Wednesday, October 26, 2016

To give money to Vision Norway does not give God’s blessing. Jan Hanvold is emerging … – Aftenposten

the Preacher and mediemisjonæren Jan Hanvold come bad out of the NRK Brennpunkts documentary “Pengepredikanten”.

Which tells how Hanvold, who among other things runs the christian TV channel Vision Norway, since 2001 has collected 1 billion, and now has gaveinntekter at about 100 million annually.


Many donors are sick people looking for healing. Message from Hanvold is that the one who give will reap the blessing.

And while many with little money giving large monetary gifts, has Hanvold built up a privately owned eiendomsimperium.

time and Time again it has been shown that the massive criticism against Hanvold – for example, in Our Country and the Day – preller. I do not hope it happens this time. Although many of the Hanvolds supporters would probably accept the assertion that the NRK is just out to get him, I think that some of the revelations can shake.

Few christians would support a man who uses the collected funds to enrich themselves. It is the Bible’s warning against pengekjærlighet for clear.

Should I let be to ask in the programs?

Even I met for the first time Hanvolds theology as a 16-year-old, Tønsberg Gymnas. In the christian skolelaget appeared, among other things, a student who had passed a year at bibelskolen to the Word of Life in Uppsala in Sweden.

He was concerned about speaking in tongues, healing, victory and success. For a bedehusgutt as it was to me a strange thought that God’s blessing should be about the money.

The so-called fremgangsteologien or herlighetsteologien had the wind in the sails in the 80 – and 90-century. Many promised much on behalf of God.

the Solution to life’s problems – illness and debt – was a strong faith. I experienced the preaching as a personal attack.

my Father died of cancer when I was five years old. I refused to accept that the reason he died was that he, or we, who prayed for him every night, lacked faith.

today has trosbevegelsen in Norway just about called it quits. The nordic leader, Ulf Ekman, was a catholic. Enevald Fleet in Bergen had to leave the Living Words that have moderated their theology. The same has Åge M. Åleskjær made in the Oslo Christian Center. It is about only Jan Hanvold who keep going.

Perhaps because he has succeeded to cooperate widely and appear to be more and more christian. I’ve even been a guest on programs his. It, I should perhaps let it be?

Hanvold should lose confidence

Jan Hanvold have no problems with asking for money. There are good reasons to argue that people can feel manipulated and pushed to the givertjeneste.

Although I think it is a complete short circuit to argue that giving money to the channel increases the ability to receive God’s blessing.

Even more serious – not least for Hanvolds supporters – is the fact that he has enriched himself via the TV Vision Norway. It had NRK Brennpunkt found new and interesting documentation.

It’s not, and is deeply unethical, that a man with millioninntekt and ownership in large companies, increasingly use television broadcast to communicate a need for large and increasing donations. It is similar to avarice.

Jesus often says that it is impossible to serve both God and Mammon (i.e. money). Paul strongly warns against those who “look at gudsfrykten as a way to gain” (1 Tim 6,5).

Jan Hanvold should have had good answers to give to relevant questions from national television about his economic stewardship. Instead, appear he as if he has something to hide. It makes that he should lose much of the trust the sponsors have had to him.

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