Monday, October 20, 2014

General Secretary of Doctors Without Borders: – Now we are very happy and relieved – Aftenposten

General Secretary of Doctors Without Borders: – Now we are very happy and relieved – Aftenposten

Det this Silje L. Michalsen på en pressekonferanse på Ullevål sykehus mandag. På pressekonferansen ga Michalsen uttrykk for alle som har takknemlighet overfor hjulpet henne med å bli frisk. Mesteparten av tiden snakket hun, hun brukte imidlertid PA snakke ohms ofrene for Ebola i Vest-Afrika.

– Ebola i Vest-Afrika er Noah annet. Du mystery familie og Venner. Sannsynligvis Ender med det at du Dore alene.

Faren: Spesiell nyhet Fa

30-åringens lighthouses, Bard Borch Michaelsen, var også til stede Under pressekonferansen. Etterpå fortalte hvordan han om det var Motta beskjeden ohms at datteren var smittet.

– Silje ringte selv sine foreldre søndag kveld hefty femten dager Siden. Hun this: “Jeg har en nyhet. Jeg har non fatt Ebola-smitte », this Michalsen til Aftenposten.

– Det er en spesiell nyhet Fa, selvfølgelig but hun var optimistisk, OGG rolig saklig. Det var vel nærmest Matte trøste oss som hun. Hun har vært veldig rolig optimistisk og har det hele tiden og hun overført til oss, til the tunnel.

Kom til i juli Sierra Leone

Den Gamle cede 30 år som til vanlig Jobber medisinsk avdeling på på Harstad sykehus var på sitt første oppdrag hefty Leger uten grenser da hun reiste til Sierra Leone denier 2 juli i år. Hun reiste til quite hefty Bo arbeide Lassafeber meds. But dagen etter at hun cum til Sierra Leone blue den første Ebola-Smitten påvist i landet. Gradvis blue jobben Hennes og mer mer ebolaorientert. Hun deltok oppbyggingen i av et behandlingssenter hefty ebolasyke i Bo. Debt senteret Apnet den 19 september og det var sannsynligvis thin hun jobbet VED mottaket senteret på og den 25 september 26th at Tre hun og andre Lokalt ansatte blue smittet av Ebola.

Merket at hun hadde Feber

Silje Michalsen merket at hun følte uvel seg og hun fastlo at hadde Feber lørdag denier denier 4 October. Samme dag tok en hun malariatest som var negative. Da hun tok en Ebola-test dagen etter, var den positive. Hun blue evakuert løpet i av et par dager nådde og frem til den Ullevål sykehus 7 October.

– Jeg er glad for at jeg blue evakuert this raskt OGG effektivt, this hun på pressekonferansen mandag. – Jeg er utrolig takknemlig hefty denier behandlingen jeg har non fatt her.

Hennes milked Lokalt ansatte kolleger som ikke blue blue smittet samtidig evakuert. Two non fatt har behandling Lokalt. Rate av dem er Dode, thin denier tredje fremdeles var i live lørdag.

behandlet med eksperimentell Medicine

På den avanserte klinikken hefty infeksjonsmedisin VED Ullevål sykehus og hun har har Michalsen blitt NOAH overvåket non fatt støtteterapi, det som er town if væske OGG saltbehandling riktig dosert. Hun har også blitt behandlet med en eksperimentell Medicine Motte Ebola enna som ikke på det finnes markedet apnea. Avdelingsleder hefty infeksjonsmedisin ved Oslo universitetssykehus, Dag Kvale, ville ikke i går avsløre hvilken typical Medicine Dreier seg om dette. Det er blant annet fordi sykehuset har ikke til seg forpliktet Ga ut med dette har koordinert Før two seg med produsenten.

Frisk og ikke smittsom

Legene infeksjonsmedisinsk avdeling har på med at konkludert Silje Michalsen er frisk og har utskrevet henne.

– Jeg er frisk og ikke smittsom, fastlo selv hun. – Jeg føler veldig heldig og meg som om det ikke jeg har hatt føles Ebola.

Hun gjorde det klart at hun ønsker å komme TILBAKE i doze jobben Legge hefty Leger uten grenser, OGG at hun ønsker å komme sec ut i felt igjen.

Kritisk til manglende responses omverdenen fra

Silje Michalsen ga Under pressekonferansen mandag uttrykk FOR AT hun i oppholdet Under Sierra Leone var blitt sterkt frustrert over by hun det som en manglende responses fra omverdenen.

– I milked this måneder jeg den totalt fraværende internasjonale responsen. Jeg blue mer og mer og engstelig frustrert, this hun. – View følte alle Kampen mot Klokken, but Stille

og verden sto smittetallene caught Bytes.

Klokka tikker, lifestyle mÅ handle nå

Hun fornøyd this seg med verden nå ser ut til å at reagere but Mente debt as i senest laget.

– Jeg skulle ønske at life slo til hefty Foil måneder Siden. Da ville Kampen vært this enklere better. Klokken tikker, lifestyle mÅ handle OGG Views mÅ handle nah, that hun.

Leger uten grenser: – NA er Views veldig glade

Generalsekretær i Leger uten grenser Anne-Cecilie Kaltenborn til Sier Aftenposten at two veldig nå er glade for at Den norske ebolasmittede kvinnen skrevet ut er fra isolat.

– Vi er og glade veldig lettede FOR AT vår kollega nå er frisk at this hun er skrevet ut av isolat, Sier Kaltenborn.

– Kvinnen skrives ut fra høyisolatet der hun hun har vært Siden reunited Norge, Sier kommunikasjonsrådgiver VED universitetssykehus Oslo, Anders Bayer til Aftenposten.

