After that we will consider whether we have done what we should, but we need to get more information about the case. What I’ve seen so far is that we perceived that the inquiry to us from her concerned an administrative decision and that she was unsure of the situation of cohabitation and wanted to know what happened to the residence permit to his son after a breakup. Other things when it comes to divorce, are things that are beyond what we basically are doing, says Daae Dagbladet.
– Should it have been completed a SARA-form last week when she turned to you?
– We’ll try to figure it out. By what I’ve seen, so I do not see that we should have done it. It was not necessarily a SARA-form we should have filled, but we’ll see if we could have handled the matter differently on Friday, saying Daae.
– Particular attention
The use of SARA tool can provide better opportunities to identify the partner violence cases with the highest risks to escalate to partner homicide.
the study “partner murder in Norway 1990-2012 ‘, introduced last year, show that complex and extensive loads such as substance abuse and depression disorders, weak labor market attachment, connection with other crimes, immigrant background, lack of citizenship and previous suicidal behavior, are all among the factors that increase the risk of partner violence cases escalates
– SARA tool allows police can better see the different risk factors in the context and can insert right measures to reduce the risk, said researcher Solveig KB Vatnar as led partner homicide study, said.
Public Prosecutions has responded to the domestic violence:
“Domestic violence can be so severe that it is covered by the Attorney General’s central priorities, and such matters must be given special attention. A prerequisite to combat and detect violence and domestic abuse, is that the victim has confidence that the police and prosecutors are able to provide protection against further abuse and violations of the perpetrator’s side. “
The form which police must fill in domestic violence cases is page 64 and further in this document.
The owner was alone on board when it caught fire while the boat was moored at City Hall Pier in the city, reports Southeast Police on Twitter at 4:30 o’clock. The man got out of the boat on their own.
– He had some burns on hands and arms, but reports were that he was ambulatory, said operations manager Gisle Småge said. The man will also be checked for possible
A married couple asked for help, but Tuesday night plucked not the Red Cross out of the two who returned from Trolltunga.
on Tuesday evening clock 23.11 received police notification that an Asian couple was not returned to their lodging in Hardanger after a trip to Trolltunga.
Read also
it turned out that they were exhausted, wet and cold after the long and arduous journey. Sunday visited BT Trolltunga and wrote about queue providing Red Cross headaches.
Got stays
– The first message went on that they were missed, but the Red Cross did not have anyone to send. They had been busy with more missions earlier in the day, and eventually we cleared that they took themselves into a cabin on Mågelitopp, says Jan-Tore Heggholmen, operations manager of Western Police District.
The cabin is located near the collection point in Skjeggedal, and police were in contact with the cottage owner. Competent made sure they got food and heat.
– It has been bad
Night through Wednesday notified the police on Twitter that the Red Cross had the opportunity to scramble because of many rescue missions lately.
Heggholmen does not deny that all actions Trolltunga-tourism entails, is a burden to emergency crews, not to mention the Red Cross.
– it has been bad, he admits.
It goes with the story that the couple sought help Monday, had come forward to Trolltunga and was therefore come very close to the point of return.
In an e-mail stating Area Manager Bjorn Artild Fjeldsbø in Red Cross this:
“Red Cross was notified in time 23.42 that these tourists are sitting nice and warm inside a cabin. There they were taken care of. They were therefore not in any immediate need. The police wanted help to get those taken down.
We tried anyway to call out crews, and 50 members were notified. One could ask, and mission demanded 4-6 man, and about four hours effort of preparation and follow-up. It was provided input to the police that this mission could be entrusted to the Civil Defence. Why they do not use them, you have almost the answer for.
Red Cross has since August 20 had ten demanding rescue operations against Trolltunga / Odda area. Most at night in bad weather. This struggle in the voluntary family folks who respond. When these tourists not found themselves in mortal danger, we opted to save our crews to more demanding missions. Had it been reel distress, it would come crews from other parts of the county. “
SWANSEA (AP) await Petchngam Songngam (12) on his mother while she is at the police station in Kirkenes to tell that she will be out of their turbulent marriage .
the image is one of the last taken by the boy who barely made it to 12 years. He celebrated his birthday with good friends just hours before he was killed on Monday night.
– He was such a good boy. Well-liked in the peer group, and active in sport here in Kirkenes. But even he was affected by the difficult cohabitation mother had with her stepfather. He used to wait for her mother outside the gas station when she had finished work at 23 o’clock at night, says Jan Jamtli, a family friend.
