Saturday, October 8, 2016

Ordkrigen reaches new heights in togstreiken: accusations of sykmeldinger, power struggle and … – Aftenposten

By midnight, all short-distance traffic on the Østfoldbanen stopped. The train there is a picture of below, the last of which went in the direction Follo/Østfold. It came a little late to Ski a little over at 23 on Friday night.

But while the absence of departures characterize the Østfoldbanen and Oslo S, the accelerated ordbruken powerful up between the parties.

Researcher: Togstreiken is not about salary but about the position

Owed on sykemeldinger

on Friday, used the NSB sykmeldinger as one of the explanations that far more trains were set than what was planned.

the newspaper Aftenposten has gained access to the actual numbers on the sykmeldinger in the current streikeperioden, and compared them with the same period last year. The review shows that they are not particularly high.

  • In the period 29. september and 8. October in 2015 was 105 lokførere on sick leave.
  • In the same period in the year 74, far fewer, have been on sick leave.
  • See the one just a month back, in years, i.e. from 29. august to 8. september, was 155 lokførere on sick leave.

in Total, NSB around 1000 lokførere.

Mutual accusations about whether the train can run or not

Friday night went lokførerleder Rolf Ringdal out and criticized the NSB, on the basis that they believe a total of 210 train on Østfoldbanen could have been driven, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, be seen in one.

It was NICE to send out a press release where director Geir Isaksen says the following:

  • Trains on the Østfoldbanen is because lokførerne strikes.
  • And because the NSBs planners are working frantically to deal with the strike in the best way possible for our customers, with the resources that are left.
  • Lokførerne put the issue on the head when they say that if you can run 210 train.
  • But it is correct that if you have employees on the job who can run the trains. They must then also have the train available. A consequence of the strike is that the trains do not stand where they would be placed in order to get to the correct traffic flow.

Private will take over the lokføreropplæring

at the heart of the strike are entitled to the education and expertise of the lokførere. Lokførerforbundet want to have a control with this also when the Norwegian railway konkurranseutsettes.

Friday la Lokomotivmannsforbundet out an article on their own website where they talked about the private company “Jernbanepersonell AS” planning to start up lokførerutdanning in Norway.

They will, according to the associated offer education that takes shorter time than the lokførerne given by the Norwegian Jernbaneskole.

In addition, the imf pointed out that the NSBs godsselskap CargoNet has had plans to run their own lokføreropplæring.

This didn’t you know about togstreiken: Flytoget said yes to lokførerkrav NSB are now fighting doggedly against the

and This distrust

– Is the attempt from the “Jernbanepersonell” to start a new education, one reason that the conflict was now?

– No. It is a company that they so far have not managed to get up and stand. But it goes out of the trust to the NSB when the CargoNet does something similar, he says.

  • So you this article? The accepted requirements of the lokførerne that NSB now fighting against.

Here lokførere, Train and forhandlingslederen in Range what happened.

Streikeekspert: A power struggle – which gives reason to strike!

the newspaper Aftenposten has asked the expert on strike and researcher Kristine Nergaard at Fafo about how she conceives of the strike, and about the nature of the conflict between the lokførerne and NSB provides a good reason to strike.

I perceive this as a strike for the future. In Lokomotivmannsforbundet, we are committed to acquire such a strong position as possible, in front of a future where rail konkurranseutsettes further. There may be companies that employ engineers with different type of training than is current today.

They will have the requirements embedded in the collective agreement, and not just in a særavtale without streikerett.

But is this a good case to strike on, when it is about principles and not salary or pension?

– I will say yes. This is a difficult conflict, but the principles must be able to strike at because they are important for employment. The challenge is that they touch the maktforholdet between the parties, and the employer’s managerial prerogative, ” says Nergaard.

Fafo-researcher explains that the ownership relationship to the lokførerutdanningen has been strong in both parties since the historically (until 2005) was driven by the NSB and involved cooperation between the parties.

- to the Airport may have considered that it was not worth to take a strike

What with The who have accepted the requirements, and that the two ministries involved, the Ministry of industry, which is behind the Airport and the Ministry that is behind the NSB?

It may also be that the owners have thought differently, that the Train has come to that this was not worth to take a strike on, while NSB has considered it differently. But when the consequences of the strike are so much greater, there is enough pressure on NSB. They already have customers who are unhappy with them, ” says Nergaard.

29. september was 72 lokførere taken out in the strike.

  • Bergen (1)
  • Kristiansand, norway (1)
  • Lillestrøm (28)
  • Oslo, norway (11)
  • Ski (29)
  • Trondheim, norway (1)

Night at 8. October was another 42 lokførere taken out, in Moss, Oslo and Bergen. Such benefits the 118 striking lokførerne now:

  • Bergen (7)
  • Kristiansand, norway (1)
  • Lillestrøm (28)
  • Oslo (19)
  • Ski (29)
  • Moss (33)
  • Trondheim (1)

  • All the commuter train on Østfoldbanen from the L2 Skiing, L21 Moss and L22 Mysen is affected.
  • Some of the R20 regiontogene to/from Halden. R20 trains, which are not set, will run directly between Oslo and Rygge. It is not on – boarding and descending on the stations between Oslo and Rygge in any of the directions.
  • Some of the trains between Oslo and Bergen, as well as the trains on Vossebanen and in Arnalokalen is also affected.


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