Tilstede pressekonferansen var på faglig Ledelse representanter fra og ved behandlingsteamet slipcovers representanter og fra Leger uten grenser.

Viste tegn til Bedring etter en Uke

etter at hun fikk påsvist ebolasmitte den 5 oktober cum Silje uptight Michaelsen til Norge den 7 oktober. Allerede mandag 13.oktober meldte sykehuset at kvinnen viste tegn til Bedring.

– Tilbakefall på dette er stadiet ekstremt sjeldent. Det som town jeg karakterisere veldig uvanlig. Dersom tilstanden forverres, town det trolig skyldes komplikasjoner andre, som et lavt immunforsvar og som er en skjør kropp sårbar hefty bakterielle infeksjoner, slicks alle er etter sykdom, this avdelingsleder Dag Kvale VED infeksjonsmedisinsk avdeling på slipcovers til NTB etter pressekonferansen mandag 13 October.

Foil av de andre som har internasjonale hjelpearbeiderne blitt smittet av blødningsfeberen Ebola, har også blitt friske, OGG forløpet ofte vært har har begynt aiming at two Bedring etter uker 1-2, for this friskmeldes OGG skrives UTG etter 3-4 uker.

Blue smittet pasientmottaket i

Den norske helsearbeideren Somme blue smittet av i Ebola Sierra Leone, blue smittet i mottaksområdet på ebolaklinikken i Bo.

etter å ha intervjuet kolleger ansatte OGG, OGG evaluert rutinene analysert denier fysiske utformingen ebolaklinikken av er at det er konklusjonen sannsynlig at Smitten skjedde VED triageområdet (hvor mottak prioritering av og pasienter skjer), heter det i rapporten fra Leger uten grenser.

Kort tid etter at det var blue kjent at wholesale norsk hjelpearbeider smittet as debt frem at ytterligere kollegaer Tre av den norske kvinnen også er med smittet Ebola.

Two andre smittede var Lokalt ansatte, OGG jobbet ved det samme behandlingssenteret i i Bo Sierra Leone som den norske ebolasyke kvinnen.

Alle som blue fire helsearbeidere smittet jobbet sammen i pasientmottaket og den 25 september 26th. Da hadde senteret kun vært i drift i én Uke, da det blue Apnet 19 september.

Det var mellom 2. og 5 October at two fire ansatte VED Leger Uten Grensers Ebolaklinikk i Bo, Sierra Leone blue diagnostisert med Ebola.

Rate of av er Lokalt ansatte Dode. Featured Lokalt ansatt en norsk og er feltarbeider fortsatt Under behandling, sistnevnte på Ullevål sykehus / slipcover.

også Pros:

– Vi er this inderlig opptatt BC at vår kollega ikke critical stop dø

WHO Ebola urn: «Den Mest alvorlige, akutte helsekrisen moderne tid i»

Ebolavaksinen cinematic kappløp med tiden

Publisert: 20.okt. 2014 14:03


Horne meets both support and skepticism – Aftenposten

Horne meets both support and skepticism – Aftenposten

It is absolutely horrible that society has failed to protect children in a better way so that they have lived with violence for years. We can not accept that children suffer. The steps that now proposed makes that child welfare can get past the relief efforts. It is very much sense in these proposals. Thus, it can avoid the necessity of care takeover, says Geir Bekkevold, Krf, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of family and culture committee.


Bekkevold believes such measures can help parents to be better parents, while helping kids. He believes more attention on children is necessary and he praises Aftenposten for having drawn attention to the subject through its series of articles Violence against children.

– It means that we politicians get more information and the We need, he says.

In several cases in recent years have revealed that children have lived with violence and threats in the home and the parents have refused child care services to intervene.

It is still very important that the child takes notice of concern seriously and investigate thoroughly. The CPS is dependent on trust. To order the parents to accept help is a double-edged sword. What instruments should be used if the parents say no and lock the door? And how one thinks that a person who comes into a home, should be able to contribute to change if parents do not want the person there, ask Rigmor Aasrud ​​(Ap) in family and culture committee.


Aasrud ​​raises the question of who should decide whether a coercive measures shall be made, and how should one proceed in practice? She is also interested in human rights and the laws about privacy. – This must be carefully considered, says Aasrud, that still does not now reject the proposal.

She believes that child welfare authorities should be better able to investigate cases of child neglect and violence


-This is an area where there is a big unknown. At 126 domestic violence cases will the Norwegian courts over the next two months is positive. It shows that the police and the courts take these matters seriously. At the same time a search for shelters that domestic violence is still a major problem, says Aasrud.

Svein Harberg, (H) head of the family and culture committee believes Hornes proposal is good for both children and parents.

We want the people to determine their own lives and make their own choices. But there comes a point where the children are important to us. For your kids, this proposal awesome. It is important that children get help early. The proposal also has an important signaling effect; the government looks seriously at this, for the sake of the children, says Harberg.

The proposal will now out for consultation.

Will require parental notification urine and

“He threatened to throw us out from the balcony on the third floor.”

See the charges of domestic violence here

The Supreme Court ruled in a judgment in 2010 that children indirectly exposed to violence because they see, hear or learn that one of their closest exposed to violence, the violated and thus covered by the criminal law section 219 about domestic violence.

The Supreme Court also stated that a girl who for eighteen years had witnessed violence against their mother were severely abused.

Published: 20.okt. 2,014 10:00 p.m.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

University of Oslo: Norwegian skills threatens patient safety –

University of Oslo: Norwegian skills threatens patient safety –

The five health programs at the university now wants the students to have a minimum grade of 4 in the Norwegian subject from high school to study, write the university newspaper Universitas.