Background: children Pupil (12) and his mother (37) killed
Expecting mother’s police interrogation
in the picture that VG has obtained, he sits in the car outside the police station in Kirkenes Friday August 26, waiting for her mother Pimsiri Songngam (37), who has come to tell the police that she would go from her husband. He is now charged with killing her and her son with a gun.
TOGETHER: Pimsiri Songngam (37) son Petchngam Songngam (12).
Photo: Private
Two days earlier, police had also been at her door because she found the keys to the apartment . The keys were recovered.
The police had then told her that there were other things she had problems, she had to notify, according to a press release from the police on Tuesday afternoon.
During Friday’s police visit she wondered as to what would happen to her son’s residence permit if she moved from her 59 years old husband, whom she has been married since April 2013.
She came directly from the shelter where she could have got to stay due to the difficult cohabitation.
Drapssiktedes best buddy VG : – Everything seemed normal. It’s just awkward
Necessary with black eye?
Monday interview VG January Jamtli that accompanied the woman to the police station in Kirkenes. He said the 37-year-old would report her husband for psychological violence, but the police did not take her request seriously.
He still stands firm that the police have not done their job thoroughly enough, as he sees it.
– It may not be so one has to meet up with a black eye for help by police. This woman has been subjected to psychological violence for a long time and it was a she would tell police said Jamtli VG.
BE TAKEN IN: Jan Jamtli (63) was a close friend of Pimsiri Songngam (37). He believes the police could have prevented the murder of 37-year-old and her son, if they had taken a good grip on the matter on Friday.
Photo: Terje Mortensen VG
He stressed that this is a woman whose language barriers and respect for authority, may have had difficulty to reveal how hard she had it at home.
– she stiffened when she came into the police station, and may have been most focused on talking about what affected their son says Jamtli.
police: – we did what we could
the police for their part have been clear that they are not perceived that women were victims of violence in the relationship.
– we did the research we could. We contacted the shelter and we asked the woman if she was a victim of violence which she denied, said Police Chief Ellen Katrine Hætta VG.
says the police have by passed what happened at the police station this Friday when Pimsiri met up with them.
– we undermines not know what’s in January Jamtlis assessment of the situation, but from the investigations that we did, there was no basis to intervene in this family situation, says Hætta.
Turbulent marriage
She underlines that the police are not able to intervene in all samvlisbrudd.
– Asked ye also the woman if she was subjected to psychological violence?
– We have so far only read the report, and not talked to the investigator who had conversation with her. Our assessment is that we have set the necessary questions that must be asked to decide whether we should intervene. We were also in contact with the shelter who answered in the negative if they had provided advice deceased to report, says Hætta.
– Could it have been language barriers and misunderstandings in the conversation with the deceased woman?
DID IT WE COULD: – Based on the insight we had in the woman’s case on Friday, so could not we done anything other than what we did, says Police Chief Ellen Katrine Hætta VG.
Photo: Terje Mortensen VG
– we can not exclude, and is something we have to investigate, says Hætta.
– are you now that you should have done something different in this case?
– Based on the knowledge we received Friday, so there was nothing we could have done differently, but we will still verify a way we have treated this matter, says Hætta.
Infinite sad
After the woman had been at the police station, continued efforts to move out of the couple’s apartment in Kirkenes. Sunday afternoon was all packed and driven to some friends in the neighborhood, there is also 12-year-old’s birthday was celebrated.
– I helped them to run personal belongings in place, but I was surprised when I heard that they were going to stay one last night in his own apartment. It was also 12-year-old, tells his friend in January Jamtli.
The last night was fateful for the woman and her son. What really happened inside the apartment, where the two were shot dead, are now trying NCIS their technical investigators to give an answer.
The plan was the woman moved the shelter Monday.
HEADWORN UT: Tuesday morning sourced NCIS their crime technicians the deceased woman out of the home where she lived with her husband and his son
Photo: Terje Mortensen VG
– Both son and mother looked forward to start again. There are so endlessly sad that they never got that far, says Jan Jamtli.
VG has been in contact with defender Stein Rønning appointed for the murder accused 59-year-old.
