Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Get not give money to Barnekreftforeningen – NRK

– the Group have some values that we don’t want to be associated with, says the chairman of the board of Barnekreftforeningen Are Rasmussen about pengenekten.

He has been VG-posting about flaming and harassment of two young girls on the closed forum of the Mannegruppa Ottar on Facebook.

– It is sad that we can’t donate money when we’re trying to do a good deed, answer Kay Erikssen, who is the administrator for the group on the net.

the Fundraising was pulled in time after the media stories.

Kay Erikssen said it was important to show that the group can positively contribute, and in the course of 24 hours was collected over 180.000 euros to the charity organization.

Barnekreftforeningen is clear that they do not want to receive money from the group, and stopped in the day the fundraising that mannegruppa had created on the association’s website.

Uncertain what happens with the money

GIVING: Mannegruppa collected 180.000 million before they were stopped.

Photo: Screenshot

One of the girls that were hung out on the mannegruppas page was Ingrid Jackson (20) from Elverum, norway. She felt to be called knulledokke and threatened with the bank because she encouraged people to opt out of mannegruppa that she believes are kvinnefiendtlig.

Now, it is uncertain what happens with the collected money. Organisasasjonen considering to return your money, but don’t know if it is possible.

Had it been money that came from an account we could have brought the amount back. But here it is to talk about småbeløp transferred from several thousand accounts, ” says Rasmussen.

He says he appreciates the initiative to give money, but that the focus of the group has received in the media is not good for Barnekreftforeningen.

– It is not the way we want to be spotlighted, ” says Rasmussen.

Hope the money is used

THANK you NO: Are Rasmussen in Barnekreftforeningen has stopped mannegruppas fundraising.

Photo: Barnekreftforeningen

Erikssen in mannegruppa hope the money is going to benefit.

– There is a lot of money that we hope can make a difference and make everyday life for children affected by cancer a little bit easier, ” says Erikssen.

He says the group is opposed to bullying and verbal abuse, and is sorry for that comments from individual members puts the group in a bad light.

the Group that refer to themselves as “a manssjåvinistisk sanctuary” has in the day to 40,000 members. Kay Erikssen has said that it should be allowed to joke about it most of the time, also violence, rape and race. But that group sharpens rules for what is posted.

We have employed more administrators and trying to get more control with what happens there, ” says Erikssen.


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