Friday, December 19, 2014

Unemployment drops before Christmas – E24

Unemployment drops before Christmas – E24

Unemployment fell by 700 people from November to December, according to figures from Nav. At the end of November, the unemployment rate of 2.7 percent of the labor force, compared with 2.6 percent in the same period last year.

The report Nav in a statement Friday.

84,300 people were registered as unemployed with NAV at the end of last month. This is 2,800 fewer than the same time last year.

– Developments in unemployment has been slightly better than we expected for this year, but we still expect an upturn through next year, says Labor and Welfare Director Joakim Lystad.

In advance was it is expected that the number of registered unemployed would rise by 200 people in November and that the unemployment rate would be 2.7 percent, according to DNB.

The figures below are not seasonally adjusted, and changes emerges is compared with the same month last year.

Decline in forestry

Since last December, the decline has been greatest for people with no or unspecified professional background, with 19 percent. Then followed the profession agriculture, forestry and fishing, with 9 percent.

For people medingeniør- and ICT education situation was however quite different. During the past year, unemployment in this group increased by 34 percent. This corresponds to 1,000 more unemployed than one year ago. Also among brokers and consultants, unemployment rose by 24 percent.

– Although unemployment increases in professions related to the oil industry becomes offset by a decrease in unemployment for traditional industry and construction, said Labor and Welfare Director Joakim Lystad.

Nav underlines Also in the press release that unemployment in the two occupational groups are still relatively low, with unemployment respectively 1.6 percent and 1.4 percent.

As expected

– The figures we received from Nav today is about as we expected. Maybe something better and shows that we still have a stable unemployment, says analyst Camilla Viland DNB Markets to E24.

She adds that this means that the notifications of the slowdown in the oil sector still has not turned out in the real figures for the Norwegian economy. We countries are clear that this does not mean that we will not get an increase in the number of unemployed in the coming years.

– Yet it is clearly positive that the traditional industry has dammed for any of unemployment in the oil sector, but we do not believe that these numbers will affect Norges Bank’s projections, says Viland.

DNB expect LFS unemployment will increase from 3.7 to 3, 9 during 2015 before it rises to a peak of 4.4 percent in 2017.

The biggest decline in Sogn og Fjordane

The decline in the number of unemployed was highest in Sogn og Fjordane who had an improvement of 17 percent in the months before Christmas. Unemployment in the county was 1.6 percent of the workforce.

The greatest unemployment rate was in Telemark where 3.4 percent of the workforce was unemployed in December.

Fear of lower growth

In recent months, several economists feared that slower growth in the Norwegian economy will lead to increased unemployment. Especially in the oil and industrial sector is expected to shrink to investments and cut the number of employees.

Oil giant Statoil including alerted cuts of between 1,500 and 1,900 jobs by 2016.


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