Sunday, October 2, 2016

Jagland with a jab to the Stoltenberg on Facebook – VG

Thorbjørn Jagland says the job as secretary general of the Council of europe is more important than to wrap themselves into a fifteen-year-old quarrel.

It was in the book “My story” Stoltenberg outlined the sensational details surrounding the maktspillet between him and Thorbjørn Jagland, which lasted until the latter resigned as the Arbeiderparties leader in 2002.

In the memoarboken pulled the current NATO boss forward of how he and central partifeller as the need to hold secret meetings behind his back to Ap-the leader to save the party.

Thorbjørn Jagland is secretary general of the Council of europe has previously ceded from to comment on the information input, but writes the following on his Facebook page Sunday morning:

“(…) We are in the worst humanitarian crisis since the war. Also why would it be pointless and it would send a completely wrong signal to Europe if I let myself wrap into a domestic argument about what happened 15 years ago (…)”.

More about the book: we Went behind the Jaglands back with secret meetings

<p>NEW ÆRA: Thorbjørn Jagland  gave himself as the leader of the Labour party in  2002, and was replaced by Jens Stoltenberg. Here  from the party's landsmøte på People's  house.</p>

NEW ERA: Thorbjørn Jagland gave himself as the leader of the Labour party in 2002, and was replaced by Jens Stoltenberg. Here from most items on the People’s house.

Photo: Espen Sjølingstad Hoen, VG

– A bad time

the Feud started in 1992 when Jagland took over the role after Gro Harlem Brundtland resigned. Knivingen started already at the congress of the same year, and persisted until the Jaglands famous requirement to achieve 36,9 percent support to continue as prime minister – which led to a shift in power in 1997.

It was in 2001 that the Stoltenberg realized that he stood before the choice: Either to become both party leader and prime minister, or to pull out. It was then that he began to go behind the Jaglands back.

Stoltenberg about the Jagland-relationship: Never been close friends.

At the time was a Stoltenberg statsministerkandidat and Jagland the leader, and Ap had gone on a blistering defeat. Outwardly took Stoltenberg on the blame, but according to the book perceived he it even so that Jagland had put the blame on him and the government.

– I did something one should not do. I began to fraksjonere against the sitting leader. It was a painful time. A bad time for Thorbjørn Jagland, a painful time for me and a bad time for the party, said Stoltenberg in a Skavland interview Friday.

don’t Regret

Stoltenberg told VG that he did not regret that he took up the old feud, and says it was important to write about both the good and evil experiences in the policy.

Jagland has even criticized the timing of the boklanseringen and meant it was adverse when both of them are now leading major international organizations.

– It has never fit for me to explain what really happened prior to that I drew me as the party’s leader. I would not do it when Stoltenberg was prime minister and I The president. I would not do it now when we are leading two large international organisations, writes Jagland in teksmeldingen.

VG confronted the NATO commander with the Jagland-the criticism Saturday.

– This is a book I have been working with since 2007. I worked a lot with the book from the time I stepped down as prime minister in 2013 until I started working for NATO in 2014. I think it is a nice tradition in Norway that the prime ministers writing about their time. I have written about my, and I believe that there is a point that it is not ardeatine too much what is described in the book, said Stoltenberg.

From the book:, Therefore, have to eksstatsrådene go from Disastrous government


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