Saturday, October 29, 2016

Opens for chat with the Nordmøre – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

– To have the whole county of Møre and Romsdal is out of the question. It to spend time on fredsmegling is not interesting for us. Want møringene and romsdalingene to keep on with fogderistriden, so they must just keep on with it. But Trøndelag, norway will not enter into it. We do not have the time for it. We are utviklingsfokusert. We have so many plans and thoughts that we will not accept to be on the grueling battle, ” says fylkesordfører Tore O. Sandvik to Adresseavisen.

request new and closer calls

Friday was Nordmøre Regionråds own assessment about the future regiontilhørighet for the Coast presented. It shows that Coast can get a positive development in a larger region consisting of the counties of Trøndelag and the whole or parts of Møre and Romsdal. This will also be a dynamic region of the country, and it will be able to take responsibility for future and bigger tasks to the regional level, believes the council. For a majority of Nordmørskommunene this is the preferred option in a new regionstruktur. A minority of Nordmørskommunene – Sunndal, Gjemnes, Averøy and Tingvoll – wish at the outset that the Møre and Romsdal will continue as its own region. But if the Parliament believes that the Møre and Romsdal is too small, want Nordmørskommunene gathered to go up north to a midtnorsk region.

the Study shows also that the current fylkesgrense challenge the structural conditions on parts of the Coast, and that this is particularly negative for the northern grensekommunene. Regionrådet requesting that the county of Møre and Romsdal county council initiate closer cooperation with South-Trøndelag county council on relevant areas, in order to remedy this, also regardless of the final result in regionreformen.

No to the whole county of Møre and Romsdal

Chair in Nord-Trøndelag, norway Anne Marit Mevassvik and Fylkesordfører in Sør-Trøndelag, Tore O. Sandvik emphasises that it is unacceptable to merge the whole county of Møre and Romsdal county with the new County.

– If the Coast wants to go in dialogue with the Trøndelag we have repeatedly said we are open to it, but a merger of the whole of Møre and Romsdal with new Trøndelag is not current policy. We will actively oppose such a proposal, ” says Messavik and Sandvik in a press release.

“Nabopraten” also showed that there is no will or desire for such a merger from the county council in the county of Møre and Romsdal, ” says Mevassvik and Sandvik.

– Nordmøre is Moldevendt

Sandvik emphasises that the Coast is welcome to be a part of the county.

We think it will be a strength for the region. We have a shared identity, industry and infrastructure. It is uncomplicated, ” says Sandvik, who say that there already is good collaboration between Nordmøre and Trøndelag.

But it is not a very close cooperation, because one graviterer against the various maktsentrene. Nordmøre is Moldevendt, whether they want it or not. Actually, we have a closer cooperation with Bristol than with Kristiansund, although it is the agricultural and identity would have been just as natural to have had an equally close collaboration with the Kristiansund and Nordmøre. Nordmøre is for example not a part of our marine strategic plan, which is a systematic plan with the private sector, academia and the public. Of course, it would have been a strength to have had with the Coast when we are planning the future of the havrommet. Trøndelag and Nordmøre has a lot in common, ” says Sandvik, which has had several visits of the nordmøringer the last few months.

More meetings

– What have you talked about?

I am concerned that if we are to be specific and formal as we must have with fellesnemnda. We have largely answered the question, both I and Rita (Ottervik, ed.anm.). Rita is more ready than myself to have with the Kristiansund and Nordmøre in the region to strengthen cooperation. But this must nordmøringene essentially take the position. We will not stand in the way, ” says Sandvik, who is completely convinced that the larger regions in Norway is required.

– We need to remove the part of the state’s micromanagement at the regional level. We need to get decisions made more effectively, and then we must have regions that can take part of these tasks. We need to get more speed on the regional development, and we do that best in the regions and not from Oslo and the state directorate and agencies.

– do you Think the Møre and Romsdal will be the own region in about 10-15 years?

– It can be imagined. It is one of the smallest in this case, but how Møre and Romsdal will organize themselves, they must find out by yourself. Trøndelag will be marked more on the national arena when Trøndelag is more and better from Trøndelag in 2018, says Sandvik, before he emphasizes: “But we are ready to allocate the features. There will be no rematch at where the administrative center and the County is left. When it is said we live not by politicians and in view. We live to have a talented business sector, ” says Sandvik.


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