– A large percentage of students in pharmacy and other health sciences programs speak Norwegian discipline so bad that we mean it the term may create a risk of patient safety, says Solveig Kristensen, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

In addition to pharmacy education that Kristiansen’s faculty

is responsible, would also professional studies in medicine, bachelor degree in dentistry and the five-year master programs in clinical nutrition and dentistry stringent Norwegian standards.

If faculties get what they want, the new Norwegian requirements introduced for a trial period of three years. The government has opened up for such pilot schemes. (NTB)


NCIS checks charged against the householder unresolved abuse – Aftenposten

NCIS checks charged against the householder unresolved abuse – Aftenposten

– He looks forward to talking to the police and tell about this, says the man’s lawyer, Kai Roger Vaag.

Vaag was Tuesday visited the assault accused in prison and prepared the interrogation.

Recognizing guilt

The man was arrested Saturday and Monday he put the cards on the table. He acknowledges guilt by accusation for three of the four assaults he is accused of, but admits “dealings” with all four cases:

• September 2008: The Rape of six old girl Skjetten to Raumarike.
• August 2010: Attacks on a 13-year-old girl in Hakadal to Raumarike.
• October 2011: The rape of a 18 year old girl on Hellerudsletta in Oslo.
• May 2014: Attacks on an 8 year old girl in Noida on Raumarike.

When the man was arrested Saturday, he was only charged with an assault case from Hakadal with a 13 year old girl victim. It is the only one of the four cases where no DNA traces.

DNA experts were pre-warned

Investigators at NCIS, however, had clear suspicions that the man in the 40s could behind several assaults and had prepared the arrest well: DNA experts at the NIPH was pre-announced, confirming NCIS, and stood ready

with analysis equipment when they shortly after his arrest was the man’s DNA sample from the police.

DNA profile that emerged were checked against traces registry, where DNA profiles from unsolved cases is. It was found in three cases and thus the man was also charged with the three conditions.

Check against other issues

– The accused will be checked against unsolved sexual crimes, but he is not a suspect for other offenses, says advisor Axel Wilhelm Due to communication section of NCIS.

NCIS has received several tips from the public after the arrest became known on Monday.

– If there is someone who have information or tips, so we ask that they contact the NCIS by mail says Due.

Also read:

Published: 14.okt. 2,014 10:48 p.m.


Commissioner chairman of Bergen yesterday after nomination battle – Aftenposten

Commissioner chairman of Bergen yesterday after nomination battle – Aftenposten

The nomination meeting would rather have Martin Smith-Sivertsen top of the list for the local elections in autumn 2015.

Stolt-Nielsen had before the nomination meeting made it is clear that she is resigning as chairman of the council unless Bergen Right showed her confidence during the nomination meeting Tuesday night.

Stolt-Nielsen got 66 votes and Smith-Sivertsen 103 votes.

former Conservative top Martin Smith-Sivertsen decided earlier this year to make comeback in local politics, and challenged Ragnhild

Stolt-Nielsen for Governing Mayor candidacy in local elections in 2015

Stolt-Nielsen has been council leader in Bergen since last fall .

Published: 14.okt. 2,014 8:07 p.m.


16 years in prison for the murder of his wife – NRK

16 years in prison for the murder of his wife – NRK

Mannen skal ha slått kvinnen med balltre og deretter strammet en snor rundt halsen hennes, skriver VG.

Kvinnen ble funnet død i en leilighet på Skårer i Lørenskog, 17 juni i fjor. Ektemannen varslet selv politiet om drapet.

48-åringen ble i april i år dømt til 17 års fengsel i Nedre Romerike tingrett for overlagt drap. Dommen ble anket, og det er ankesaken som nå er ferdig behandlet i


I tingretten forklarte mannen at han drapsnatten drakk øl og vodka før han gikk ned i kjelleren og hentet et balltre. 48-åringen lukket dørene til deres to felles barns rom, før han gikk inn på soverommet hvor ektefellen sov. Familiefaren erkjente straffskyld for forsettlig drap, men avviste at drapet var planlagt.

Selv om barna ikke var vitne til drapet, er de to påført store traumer, slår retten fast.

48-åringen er også dømt til å betale sine to barn til sammen 975.000 kroner i oppreisning, samt 200.000 kroner til hver av konas foreldre.


Two girls hit by car on Karmøy – TV 2

Two girls hit by car on Karmøy – TV 2

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- He expects to be released. He knows just as little as everyone else about how it has happened … –

- He expects to be released. He knows just as little as everyone else about how it has happened … –

NARVIKGÅRDEN (Dagbladet): – He claims to have nothing to do with this. It is clear he expects to be released, said attorney Egil Malm Dagbladet.

– From the boat and its own

He defends the Greek ship officer in the 30s who was yesterday arrested and charged with murder after the discovery of blood contamination on board “Anangel Explorer” – as a woman of 30 years were reported missing from.

She is still gone without a trace.

Today a man will be brought to detention in Salten District Court in Narvik. The police will probably request that he be imprisoned for four weeks while they work to find out what happened.

– He denies having committed a punishable offense, and he knows just as little as everyone else how this woman has gone. He has tried to call her numerous times when the boat was on its way from Amsterdam to Narvik. Both from the present telephone and mobile phone. It has been closed, said the defender.

– To investigate further, he has been in contact with her family, to see if they might know where she is. He has done both by telephone and SMS. But they do not know where she has gone.

Last night it possible homicide ship yet been leaving Ofotfjorden.

Sometime during the night or morning has sailed away.

– knew her from before the

The still

missing, Ukrainian woman and the Greek police had “close relationship” with the police to go into that.

– How they knew each other, according to your client?

– He knew her from before, but how close is difficult for me to say. He said he knew her from before. They met in Amsterdam when she came to look for work, but after they had finished the meeting she was gone, says Malm.

