(Dagbladet): the Sector believes their alternative budget will provide a greater klimaeffekt, among other things, because of the increased drivtoffavgifter, than the government’s proposals for the national budget.
the Government received fierce criticism when they do not leave a carbon footprint in the budget, but not His view of how large the cuts in the CO2 emissions of their proposals will lead to.
- WE can not say the exact effect in thousands of tonnes, we have the ikka apparatus to calculate, but we know that our budget will lead to larger cuts, says party leader Knut Arild Hareide to the Newspaper.
Monday, let the Progress forward its alternative budget.
- This proposal will make the budget of the government better in the areas of children, school, family, climate, and poverty, said Hareide when he opened the press conference.
- Within this is the children and the family the most important commitment, he said.
Together with the Liberal alternative budget, which will be presented on Tuesday, this becomes an essential starting point for budsjettforhandlingene with the coalition parties.
This is some of the key requirements of the KrFs alternative budget:
- Raise drivstoffavgiftene with 20 cents on diesel and 15 cents on gasoline. This is in addition to the government’s proposal, which was to increase these fees with respectively 35 and 15 cents.
- the Progress want to create a separate utreisesenter for families with children, to compensation for detention at Trandum. They will also use 20 million to the increased barnefaglig expertise in the entire asylkjeden, writes the newspaper Dagbladet on Monday.
- This will increase the cash assistance by 50 per cent from 6.000 to 9.000 million in the month. The party also proposes an increase in the barnehagemidlene allocated more staff and more barnehagelærere of 346 million kroner, reported NRK on Monday.
- Both the Progress and the Left will scrutinize the government finansskatt. The scheme should, according to the government’s proposals for the national budget give 1.8 billion in revenue, writes DN.
- This sets off from 600 million to strengthen the current child benefit. The party will also fight for minstepensjonistene in budsjettforhandlingene that start to the week, reported NTB on Sunday.
- Want to prioritise more teachers in front of the several hours in school. Will ensure two teachers in the 3. 4. and 5. class.
- We follow the Green tax commission recommendations to a large extent, but we take greater consideration to the districts. We compensate including the agricultural sector, and also proposes to raise the pendlerfradraget, said Hans Olav Syversen of the press conference.
- We redistributes, creates more jobs and provides for a more social profile. It is also a powerful suggestions on klimaområdet than the government have added up to, ” Syversen.
Negotiations between the left, Right, Left and KrF, starting on Wednesday.
Although cash is a controversial point, there are probably other requirements that will create the highest temperature in the budsjettforhandlingene between samarbeidspartiene and the coalition parties.
The green shift will be central, and that Dagbladet has previously written, probably will the introduction of a flat CO2 tax and increased fuel surcharges to be among the Liberal party’s main demands into the negotiations.
the Case is updated.
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