Monday, October 10, 2016

“Scarface” central in spritmiljø in Oslo – NRK

We have recently worked targeting illegal spritsalg aimed at young people, ” says Bjørn Pedersen, who is the leader of the ordensavsnittet at Majorstuen police station to the Norwegian broadcasting corporation.

A etterretningsprosjekt at the police station has since before the summer of cooperation with the Customs about the illegal sale of alcohol to particular mindreåringe, also known as alcohol-taxis.

the Work is extended to innebefatte it illegal spritmiljøet in Oslo, where a man with the nickname “Scarface” which was clamoring for murder in Poland, had a central role until he was apprehended in the beginning of september.

Refuses straffskyld

Police suspect he is behind the extensive drug trafficking of the whole of Norway and the rest of Scandinavia.

Bjørn Pedersen is the leader of the ordensavsnittet at Majorstuen police station.

Photo: Private

– 10-15 people are arrested in the wake of the arrest of Scarface. Two persons are now in custody. Several tens of thousands of cigarettes, several thousand liters of beer, about a thousand gallons of booze and several hundred thousand dollars in cash is seized, ” says Pedersen.

the Oslo district court decided on Monday that the man may be disclosed to Poland, but the ruling is appealed and release can therefore not happen before it is processed in the legal system.

He did not acknowledge straffskyld for drapssiktelsen in Poland and agree therefore not to the disclosure. He was not familiar with the police’s assertion that he is central in the spritmiljøet, and acknowledge neither the alcohol – or drug smuggling to Norway, ” says 30-åringens defender, attorney Darija Jamina, to the NTB.

Found smuglelager

A new and important breakthrough happened on Tuesday 4. October when a car was stopped on the Rice in Oslo. In the car found the police part assumed smuglervarer. The investigation led police to an address where they found the 25 people who stayed in and around the house.

the Search of the house and garages revealed around 4,000 litres of beer, 400 liters of ethanol and 43 000 cigarettes. The keeper of the vehicle that was stopped, was arrested on the spot and claimed in later questioning ownership of the entire inventory.


despite pågripelsene and the breakthrough in the investigation feel the police themselves almost powerless. There are no known outlets, communication takes place with the codes and few young people want to talk with the police.

– With the arrest of the godfather we have taken out several salgsledd. But we know that this is comprehensive and in line with drugs. It is unstoppable and the market closest to the utømmelig, ” says Pedersen.

He emphasizes that such spirits can be very dangerous, and asks parents to be extra attentive.

– There is a market for this, but it is tragic that the one taking the risk and buying the madness. We don’t know if the buyer is very dangerous methanol, ” says Pedersen.


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