Friday, December 19, 2014

Chastened by voters for asylum children sequestration –

Chastened by voters for asylum children sequestration –

(Dagbladet): After that he landed a long clamoring agreement while remaining asylum children with KrF and Left, the Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) is still not out of the fire.

Control Committee in Parliament do not let go of FRP minister, who has attempted to curb criticism of regret from the podium in the White hall.

This afternoon is expected Anundsen reply in writing a number of questions from the committee, which may conclude with calling the previous parliamentary period Committee leads to hearing if they do not say they are satisfied with the letter of reply.

But already exists verdict from voters. They are far from satisfied:

38 percent believe Anundsen has handled the matter of long remaining asylum children badly. Only 16 percent think he has handled it well.

Asylum Blunder

It emerges from a recent poll Ipsos MMI conducted Dagbladet. 33 percent think he has handled the matter fairly good, while 13 percent have not made up any sense.

Minister of Justice has not been available for comment on this matter today.

The power is consensus between government parties and FRP Right and Left parties support and KrF about to put in place new regulations for asylum children who have been long in Norway. In anticipation of the rule change would Anundsen ask immigration authorities no longer have to prioritize long remaining asylum children for dispatch.

The signal picked However Police Directorate never up, and children with several years connection with the country has this autumn been rapidly sent.

Moderate support among their own

A tight asylum policy has for years been a showpiece for FRP, but background figures in the poll shows that Anundsen not even among their own voters have managed to create particular enthusiasm for autumn asylum children executable.

Less than half, 45 percent, believe Anundsen matter has been handled well. 31 percent believe it is medium well handled, but 10 percent believe FRP minister has handled the matter badly.

The voters to government colleague Conservatives are not convinced. 27 percent believe the case is handled well, 44 percent believe medium well, while 21 percent believe Anundsen have done it badly.

Voter judgment of ANUNDSEN asylum children sequestration is far lower than turnout Justice Minister otherwise have population.

In comparison believed 33 percent of all voters partiers Ipsos MMI October measurement that he did a good job as Attorney General. Only 8 percent believed that he did it badly.

There are approximately the same numbers as the previous time Ipsos MMI asked voters Anundsen: In March, 33 per cent believed that he did a good job, while 5 percent believed he did a bad job.

in harvesting of supporting party voters

It was KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide and Liberal Party leader Trine Skei Grande who initially asked Anundsen come to Parliament to explain asylum mistake, and therefore which ended with an apology from the pulpit .

Hareide and Grande has been very dissatisfied with asylum child policy of the government they provide parliamentary backing in Parliament.

centrist voters butcher asylum child Minister: 43 percent of KrF voters and 64 percent of Liberal voters believe Anundsen matter has been handled badly.

Respectively 34 percent and 27 percent believe the case is handled fairly good, while only 9 percent of KrF voters and 2 percent of Left- voters believe Anundsen matter has been handled well.

Committee moves meeting

With two week deadline should justice minister within 15 o’clock today send Audit Committee’s report.

Earlier today it became clear that the Justice Department is not able to stick to the deadline – which means that the committee must push at its meeting in order to process ANUNDSEN answer.

– An overall committee agree that this matter is so important that it must be a political decision before the year is over. But it is highly unusual in every evening with meeting last Friday before Christmas, says manager Martin Kolberg (Ap) in Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs said.


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