(Dagbladet): Line Summer Hoel (26), which has long been in conflict with their home municipality Malvik because of the bullying she suffered throughout her early years, was paid 1.6 million in damages from the municipality, reports Adresseavisen.
her lawyer, Christian Lundin Advokatfirmaet Ness Lundin DA believes however Hoel is entitled to a far higher sum, and assuming there will be a trial about this, since the parties to the case, according to him are far apart.
– Hoel experience that Malvik municipality hurting again with replacement sentencing, he says to Dagbladet.
– Standard replacement
– the municipality has unilaterally paid what they think is right. I want on behalf of Hoel submit an updated compensation claims with the first, and it will be significantly more than 1.6 million, says Lundin.
– This is a standard replacement for children under 16 years. This amount is permanent injury compensation to cover lost of life and income, expands lawyer facing Adresseavisen.
Lundin will not elaborate on how much money he believes the client is entitled to.
– I do not know exactly until I’ve gone through all the details, he said.
– Being paid more
Malvik municipality lawyer Bjorn M. Brauti Advokatfirmaet Nidaros DA informs that municipality paid the 1.6 million before there was no claim from Hoel. He tells Adresseavisen that he is “sure it will be paid more.”
src="" title=" "> NOTICES CLAIMS: Hoel lawyer Christian Lundin alerts that claim he is working to finalize, is significantly greater than 1.6 million. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet more
– But first we must receive the claim, he said.
Lundin says it’s new to him that the municipality say they expect to pay more.
– If they are willing to pay more when the requirement comes, nothing is better than that, he says to Dagbladet.
pulled appeal
Hoel has serious health problems after the terrible treatment she suffered at school in Malvik. The court struck last autumn stated that the municipality and the school is responsible for the damage.
The municipality announced that they would appeal the ruling, but withdrew after each appeal.
– I think this is a step in the right direction in the fight against bullying that has been my biggest heart. Now I know that it actually helps to tell, said Hoel Dagbladet next year, when it was clear that there was no trial in the appellate court.
SWANSEA (AP) Women’s Shelter reacted strongly to the killing Pimsiri Songngam should have been dismissed when she would report her husband.
January Jamtli (63), friend of murder victim Pimsiri Songngam (37), said yesterday VG that he was with the woman to Kirkenes police station to report it now murder accused and injured her husband (59).
Pimsiri had when first been at the shelter and joined by an” A4 sheet that read psychological violence at the top, “according to Jamtli.
at the police she was, according to Jamtli, however, rejected after a brief interrogation.
– This is serious dereliction of duty, if it is correct. If the police believe that the psychological violence was no case for them and regarded this as a marital conflict, then I react strongly to it. Was this a notified murder? Ask Tove Smaadahl, head of crisis center Secretariat.
Background: Husband (59) charged with double murder of wife and stepson
– Do not feel left
– the conversation with the woman was not considered to be an interrogation. It was more a conversation of administrative character about what would happen to her son if she went from the man, saying prosecutors leader and deputy police chief Morten Daae VG.
EDITORIAL: Tove Smaadahl heads the Women’s Shelter.
Photo: Kjell Inge Søreide VG
he stressed that he only read the report which was written, and not talked to the investigator who met the woman. In the report it says that it was appropriate for her to go for shelter.
– We do not feel that in the version given to VG, but we will have to verify a this for to see if there is anything we could have done differently in this case, says Daae.
see also: 12-year-old celebrated a birthday a few hours before he was killed
Melhus case
Faced VG draws Smaadahl parallels Nilofar Naseri (27), which on 28 September last year was killed by her husband. The same day she visited Melhus sheriff’s office to get a restraining order against the man, which the police did not manage to give her.
In addition, Naseri few months previously explained about the death threats during interrogation after police caught because of an argument at the home of the couple. The case was dismissed and her husband never questioned, writes Adresseavisen.
Yesterday, the same day as Pimsiri were killed, began an appeal against her husband to Naseri, as the District Court was sentenced to 13 years in prison.
the Bureau has not yet reached a conclusion against Melhus sheriff’s office.
Songngam (37) at & # xE5; leave flowers outside their home in Kirkenes p & # xE5; Monday. & lt; / p & gt; " aria-describedby="figcaption # 23779458" src="">
In GRIEF: Many marked his sorrow over the killing of Petchngam (12) and Pimsiri Songngam (37) at to lay down flowers outside their home in Kirkenes on Monday.
