Friday, July 31, 2015

Bhatti charged with assault – Aftenposten

It confirms Bhatti’s lawyer John Christian Elden NTB.

– More we do not know, but police say they want an interrogation in the afternoon, and there shall they be, writes Elden in an SMS. Bhatti says he does not know what it comes, says Elden.

Bhatti was arrested at 2 am on Friday and is charged under Penal Code section 228, first paragraph.

TV2, which first publicized case, reported that Bhatti is charged with domestic violence, something Elden rejects.

– He is not charged with domestic violence, writes Elden.

Bhatti was in Oslo District Court in March this year sentenced to ten months in jail for domestic violence, of which four months were suspended. He was convicted of beating her son and daughter a number of times in connection with that they were reading from the Koran.

Bhatti was also accused of having been violent towards police during an arrest in 2012, but this point, he was acquitted.

Published: 31.jul. 2015 3:00 p.m.


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