Will not comment on the blood

Police Halogaland told yesterday that this is a special case as they have no equal. A larger area on the boat was examined with chemicals. It was found blood.

– What does he say that police found blood contamination at a site inside the boat?

– He does not have any comment on that.

Malm says police should have a good explanation for why they want to imprison the Greek ship officer.

– If the police do not come with a causal relationship between him and her disappearance, there is no basis for the present incarceration. It must be substantiated. He disputes the absolute that there is a correlation, said Malm.

Police Halogaland would not comment on the matter until after the remand hearing.


KrF: The government is like a reverse Robin Hood – Aftenposten

KrF: The government is like a reverse Robin Hood – Aftenposten

According Navs numbers are 21,660 parents and 35,645 children have a tighter economic life if the government’s proposal to cut child support for disabled families adopted, writing class struggle .

In the proposed budget as finance minister Siv Jensen (FRP) presented last week, the Government advocates cutting the child supplement to disabled parents with 7.020 million per child.

The cut will create more poor families, says Secretary General Life Arum of Organisations of Disabled People (FFO).

– Very social

In addition to the cut in support for disabled parents, the Government proposes other changes affecting the poorest and their children hard. Among other things, they lose the lowest income parents money when the revenue requirement doubles. Also the income requirement to receive sick pay double. Unemployed lose their holiday pay, and also support for single parents cut.

After the government presented its budget proposal last Wednesday, dismissed Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) criticism of the budget as antisocial and unfair to disadvantaged groups.

– We have presented a very social budget. We are addressing this cause of poverty and ensure that people do not get stuck in the poverty trap, said Solberg during a party leader debate on NRK Thursday night.


This imitation However, most in support of the party Christian Democratic Party. Fiscal spokesman Hans Olav Syversen said budget has a weak social profile, and stated that the party intends to do something about this in the proceedings in Parliament.

KrF Olaug Bollestad, the party’s spokesperson for policies for people with disabilities, says the class struggle that she can not

find again the promises of cooperation with the Conservative Party and the Christian Democratic Party in the budget proposal.

– All politicians have talked about how important it is to combat poverty among children. When I see this budget, I think of a reverse Robin Hood. Here we take from those who have least, the single parents and the disabled, and you give tax cuts to those who have the most, she says.


In KrF fear they stated FRP critics that the party’s role is reduced to only repairing cuts in blåblå budget, writes Our Country.

– The approach disrespectful, says former head of the Christian Democratic Party Women Randi Gran panels.

– The budget has a lousy social profile, says former vice chairman and secretary Odd Anders With.

– It seems that the Christian Democratic Party and the Liberal Party’s role will be to reverse the bad proposals, says former MP Bjørg Tørresdal.

All three warned in a joint letter last fall party leader Knut Arild Hareide to cooperate with FRP.

Former Undersecretary Svein Helgesen writes in an SMS to the newspaper that he is surprised by the budget strong blue profile.

– The government may be compelled to acknowledge that it can only survive by adjusting the rate far more towards the center than it has done in the budget, he said.

Published: 14.okt. 2,014 6:10


Monday, October 13, 2014

Died in cabin firewalls in Bergen – Aftenposten

Died in cabin firewalls in Bergen – Aftenposten

– It is found one person died in the lodge, but the person is not identified yet, said police superintendent Lars Martin Lothe to

Monday 18.42 o’clock the fire department received notification of an illuminated cabin in Eastern Stiaberget in Drotningsvik. About a half hour later, the fire was under control.

Searched by owner

Police worked long to identify the owner’s movements to determine if he was in the cabin or not. The fire department also sought with thermal imaging camera by any persons in the water.

– We got the message that a man had seen a dog stand and bark, and that the cabin was on fire. We are looking for the owner, but have not found him, said police efforts manager Ron Øvrebotten under exploration campaign.

– As smoke

The Man in the 40s to have refurbished the cottage for a long time. Neighbors and others had seen him earlier that day.

The person who reported the fire

said he saw smoke.

– I thought it was boss burning, he said.

Outside the cottage stood the owner and the dog barked. The man said he grabbed the front door to know if it was open.

– Front door was locked, and I soon discovered that the windows were extremely hot, he said.

Cottage by the sea

16 men came out from Laksevaag and the Fire Department’s main station in the city center. The cabin was somewhat inaccessible to, about 300 meters from the road and close to the sea in Bergen west.

No one could get in before the lodge was lit, according to BT’s reporter on the spot.

Published: 13.okt. 2,014 10:37 p.m.


Dead man found in waters of Arendal – Aftenposten

Dead man found in waters of Arendal – Aftenposten

Police College announced on Twitter that it’s found a man in the sea on Saltrød in Arendal. According Agderposten confirms police that the deceased probably a Polish man who was reported missing two weeks ago.

police received notification from a kayaker who had seen a dead person floating in the water in Alvika on Saltrød.

– The body was found less than 200 meters from where we found his boat,

says police chief Jan Sverre Krogstad said.

Published: 13.okt. 2,014 7:12 p.m.


- Here Loeper still ut people –

- Here Loeper still ut people –

(Dagbladet): – It runs what ever the people, says Tore Elton, tram driver and leader of the union Tram Club.

In it he says it takes a man who is about 50 meters further down the road movement and snaps across the road directly in front a bus. Elton leads 17 tram down Storgata in Oslo to stop Brugata, where a man in his 40s died Sunday morning after he was hit by a tram. According to witnesses, the man ran out into the road without warning.

– We experience daily hazard here, Elton.

Notified internally

Dagbladet is aware that several tram drivers have tried to warn of the dangerous conditions precisely in this area. Elton says he’s one of those that have been notified.

