Sunday, October 9, 2016

Man indicted after nattklubbskyting in Oslo: the Charges against the other four dropped – NRK

It was the night of Sunday 10. may of last year that it was a loose shot outside the bar Da Vinci in restauranthuset the Mona Lisa in Øvre Slottsgate in Oslo. Led to the shootings was a violent brawl, in which several people should have gone to the attack on two people inside of the restaurant.

First of four to five men in their 30s, who were all well known gjengkriminelle, indicted for skuddløsningen. Three people were injured, two of them had knivskader. No one was hit by the bullets.

Only one of the four, a 32-year-old man, was indicted for attempted murder, breach of våpenloven and to have wronged a public official. Monday starts the trial in Oslo city court.

the DRAMA: Large police forces dispatched after it was fired shots at the nightspot the Mona Lisa in the centre of Oslo in June of last year.

Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB scanpix

Drew indictment against four others

32-year-old, who previously has been associated with the Young Guns, had a gun with three crisp shots to the restaurant in the centre of Oslo in may last year. According to the charges he addressed a gun at a 33-year-old, and loosened the two shots outside the restaurant.

During a fengslingsmøtet claimed the 32-year-old who is accused of attempted murder that he shot in self defence, because a convicted comrade (29) he arrived at the nightspot together with, had been attacked by a number of people.

the Man police believe 32-year-old loose shots against, i.e. the 33-year-old, was also indicted for the attack on 29-year-old, along with three other men. The police believed then that the four had turned and thrown a chair or table on the 29-year-old, so that he fainted.

But this indictment was later withdrawn by the prosecution. The defender until one of them was prosecuted, a 34-year-old, says he believes it was proper to withdraw the case.

– I note that the prosecutors have seen that the evidence does not hold to a conviction. I totally agree, and from that perspective is it a right decision, even if I would seen that it was unlatt to take out prosecution with regard to demand for my client, ” says attorney Jon Anders Hasle.

bullet holes: IN the glass door after the shooting at the restaurant Mona Lisa in the centre of Oslo.

Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB scanpix

Refuses straffskyld

None of the shots 32-year-old fired hit the 33-year-old. The man’s defense of His Staffs, says to Dagbladet that his client acknowledges himself not guilty in the attempted murder.

– Here, it was shot out in the empty room, and it was not aimed against anyone. Why he did it, is of course central. The immediately prior very serious voldsepisoden, where a friend of my client was perceived as being seriously damaged, is a central backdrop, says the Staff, who do not understand why it is taken out prosecution on the attempted murder.

32-year-old is also accused of several episodes in 2014, among other things, several cases of drunken driving. he is also the former convicted of kidnapping, violence and robbery.

Enacted to forvolde a person’s death is ten years. It is set by the two weeks until the treatment of the case, and for NRK, get lit will be implemented substantial security measures in the Oslo city court.

attorney general Anders Mandal Funnemark, says to NRK that he did not want to comment on the case before the main hearing starts.

Comrade indicted for the abduction

his Friend, to the now defendant, and the 32-year-old, 29-year-old was attacked on the Mona Lisa, he also convicted several times in the past. 29-year-old was last week arrested in connection with a possible bortføringssak on Ljan in Oslo. The background is that a witness observed two people with ski masks who pushed a person into the back seat of a grey Toyota Yaris.

29-year-old is also charged in another bortføringssak, in a parking lot at Holmlia in september of last year. The police says to NRK that they plan to take out the indictment in this case before christmas.

NRK has earlier told that it has been seven bortføringssaker in Oslo in 2016. Einar Aas, head of the Section for organised crime at the Oslo police district, believes the trend is worrisome.

the Danger of the unknown is quite large, since there often are criminals people involved on both sides. The code in these environments is not to speak with police, said Aas to NRK on Tuesday.


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