Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Fear flodbølger up to eight metres in towards the centre of Flåm – to … – VG

Joasetbergi on the mountain Stampa should now be monitored continuously, turn the NVE fixed.

It is the seventh unstable part of the rock face in Norway, which now get constant monitoring from the Norwegian water resources and energy directorate (NVE). In a recent evaluation turns they fixed that if a block in the mountain races, the landslide hit the Aurlandsfjord and send flodbølger towards Flåm.

There is a block on the 280.000 cubic meters that NVE now to monitor, and rasfaren is considered high.

– We shall see a little more on how the avalanche can hit the fjord, and how high the waves can be, but it can be to talk about four to eight feet high waves, ” says seksjonssjef Lars Harald Blikra in the NVEs section for landslides.

<p>the FEAR of the RAS IN the FJORD:  the NVE has mapped Joasetbergi in the municipality  of Aurland and slår stated that it må  overvåkes continuous – for å be  able to notify an ras.</p>

FEAR the RAS IN the FJORD: the NVE has mapped Joasetbergi in Aurland municipality and states that it must be monitored continuously – to be able to notify an ras.

Graphics: NVE

Should get skredvarsling

as of now, they have only registered the movement of one centimeter a year, but the municipality and NVE shall now look at the skredvarsling for the settlement in the danger zone.

Blikra stresses that it is not so that people need to move, even if Joasetbergi now be defined as a høyrisikoobjekt.

– It is why we now create monitoring, so people should be able to stay there. It is not so very big movements now, just under a centimeter in a year, says Blikra to VG.

The adds now up to monitoring with the use of a total station, and extensometer, in addition to the permanent radarovervåkning.

” This is very positive, and it has been a priority for us to put in place a system that ensured the safety of citizens, says the mayor in the municipality of Aurland, Noralv Distad, to NRK Sogn og Fjordane today.

Seven Norwegian fjellpartier

a Total of seven Norwegian fjellpartier that has the stamp “høyrisikoobjekt” and that the AUTHORITY monitors continuously. The man in the Rauma municipality is one of them.

Gamanjunni 3 in the state of minnesota was placed on the list earlier in the year and which is considered the avalanche danger as very high.

If the parts of the mountain races, a number of rocks on the 26 million cubic metres, avalanche go over Manndalselva and hit the buildings in Kåfjord municipality, warns the NVE. Therefore, be monitored also there is round the clock.

<p>THIS IS the RISK: the AUTHORITY has  already initiated the work with continuous  overvåkning here. In the last year was it  established three GPS antennas of which  målaughing continuously.</p>

THIS IS the RISK: the AUTHORITY has already initiated the work with continuous monitoring here. In the last year was it established three GPS antennas that continuously measure.

Graphics: NVE

– Fjellskredet can shore up the river, which could result in a dam break and downstream flooding as possible sekundærvirkninger, enter the AUTHORITY in its evaluation.

– the Probability which is larger, and it then becomes a much larger mass, of a completely different dimension. But this doesn’t go down in a fjord, it goes down in a valley, says Blikra to VG.

In addition, høyrisikoområdene in Nordnesfjellet (both Jettan and Indre Nordnes) in Kåfjord municipality, one candidate in the Stranda municipality and the Heggursaksla in Norddal municipality.


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