– We have delivered discrepancy reports about this. The sidewalks are too narrow, and there are many who stand and block, so others must go out of your way. It is also one of Oslo’s busiest public streets. It is an unfortunate and dangerous combination, says Elton, and sugar over pedestrians walking in his own world while texting or listening to music with headphones.

Cato Asperud, communications manager at the company, says the is aware of concern:

– We are familiar with it, and that this area is an issue. There are narrow sidewalks in some places there, and it may even appear that it has established a drug infected environments in the area. These are things we take up further with the authorities of the municipality. It is a bit limited in what we can do in isolation for ourselves, says Asperud, and stresses that

road safety is their main area, and they are constantly striving to improve conditions.

The municipality says there are plans to do something about the street.

– We are working on a new plan for Storgata. Talk about it to be upgraded again. We consider such input in zoning work, Odd Bratteberg, press contact in urban agency in Oslo.

Bratteberg says he is not familiar with the contents of the said discrepancy messages.

No suspects

fatal accidents investigated by the Oslo police.

– We collect information and witness statements, and video material from the shops and surroundings, says Knut Nysæter, superintendent at the traffic investigation section of the Oslo police.

No one has the status of a suspect or accused in the case, said Nysæter.

– There appears to be an accident where a pedestrian has entered the roadway. We must find out why and how it happened, says Nysæter.

He is not aware of attempts at internal notification area from tram drivers.

– Men It can be a factor in the investigation. It’s a bit chaotic area, where a lot is happening in a small area, say Nysæter.

– Need fence

Tram Driver Elton is clear on what needs to:

– Tram rails must be centered in the road, parking on the other side of the road must be removed, and it must be wider sidewalks with fences.


Do not have to pay tolls – NRK

Do not have to pay tolls – NRK

– Nå har jeg det veldig bra. Jeg husker ikke sist jeg hadde det så bra som i dag, sier Knut Enger, som er leder i grendeutvalget på Galterud.

Innbyggerne på Galterud har protestert heftig mot å betale bompenger for nye E16 uten at de faktisk bruker vegen.

I dag kom Frp og Høyre med gladmeldingen. Det blir ingen bom på fylkesveg 175.

– Dette er en kjempestor seier for oss. Og spesielt er det viktig for alle som hadde blitt berørt av bommen. Økonomisk hadde dette vært en tragedie for mange familier her, sier Knut Enger.

Dette var konflikten

Når nye E16 mellom Slomarka i Sør-Odal og Kongsvinger står ferdig den 27. november, vil Statens Vegvesen ha bompenger både der og på fylkesvegen som går parallelt.

Det er for å hindre at folk unngår den nye bomvegen for å kjøre gratis på fylkesvegen. Men det ville også betydd at innbyggerne på Galterud måtte betale bompenger for E16 selv om de ikke kjører på vegen.

De ville bli nødt til å betale for å bruke lokalvegen sin til og fra jobb, til butikken og til byen. Det er anslått at det ville kostet en familie rundt 50.000 kroner i året.

Hit og dit

mot bompenger på lokalvegen. - Foto: Ola Bjørlo Strande / NRK"/>

Folkemøte om bompenger på Galterud. Hele bygda har engasjert seg i kampen mot bompenger på lokalvegen.

Foto: Ola Bjørlo Strande / NRK

Politikerne har hatt forståelse for at dette er urimelig, men statssekretær Bård Hoksrud (Frp) og stortingsrepresentant Tor Andre Johnsen (Frp) har vinglet litt hit og dit i forhold til om det er mulig å gjøre noe med det.

Men i dag kunne de altså glede innbyggerne på Galterud med at de slipper unna.

Løsningen blir å sette opp to bommer på Fulu i stedet, på andre siden av Glomma. På den måten kan innbyggerne på Galterud kjøre fritt på gamlevegen inn til Kongsvinger og til ulike ærend i bygda uten å måtte betale.

– Hoksrud har etablert ny praksis

Lederen i grendeutvalget, Knut Enger, følte seg slett ikke sikker på seier i denne saken. Det så låst ut.

– Vi mente vi hadde en god sak, både rent rettferdig og juridisk, så vi har prøvd å bringe argumentene til torgs og få politikerne til å forstå, og det har vi lyktes med nå.

Enger overrakte blomster til statssekretær Bård Hoksrud i dag. Han syntes han fortjente det.

– Her har faktisk Hoksrud etablert en ny praksis når det gjelder å kreve bompenger på sidevegsnett, sier Knut Enger.

Viktig for andre i samme situasjon

Grendeutvalgslederen sier dette er en veldig viktig seier for Galterud, men at det også er en ekstremt prinsipiell viktig seier for alle som er i tilsvarende situasjon som de ha vært i på Galterud.

– Her har man tatt veglovens bokstav til følge og brukt prinsippet om at det er den som bruker vegen som skal betale, sier Knut Enger.

Ordføreren i Kongsvinger, Øystein Østgaard, er også veldig glad for denne løsningen på bompengekonflikten.

– Det betyr veldig mye for de som bor på Galterud. Det er viktig at dette kom på plass og at befolkningen kan reise til jobb uten å betale for det, sa Østgaard.


Recognized the gross mistreatment of the wife – NRK

Recognized the gross mistreatment of the wife – NRK

Den tidligere mesteren i kampsport (42) erkjente skyld for gjentatte tilfeller av grov mishandling og legemsbeskadigelse da saken mot ham startet i Oslo tingrett mandag.

Den 42 år gamle mannen nekter imidlertid for alle aspekter av tiltalen som knytter seg til voldtekt, understreket mannens forsvarer, advokat Øystein Storrvik etter å ha hørt aktors opplesning av tiltalen.

