Friday, July 10, 2015

Linda and Trond Helleland is one of many Conservatives maktpar – Aftenposten

Trond Helleland (52) and Linda Cathrine Hofstad Helleland (37) is the Conservative superp.

He’s parliamentary leader in charge to get the parliamentary group and the Government to go in the same direction.

She heads Parliament’s transport committee.

The two are not alone as couples in the blue toppolitikken. As also in the coalition government, it runs many family ties crisscross through the Conservatives and the Progress Party, which now has the government.

Many find together

Aftenposten has looked at a number of links, and compiled a list of some of the most important blue pairs.

– There are quite commonly seen love on the job. How is it at all workplaces. If it had not been possible to be too few in politics would many fell, says Linda Helleland.

The list of sponsors of the couple’s children illustrates Helleland-couple’s powerful network:

Defense Ine Marie Eriksen is sponsoring oldest boy Bernhard (9).

Local Government Minister Jan Tore Sanner is a mentor for younger brother Konrad (7), while Foreign Minister Børge Brende is a mentor for Trond Hell’s adult son from a previous marriage.

Relax news during summer shutdown

The two became lovers 11 years ago when both sat in the Justice Committee for the Right. She as parliamentary representative and regular member, he was head of the committee.

In summer 2004, let Linda, who at the time sat in the Conservative Party executive committee, the cat out of the bag over a glass of wine after a farewell dinner including Erna Solberg , Jan Tore Sanner and Per-Kristian Foss.

– It is the most embarrassing experience I’ve had in my entire life, she sighs.

– But nobody was really well looked very surprised when we told that we had been together. You think you can make to keep things hidden from the people around, but it is the really, adds the man.

Should be qualifications, not contacting

Researcher Jo Saglie at the Institute for Social Research said links are not unusual. The important thing is how recruitment to top jobs going – and that it is on the basis of qualifications, not contacts.

– In principle, there will be a difference in situations where people come into politics because they already have contacts, and in cases where they enter with their own efforts, and then hit other and marries them, says Saglie Aftenposten.

Psychologist and therapists Catrin Sagen says there are both strengths and challenges of having the same work partner.

– One advantage of working with the same is that we have an understanding of the challenges the work can bring. There is also an opportunity to spar with partner in areas where, for example, jammed. A challenge couples may struggle with, is a blurred distinction between work and leisure. That one or both have trouble walking in leisure mode after a working day, says Sagen Aftenposten.

– Had to bust my wife

Although spouses Helleland often agree on politics, sometimes they land on opposite conclusion.

Olympic case is the most challenging for the couple now. She was one of the Conservatives’ most ardent supporters of the Norwegian Olympic application.

– I had worked on it for a year and was very close. I had spent so many afternoons and evenings.

He was also in principle in favor of the Olympic application. But having counted the votes in the Conservative Party’s parliamentary group to roughly 50-50, and after it became clear that it was completely, even on Labor, confirmed Trond Helleland that this matter would be almost impossible to go through. He landed on saying no:

– When we traveled I was a little excited if I would get pig bank when we got home, he said.

– We did not talk so much about it afterwards. It was a bit much to digest, she says.

– It was a situation where I had to say yes if I were going to be kind to her. But it is important to separate the roles and make an overall assessment. It was probably the case where it was most obvious that I had to bust my wife, says Trond Helleland.

Has gained a reputation as “rebel”

Helleland pair believes that the two are married do they let each other slip easier away at meetings of the Conservative Party’s parliamentary group. Quite the contrary.

– Linda is a little impatient sometimes and find it gets a bit dry chat during the team. When she says from. Sometimes I have to put her in her place, and then there will be laughter.

– Some have come up to me after the meeting and said: “Poor you! You are the all extra hard. ” The fact that I and Trond are married do enough also that I allow myself to say more clearly from outside, she says.

Along with current labor minister Robert Eriksson (FRP), Linda Cathrine Hofstad Helleland the representative that has broken out and voted against their own group most times – as much as 65 times in five years.

– In the Christmas card I received from Erna year stated that it was a bit funny that it was just me who was designated as the most rebellious group, she laughs.

Do keep much secret for each other

– What aspects of the job is that you can not talk about at home?

– It’s really quite a lot. Things you hear on the committee, gruppestyret, government lunches or conversations with the other parliamentary leaders, she said.

– I’ve been pretty good at keeping things secret and try to be neat that she did not get more information than others. Sometimes it is quite fun to see her face when she learns things, he said.

A must stay home with the kids

The couple believe that they have similar jobs makes they have a better understanding of each other’s work.

– I see that many adults politicians who enters the parliament and must ukependle have problems at home. When we are two who are doing the same thing I realize that she as head of the transport committee must travel to every county and look at various projects, while she realize that my job involves a lot of late nights, he said.

Hear this and other matters, will be discussed in this week Aftenpodden. Here or in iTunes.

Published: 10.jul. 2015 9:35 p.m.


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