Oslo Right one will not simply to prohibit solid ansiktsplagg in the school: the Ban should apply on all public institutions, believe the party.
While the Frp minister Sylvi Listhaug on behalf of the government have said no to a national nikab-ban in school, believe Fabian Stang, who is Listhaugs new secretary of state, that it should be a national ban on ansiktsdekkende the garment in all public institutions.
This was revealed by the current manager in Oslo Right where they processed a proposal to introduce a national prohibition.
see ALSO: Can be hijabkamp in the Right
AND THIS: Ready for nikab-bans in school
Ambiguous details
Stefan Heggelund, the leader of the Oslo Conservative a programme committee, confirms the above VG that this was passed against the chair of the programme committee recommendation. The proposal came from one of the Oslo Conservative bydelspartier.
– Confusion about how this will work in practice and what can be defined as public institutions is one of the reasons that the program committee not recommended the proposal, he writes in a text message to VG.
Furthermore, he writes:
– This is a clear signal to the central programme committee about what Oslo Right think about ansiktsdekkende garment, and its consequences for integration, and they must take this into account when they create andreutkast to the program.
Rod was one of them who voted for the ban.
– This means that we will ask the Right consider the question of the congress, if there should be a majority for it. Furthermore, you will see how this will work in practice, ” says Rod VG.
What is meant by public institutions?
– the Schools, courts and otherwise, where we have a need for communication with others. The details are not completely clear on this point, ” says Rod.
Not concerned about Right-klinsj
He believes that one should be able to see each other in the face when one is looking at different venues.
– facial expression is an important communication factor. That said, I see this as a minimal problem in Norway. Nevertheless, I think that we should have clear rules when it comes to clothing that covers the face.
– You have previously stated that you in your new role as secretary of state, will mute the harsh debate on immigrants. How do you think this affect the integration?
– the Problem is so small that I don’t think it plays as big role. I will still mute the mold we’ve debated immigration policy in the. I see an ugly language in the debates, the comments section, and elsewhere in social media. But I also think that one must be able to discuss it in a factual way.
” We’re talking about two different periods. This is to talk about a proposal that will be relevant for the parliamentary election 2017-2021. It’s not like that united now has nothing to do with what the government believes. What we voted over now is our proposal to the Conservative programme for the next period. Then it is allowed to mean anything. It is in the dictatorships that you can’t vote against the government, ” says a lattermild Rod to the VG.
Right: the Proposal should be investigated
Ingjerd Schou, the Conservative immigration spokesman, said that a national ban in the school context may be applicable, after she has been joined by the party’s parliamentary group on this.
see ALSO: Ap-no nikab in the schools and education
– Right allows for prohibitions on solid garments in the school context. It comes Nikab and burka. But not the hijab. The conservative intention is to prohibit solid garments in the school.
– Therefore, there is now a majority in Parliament in order that the different ministries develop and clarify the unanswered questions and the circumstances surrounding the decision. For example, it is not all teaching situations that happens within the four walls of a skolebygg.
Schou says that the Right has not taken a position on where they stand with respect to the Oslo Conservative decisions concerning the national prohibition against ansiktsdekkende the garment in all public insitusjoner.
– Yes, what are they public institutions? It pops up a number of new issues with such formulation. I believe also that it is ugreit with a bus driver in the burka. But the proposal needs a better assessment, and I think they need a closer review than to on the contrary say no.
She believes, nevertheless, that Rod, that garments such as the nikab is not working in the Norwegian society.
– We must see each other to build trust. It has with Norwegian values. Want you not it, do not think I that this is the right place to be. The quality in the Norwegian society based on transparency and trust.
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