– I all hovedsak skyldtes voldsutøvelsen at tiltalte var sjalu etter at de hadde hatt gruppesex med andre menn, sa statsadvokat Cecilie Schløsser Møller i sitt innledningsforedrag.

Ved flere anledninger mistet kvinnen bevisstheten, hun ble påført alvorlige indre blødninger og bruddskader, ifølge tiltalen. Saken kom på politiets bord først etter at

sykehuset, som behandlet skadene, anmeldte forholdet.

Kvinnen verken turde eller kunne motsette seg overgrepene fordi hun fryktet ytterligere vold og fordi hun var sterkt ruset på narkotika som ektemannen fikk henne til å ta, mener påtalemyndigheten.

Mer enn hundre ganger i den tre sider lange tiltalen skildres voldtekter og andre seksuelle overgrep, grov og sadistisk vold, samt ekstrem psykisk manipulasjon over en periode på to år. Forholdene fant sted så hyppig at aktor bare skriver mer enn hundre ganger over en toårsperiode.

Tiltalte er en 42 år gammel, tidligere norgesmester i sin vektklasse i en kampsport. Offeret – en sju år yngre kvinne – var samboeren hans, før de giftet seg.

Statsadvokat Møller bekrefter overfor NTB at hun vil be om at 42-åringen blir dømt til forvaring, men vil ikke si noe om lengden på straffen.



Seven people rescued from the glacier – NRK

Seven people rescued from the glacier – NRK

Søndag klokken 19.05 fikk politiet melding om at fem personer som skulle gå over Buerbreen til Buerdalen var savnet.

– De hadde ikke gitt lyd fra seg når det var forventet, sier politiets operasjonsleder Janne Steimler Sætre.

Klokken 21.35 fikk Hovedredningssentralen (HRS) melding fra Houston i USA om at det var kommet inn et nødpeilesignal fra samme område.

– På meldingene står det ting som «glacier, cold and dark. Total of seven persons», sa Johann Mannsåker ved HRS i går kveld.

Det viste seg at totalt syv personer, fem fra Voss og to fra Bergen, satt fast på breen.

– De hadde gått seg fast på vei opp til breen grunnet sprekkdannelser i isen. De klarte ikke å komme seg videre, forteller Sætre.

Erfarne fjellfolk

Mannskaper fra Røde Kors rykket ut sammen med politiet, og Sea King-helikopteret ble også sendt ut.

I gruppen på fem skal det ha vært en erfaren brefører, og de to mennene i den andre gruppen er også kjent i området.

– Dette er erfarne fjellfolk. Når de varsler at de trenger hjelp, så betyr det at de har problemer, sa Mannsåker.

Det var lettere regn i området og tåke over 1400 meter, der de syv skal ha oppholdt seg.

– Hvis det er skydekke kan dette bli vanskelig, sa Mannsåker.

Fikk konkret posisjon

Men redningsaksjonen gikk som håpet. Klokken 22.58 var Sea

King-helikopteret over området, og klokken 23.39 var alle syv hentet ned.

– De er i god behold, sier Sætre.

Hun forteller at signalet som ble sendt til Houston var til stor hjelp i redningsarbeidet.

– Vi fikk en konkret såkalt UTM-posisjon, som gjør at vi kan peile rett mot stedet de er. Det gjør redningarbeidet mindre tidkrevende, sier hun.

BUERBREEN: Breen ligger nær Odda. De to mennene fra Bergen holdt til på ca 1400 meter høyde, øverst på breen. Fem personer fra Voss var også regnet som savnet.

Foto: Google Maps


Sunday, October 12, 2014

All seven are found in good condition on the Buer –

All seven are found in good condition on the Buer –

All seven people who Sunday night walked stuck on the Buer at Odda, is found in good condition. A Sea King rescue helicopter searched the area late Sunday night, and just after 23.30 Rogaland Police reported that the helicopter had found all the missing.

All were flown to Odda, newspaper Bergens Tidende.

– All the seven missing are found alive and well by Sea King helicopter. They had gotten caught in the glacier. The reason was cracks in the glacier, said Hordaland police district.

police received the first message about the missing tour mates at 19.05. They were expected back in 15-16 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Both the police and the Red

Cross sent crews to the site on the Buer Sunday night, illuminated Operations Kjersti Eidsnes.

The time 21.34 was the police as a message from the Rescue Coordination Centre Southern Norway that an American citizen tour mates had made contact with a rescue center in Houston, Texas and the stated position.

He said he was wet and cold, they were seven in the party, and that no one was injured, but that they needed assistance to get down. Buer is an arm of the glacier in Odda municipality



Seven people onto isbre – Aftenposten

Seven people onto isbre – Aftenposten

– A person with a satellite transmitter notified that they have trouble taking off from Buer. There are two tour groups who apparently have teamed up for the seven people who are unable to take them down to Buardalen in Odda, says rescue leader Johan Mannsåker by the Rescue Coordination Centre Southern Norway Aftenposten.

Clouds and drizzle

JRCC was notified at. 9.21. Before 23 o’clock Sunday night was a Seaking helicopter heading into.

– In addition, people from Odda Red Cross and police moving into. It will be drizzle and cloud cover at 1300 – 1400 meters. We are uncertain whether the helicopter can land, says Mannsåker.

It will involve a tour group of two from Bergen and five persons from Voss

A man in your party from Bergen sent a distress call via a so-called spot-send. JRCC southern Norway was then notified via a rescue center in Houston.

Steep and dark

police were first

contacted clock 19.05 from someone who wanted a tour mates of five people from Voss. They should have been back in 16 times, but the cars were still in the parking lot, enter Bergens Tidende.

– No one is reported injured, but they need assistance to take down, says Kjersti Eidsnes, operations manager at Hordaland police district.

