Thursday, October 6, 2016

Use bompengar on the free bus – NRK

Bergen city council adopted earlier in the year to femdobla bompengeavgifta and set up free bus and subway on days with poor byluft.

so-Called “beredskapstakstar” means that the price for bomringpasseringane in the city host 225 million for personbilar in rushtida, some it is reported helseskadeleg air for at least two days.

the Rest of the day it will cost 95 million.

directorate of public roads said no

Also, Hordaland county council, who have responsibility for the kollektivtilbodet in the city, the free bus and subway on such days, but the assumption was that they had funded one.

It proved to be a challenge, for 30. september rejected the directorate of public roads that temporarily increased bompengeavgift in Bergen, and may be used to covered the free kollektivtilbod when luftforureininga is high.

INVERSION: A varmelokk of cold air along the ground provides at times trapped the pollution down in the Bergensdalen.

Photo: Ingfrid Berge Fossåskaret / NRK

directorate of public roads went with that it can be extra buses on such days, but said no to pay it with increased bompengar.

Fylkespolitikar Sally Hjemdal (Frp) criticized the arbeidarpartistyrte county council to have promised bergensarane something they could not keep.

the Ministry says yes

But now says Samferdsledepartementet yes to this finansieringsordninga, and review thus, the directorate of public roads.

We think it is they that sit closest to considering what are the best measures, says secretary of state Tom-Christer Nilsen (H).

In a letter to the directorate “has the ministry come to that we want to open for that the revenue from the increased bompengetakstene can be used to the measures that the municipality and the municipality deems necessary for you to get down the car traffic in the period it applies [...] including the reimbursement of costs as a result of public transport being made free”.

– SHOULD BE USEFUL: – They motførestillingane that may be there, we are urged to evaluate, but our assessment is that this should be easy, says secretary of state Tom-Christer Nilsen.

Photo: Simen Sundfjord Otterlei / NRK

Thus, the chairman Anne Gine Hestetun (Ap) triumph.

– We need mechanisms to klara to hamla up with problemstillingane linked to the climate. Good byluft is quite crucial, and we wish to be offensive, ” says Hestetun, with similar details that the proposal shall be heilskinna through høyringsrunden.

May ”

the department of Justice believes it is uncertain whether it is lovheimel for such funding. Therefore Samferdsledepartementet evaluate the section forskrifta can take effect before the lovendringa is passed by Parliament.

They motførestillingane that may be there, we are urged to evaluate, but our assessment is that this should be easy, says secretary of state Tom-Christer Nilsen, who points out that the ministry wish to put the local governments in the decision, regard case.

Fylkesordføraren is ready to turn up the bompengetaksten already come winter.

– If it is against hope to come another feedback, must suit up again. I am glad that Samferdsledepartementet follow us on this challenge, ” says Anne Gine Hestetun.


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