Saturday, October 29, 2016

Arbeiderpartipolitiker in the county of Hordaland have been imprisoned in sedelighetssak – Bergens Tidende

the Man represents the Labour party in the municipal council and is charged with sedelighetsforbrytelser. The police is silent.

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We know that he is imprisoned, but not why. We have not had contact with him and has not made us something internally in the party. We must wait until we know more, ” says a leading arbeiderpartipolitiker in the man’s hjemkommune to BT.

– A serious matter

It was Wednesday, 12. October that the man was apprehended by the police. The day after he was ” I in the district court.

I can’t comment on the case out that he was “I in four weeks,” says politiadvokat Asbjørn Onarheim in the West police district to BT on Thursday.

– It is a serious matter, he said when the man was imprisoned.

Politiadvokaten would not say anything about how many offended it is in the case or which paragraphs the man is charged with. He assisted colleague Jane Ringset Heltne under fengslingsmøtet.

Police believed there was danger that man would destroy evidence if he was on the loose and was therefore the opinion of the court pursuant to varetektsfengsling.

” We have asked varetektsfengsling of respect to bevisforspillelse. Then we can not advise on the merits of the details, ” says Heltne.

the Case is about the pornography, according to court berammingsliste. The court has laid down prohibitions about to refer from the ruling.

the Man’s defender, Ms Keller-Fløystad, will not say anything about the matter.

Appealed, but got no

After having been imprisoned in the district court, appealed the man the decision to the Gulating lagmannsrett. He argued for his release, but the appellate court dismissed the appeal in a decision 18. October. Also this ruling is exempt from public disclosure, with respect to the investigation.

the Labour party says that they do not have explicit written rules for how to handle such cases. Kristin Kallset is assistant secretary and says that every case is considered individually.

It happens because the investigation of criminal cases against elected representatives are not identical, and thus it is difficult with a common set of rules. But it is normal that the it comes to seeking leave and step aside while the investigation is ongoing, ” she says.

Earlier in the summer, wrote the BT about a KrF-politician in California who was charged with having molested more children.

– I have laid all the cards on the table facing the police and apologize strongly to what has happened. I’m sorry to those who have been exposed to this. I’m taking this terribly heavy, and have sought help, the man said to BT.

He resigned from all positions in his party after the case became known in BT.


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