Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Will scrap your Sp-top from the Parliament – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

the nomination committee in Sør-Trøndelag Senterparti has put forward its recommendations to the list, ahead of the parliamentary election in the autumn, and there is not Heidi Grenis name to find. The sets that Gunn Iversen Stokke, the deputy mayor of South-Trøndelag as shall replace Greni as listetopp.

Gunn Iversen Stokke is today fylkesvaraordfører in Sør-Trøndelag. When the South – and North-Trøndelag are merged is it in the cards that the new fylkesvaraordføreren in Trøndelag named Tomas Iver Hallem and coming from the North-Trøndelag, norway.

Will still do a job

Greni, who has represented the center party in Parliament since the election in 2013, has said that she still wants to do a job for the party in Parliament, but the nomination committee will it differently.

Nominasjonsmøtet to Sør-Trøndelag Senterparti be held Saturday november 26, and all indications are that it will now be battle for top place in the list.

Came as a shock

Heidi Greni acknowledge that the setting from the nomination committee came as a shock.

I was offered their fifth on the list in the last week.To be offered even as a sitting member of parliament is quite surprising.

the nomination committee was split in its recommendation, from which four went for Sps fylkesvaraordfører in Sør-Trøndelag Gunn Iversen Stokke, while three would have a sitting member of parliament Heidi Greni.

I have not had any explanation of what you are unhappy with, but I hope the committee explains to me this time. Politically, I can not see that it separates some of the cases between me and Iversen Stokke.

Greni says that she is determined to stay the course and ask the nomination committee for renewed confidence.

– I will absolutely stand on. I mean I have a lot to give for the Sp and the Sør-Trøndelag county, ” says Greni to it.no.

“For the positive to kommunesammenslåing”

After the Impulses know is Greni been met with criticism from its own ranks that she “has been too positive to kommunesammenslåing”.

On Facebook posted Greni this post on Tuesday night:

“I still want to fight for the South-coast of Trøndelag!

today came the news that the I of the nomination committee are not proposed in the selection list of the centre party before the election. This despite the fact that several of the committee have desired me on top.

as far As I have observed there was a good turnout for my candidacy in the first round. Therefore, it came as a surprise when I was offered a place by the chairman of the nomination committee in the process. I have throughout the process been clear that I want to continue the job on the Norwegian Parliament for Sør-Trøndelag.

In the course of my term in Parliament I have not received nothing but good feedback about the job I have done. I ask me still at the disposal of the central party and want to embark on a new period. I have a passion for Sør-Trøndelag. It is still a big job to do and I want to continue to use my position to fight for a better distriktssatsing, new rovdyrpolitikk, increased food production and stronger jordvern. Now it is up to nominasjonsmøte to make the decision.”

Leave the battle to nominasjonsmøtet

the Leader of the nomination committee in Sør-Trøndelag Sp, Arne Braut, was Tuesday evening, the button in their comments.
- I have reason no more to add than what appears in the press release we have sent out. We were in agreement about the work model and process – and that flertallsprinsippet would apply. This we followed to the spot to tingle.

– Heidi Greni has been a very visible representative. There has been reactions that you now vraker her?

– No. No strong reactions so far. About all agree, is a different matter. It is the reason why we have nominasjonsmøte after a setting.

To see the proposal from the nomination committee:

1. Gunn Iversen Stokke, Skaun

2. Geir Arild Espnes, Oppdal

3. Marte Løvik, Trondheim, norway

4. Vegard Frøseth Fenes , Senterungdommen / Trondheim, norway

5. Jorid Jagtøyen, Melhus

6. John Husdal, Åfjord

7. Lars Peder Hammerstad, Hitra

8. Elisabeth Selås, Agdenes

9. Mikael Forselius, Røros

10. Mariell Toven, Trondheim, norway

11. Ole Herman Sveian, Malvik

12. Mari Storm Myrmæl, Meldal

133 Knut Arne Go, Frøya

14. Odd Jarle Svanem, Hemne

15. Rasmus Skålholt, Orkdal

16. Life Darell, Rissa


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