Wednesday, October 5, 2016

“Floating” the pipe is Kristiansand’s new landmark – the NRK

the Plant on Odderøya.

Photo: Nina Kristiin Vraa / NRK

When Odderøya treatment plant had to build a pipe to foul odors away from the facility, discussed the politicians to camouflage it or make a variant that could be raised and lowered to gjenne the foul activity.

Instead, they chose a creative solution: the Chimney should be more than a tube: an art project – something fun and beautiful for those who walk on Odderøya or are out in the boat on the fjord. 200 000 were added in a konkurransepott and a winner named.

Measurments. The chimney is two feet in diamenter.

Photo: Jan Jørg Tomstad / NRK

Problems with the installation because pipa does not fit to the bolts in the foundation.

Photo: Jan Jørg Tomstad / NRK

the lower part of The chimney. The parts that should be speilende, is covered by a protective foil.

Photo: Jan Jørg Tomstad / NRK

Two feet in diameter

today was the assembly. It took several hours to hoist into place and assembling the two 15-metre-long parts.

the Problem was that pipa, which are two metres in diameter, did not fit with the bolts in the foundation. Thus, had the parties moved on and finregning had to before pipa could boltes fixed to the ground.

But now, standing there. Visible from the “half” of the city.

Kolab architects and artist Fredrik Berberg from Oslo stands for the design. They wanted to add an element of surprise for the pipa and the surrounding area to act as a landmark.

It has been made by creating an optical illusion. Speilpolerte discs in the bottom reflects the sky. At a distance it should look like if the pipa were floating over the vegetation.

“Smoke and mirrors”

“Smoke and mirrors” called the project. They took the starting point of Odderøya and allowed himself to imspirere of the island’s location in the countryside in the middle between the city and the sea, and the steep terrain.

Kulturdirektør Stone Tore Sorthe congratulated Sindre Wam Kolab Architects when it was clear that they were the winners of the competition.

Photo: Kristine Sterud / NRK

the State’s agency KORO, Art in public space, has given 335 000 to ustmykningen.

Also the entrance to the renseanleggets the building inside the mountain to utsmykkes. The bill total is about one million.

Close to downtown

the Reason why it is necessary with a 30-meter high chimney, is that the plant is so close to the city centre.

the Municipality will ensure that the area is being plagued by foul odors.

the developer of the Silokaia, Kanalbyen Development AS, gave at the hearing expressed that they feared that innflytterne in the 700 apartments up to 14 storeys would get a whiff of the sewage on the purchase.


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