The missing should be in steep terrain in 1300 meter. The group consists of two women at 33 and 29 years and a total of five men on 50, 42, 34 and 32 years of tour mates. Age at last man is not yet known.

READ ALSO: French tourist injured on a walk

Published: 12.okt. 2,014 10:51 p.m.


- The driver says he is upset over the tragic outcome – Aftenposten

- The driver says he is upset over the tragic outcome – Aftenposten

Politiet foretok søndag kvelld et av første avhøret sjåføren fra ulykken på Gardermoen lørdag.

Man begynner Na Fa et tydeligere BILDE BC hva som skjedde da en 22 år gammel mann blue fire og andre Drept lettere skadet. Føreren personbilen av er nå siktet hefty uaktsomt linen OGG uaktsom kjøring.

Det var den Gamle Petter Omsland Nikolaisen 22 år som omkom. Han var fra Drøbak studerte og ved Universitet i Oslo.

Den mannlige bilisten har nå vært gjennom sitt første formal avhør hos politiet Lillestrøm som på Forst mandag town would stilling til den 45-ohm årige mannen critical stop fremstilles hefty varetektsfengsling .

er lei sec

Mannens forsvarer, advokat Andreas Ihlebæk, Sier til Aftenposten søndag kveld at han ikke hva town kommentere klienten har forklart.

– er Mannen lei sec over at det blue beings tragisk utfall. Han tarball debt veldig tungt, Sier advokaten.

– han har det som erkjent straffeskyld hefty skjedde

– Det town jeg ikke if Noah ohms.

– han har vedgått å ha ha sittet backing rattet OGG kjørt ruspåvirket tilstand i

– Det town jeg ikke kommentere Heller, Sier Ihlebæk.

Lensmannen i Ullensaker Gjerdrum OGG, Bjørn Hoff, blue oppdatert sjåføren har det om forklart but Sier at han ikke town kommentere debt Før Forst tidligst mandag.

etter det som lensmannen omtaler svært cup vitneobservasjoner OGG åstedsforklaringer, tror politiet nå at ulykken skjedde Under en forbikjøring.

Det som of camp synes fem syklistene kjørte i rekke langs veien, opplyser Hoff Somme Sier at bilisten mÅ ha kjørt over Dobbel online, gul sperrelinje i veibanen.

Ute på treningstur

Det var en Gruppe med syklister Oslostudentene Idrettslag fra og som var på IF froy treningstur på lørdag Romerike, opplyser sykkelklubbene IF froy OSI i en og felles uttalelse.

“Dette er en tragisk ulykke berører oss som alle. Horned tanker er nå hos den nærmeste familie og two øvrige pårørende. View town gjøre vårt beste would horned by two hefty doze trenger vår hjelp. “

Lederen hefty Ullensaker cykleklubb, Hans Petter Trondsen Sier til at Aftenposten ulykken skjedde i et område som er i vanlig trailed hefty Lokale syklister .

– Det er ofte mange syklister ute på disse veiene, og mange Legger treningsturen opp mot Hurdalsjøen, Sier tunnel.

Publisert: 12.okt. 2014 19:26


Hit head on when overtaking –

Hit head on when overtaking –

Bicycle rider who was hit and killed by Gardermoen Saturday hit a car head-on when the car was trying to overtake another car. It says sheriff Bjørn Hoff Nannestad and Gjerdrum Police District told Dagbladet.

– We are now just about finished with all the witnesses in the case and feel we have a good picture of what happened, he said.

He says that the accused driver to be heard in the afternoon.

There was a group of five cyclists who were out and trained when the accident occurred. Near the intersection of E16 and Highway 176 met the two cars at once. One was about to overtake the other. Two cyclists were hit by the past driving the car coming straight toward them.

– cyclists rode in fast pace, but I will not say anything about the car’s speed yet. It was a double solid yellow barrier line where the accident occurred, said the sheriff.


One died while the other was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

– I want to praise the other riders and witnesses of how they appeared on the

scene. They started with life-saving first aid, and at the same time so put someone into a car to follow the man who had run the racers, says Hoff.

They followed at a distance and observed the man stopped the car.

– They could lead us to the accused and we arrested him without incident, says Hoff.

It was taken a breath test that showed that the man was drunk.

– It has been expanded blood test and we expect to get an answer to it early next week, he said.

Bike comrades in Oslo Student’s Sports and IF Frey came yesterday with a statement where they write that they are doing everything they can to take care of the people involved in the accident.

Have talked

Lawyer Andreas Ihlebæk defends the accused driver.

– I talked to him several times, but I do not want to say anything about what he has said before he is questioned by police, says Ihlebæk Dagbladet.


Racers at Gardermoen hit during overtaking – online newspaper

Racers at Gardermoen hit during overtaking – online newspaper

Vitner til ulykken der en syklist mistet livet ved Gardermoen lørdag, sier bilen kolliderte med syklistene under en forbikjøring.

Det opplyser lensmann Bjørn Hoff i Nannestad og Gjerdrum lensmannsdistrikt til Aftenposten.

Ifølge Hoff bekreftet promilletesten politiets mistanke om at bilføreren var beruset. Det ble lørdag tatt utvidet blodprøve av mannen for å slå dette fast.

Til sammen fem syklister var innblandet i ulykken, som skjedde ved krysset mellom E16 og fylkesvei 176

vest for Gardermoen ved 15-tiden lørdag.

En av dem, en mann i begynnelsen 20-årene fra Oslo-området, omkom. En 25 år gammel mann ble fløyet til Ullevål sykehus med lettere skader. De tre andre syklistene kom uskadd fra ulykken.