– remaining in the violence
Pimsiri came to Norway in 2013 with the now slain son Petchngam (12) and married the 59-year-old. Now this year she received a permanent residence permit after three years, so the rule is.
– Some remain in violent and destructive relationships, because you have this three year rule, explains Smaadahl.
So far this year seven people have been killed by their partners in Norway. It constitutes 41 percent of the deaths, which is a high percentage, both Norwegian and international context.
Read also : Would reviewing her husband – was rejected by the police
Half in contact with police
According to the study “partner murder in Norway from 1990 to 2012″ by researcher Solveig Karin Bø Vatnar, had 71 percent of all murder victims were subjected to intimate partner violence before the murder. A lower percentage, 35 percent, had been in contact with the police, as Pimsiri.
RESEARCH: Solveig Karin Bø Vatnar have researched all partner homicide between 1990 and 2012.
Photo: pRIVATE
– Our study showed that seven out of ten had sought help in private relationships before killing . Concerns the associated received was modestly communicated to health care, police and support systems. If they nevertheless conveyed concern, they experienced the seriousness of the situation was not understood by the public bodies they approached, says Bo Vatnar VG.
While the public believe that the threshold for contact is low, is it actually high for victims and related parties.
– we risk leaving that violence and murder risk is considered too low at first point of contact because we who receives the information believe that the threshold is lower than it actually is, explains Bo Vatnar.
– A person’s arrest without drama, with great assistance from the police helicopter, notified police at 21.20.
The man lasted arrested in EiT grove at football banana on JØMNA.
– He had comet away from the house where we believed he was, lasted observed in ein car and then on foot with a weapon, but he was unarmed when we arrested him, says the site owner for police, Wenche Gussiås, told NRK.
periods police with shotgun
the drama started at noon when the man in their 20s threatened police with a weapon in connection with a search warrant. Police approached the man because they Meinte he had issues from within a broadly theft at home with them.
– It was ein direct threat. He pinpoints the police who came into the room with a shotgun. It was a concrete and direct threat, says Gussiås.
The police, who were not armed, pulled away.
Then came the back tiil house with a big strengthen when they Meinte man could have lodged in his house on JØMNA Elverum. Police isolated house and endeavor to make contact with the man, who they invoked ein acquaintance of the police.
Fann house empty
The time 20.50 Rykkja police into the house, but found it empty.
– We have searched through the house and he was not there, told operation owner Kjartan Waage.
All mantain crew participates in the action.
Photo: Anne Næsheim / NRK
the time 21 fekk NRK his
team told to leave the square because police suspected that the man was armed with a shotgun.
approximately 18.30 notified police on Twitter that they proceeds enlightenment about ein green van of a VW LT utan auspices string number.
the time 20.20 told operation owner Kjartan Waage that the car is observed something further south in Elverum, and the police proceeds to check it out.
the time 20.50 said Waage that they suspected that it was the called the man who køyrte car.
– We have received information that indicates that the driver is the called, told Waage.
NRK reporter Anne Næsheim told at 21 that the helicopter was in the air and that it searched around JØMNA ..
Loading map, please wait …
the time 21.20 black man thus arrested, and police where looking Sunday night after the weapon which he previously lasted observed with. The man was put in jail, and police will today decide whether they will request that the man is in custody.
– It’s full of fire in a house in Knarrevik Sotra. The house, which will be uninhabited, is completely burnt, said guard commander Ole Jakob Hartvigsen at 110 exchange in Oslo to BT.
The fire department has come out with several cars from the main fire station and Laksevåg station.
the fire department was notified of the fire clock 07.08 on Tuesday.
police report a lot of smoke in the
area. The fire is visible from Highway 555.
– We are beginning to run out of water, so we are heading with new tanker. The house is going to burn down, and we are about to make a controlled stopping-down, says Ronald Drotningsvik, guard commander at the 110 exchange, BT clock 07.45.
(Dagbladet): A boy of 17 years has been arrested after he sent a message through social media to a student at the Steiner in Oslo.
When police learned of the message, hit the alarm.
– We will call it an undefined threat. We were concerned for the safety of staff and pupils at the school. Circumstances made sure we took it seriously, says operations manager Tor Jøkling in the Oslo police.
They were alerted about 8:55. He immediately contacted the school. They also placed the armed police at the school to ensure the safety there.
Parallel they worked to find the people that made the threat.
He was pågrepte 10.36 at the address where he currently live, says Jøkling Dagbladet.