Mannen i 40-årene, som nå er siktet for uaktsomt drap og uaktsom kjøring, stakk først av fra ulykkesstedet. Hoff sier vitneforklaringer var helt avgjørende for at han ble pågrepet kort tid etter, og for at politiet nå mener å ha en god oversikt over hendelsesforløpet.

Sjåføren blir trolig avhørt søndag.

Et av vitnene på stedet, som kom fram før politi og ambulanse, beskriver det han så slik:

– Det så ikke pent ut. Syklistene fortalte at de hadde kommet fra Oslo, og at bilen hadde kommet i deres felt og kjørt på dem, sa han til VG. (©NTB)


Man killed in boating accident at Tjøme – NRK

Man killed in boating accident at Tjøme – NRK

Redningsmannskaper forsøkte å gjenopplive mannen da de kom frem til båten, uten å lykkes.

To andre jevnaldrende menn ble lettere skadet i ulykken.

Stor redningsaksjon

Det var en av mennene som overlevde ulykken som ringte politiet og varslet om ulykken litt før klokken halv to natt til


Ulykken skjedde nordøst for Hvasser.

– Mannskaper fra politi, ambulanse, brannvesenet med dykkere ble sendt til stedet. En båt fra Røde Kors kom først frem til stedet, men livet til den ene mannen sto ikke til å redde, sier operasjonsleder i Vestfold politidistrikt, Kjetil Indahl, til NRK.

Det var regn og dårlig sikt i området da ulykken skjedde.

Har startet etterforskning

– Vi avhører de som var involvert i ulykken. Vi fortsetter med tekniske undersøkelser når det blir lyst, sier Indahl.

Alle de involverte i havariet er i 50-årene og fra Vestfold.


A man died when RIB went on reefs off Hvasser – Aftenposten

A man died when RIB went on reefs off Hvasser – Aftenposten

– There is a suspicion of drink driving, and we have taken the necessary samples of the two men, said operations Kjetil Indahl at Vestfold police early Sunday morning.

The two have already been questioned, and the questioning continues throughout the day Sunday. The man who died was a passenger in the boat, confirming Indahl.

– men are affected by the accident, but can explain to the police, saying Indahl.

Greater rescue

The police got in at 1:25 emergency from a person aboard a RIB that it had gone on a rock. A major rescue operation was launched.

There were three men in their 50s from Vestfold on board.

The accident must have happened between the islands Ildverket and Froungen north -nordøst for Hvasser on Tjøme.

– We have now found all three. One was critically injured and taken care of by the health care system, while the other two are conscious and explained that it was just the three on board, said operations Kjetil Indahl at Vestfold Police clock 02.45.

Just before the clock 05 notified police that the critically injured man was dead and that relatives were notified.

– Båtvante

– A RIB is capable of great speed, do you know if the move was great when the boat hit the reef?

– I can not say at this time. We continue to work in the morning hours investigating the scene, and the boat. It has some damage.

– There have been several accidents with RIBs in your area. Can you say something general about the

challenges of boat type?

– No, these were men in their 50s, they are båtvante and capable of mastering the boat even though it was a dark and rainy, says Indahl.


Tjøme radio sent out “mayday” message to all ships in the waters by the news that a boat had havariert and that at least one person was in the water .

There was poor visibility and weather in the area, dark and heavy rain.

A civilian helicopter from the airlift at Rygge and several rescue boats have been sent to the area, according Vestfold Police on tTwitter clock 02.

Taken to land

Red Cross boat “Veritas” came in with the critically injured man to the Medo marina Engø north of Tjome half an hour after the rescue operation began.

It has stations in Vrengen Strait, and was the closest ambulance.

also attended the pilot boat “17″ from Hvasser, rescue boat, “Horn Flyer” from Skjærhalden, fire, police and several ambulances in action.

We also had divers on standby, but these were not used when we got control of everyone who had been on board, said Indahl.

Read also: 20 people have drowned so far in July

Published: 12.okt. 2,014 2:11


Saturday, October 11, 2014

One person died after boating accident in Vestfold –

One person died after boating accident in Vestfold –

(Dagbladet): The police was notified at 1:25 that a boat was wrecked off Tjøme in Vestfold. Police, ambulance, fire brigade and a Sea King helicopter was sent to the place. In addition, three boats put into the search.

It was the Red Cross ship which first came to the place and found three men on board, one of whom was severely injured.

It was initiated lifesaving first aid on the spot. Right before at 05 police that the man which had sustained serious injuries, are confirmed dead.

The other two persons to have come from the incident with minor injuries.

– There is enough natural feel of the event. We are now talking with the people involved, to clarify what has happened, says operations manager says Kjetil Indal in Vestfold Police Dagbladet.

The boat was wrecked between Froungen and Ildverket, two islands east of Tjøme.


Fant bleeding mann in Bergen sentrum – Aftenposten

Fant bleeding mann in Bergen sentrum – Aftenposten

The police were called out to a person injured Saturday night after midnight. It was first reported stabbing. This is now uncertain.

– He has a good cut below the chin. It was reported stabbing, but the damage can be consistent with fall, says operations Terje Magnussen in Hordaland police district to Bergens Tidende.

A man in his 20s was 0:15 o’clock taken out in an ambulance in Nygårdsgaten. There is blood tracking in Bohr’s street, 50 meters away.

– The victim has a cut under his chin. He was unconscious when we arrived at the site. Now he is conscious, and we are in dialogue, says operations Terje

Magnussen in Hordaland police.

The man was found outside the club Fotballpuben.

police come out with more patrols. The man is rushed to the emergency room.

– We eventually made contact with him. We have no information about the culprit, says Magnussen to Bergens Tidende.

Published: 12.okt. 2,014 0:27
