Using police helicopter arrested police in Southern Buskerud Thursday night, two men in early 20s. The two East Europeans were arrested while they tried to hide in the terrain on Darbu in Øvre Eiker in Buskerud.
Police suspect that they may be behind a number of burglaries in the area during the summer.
Discovered person with ladder
Before the hunt, the police had received a tip from a neighbor who saw a man put a ladder up to an open window in the neighborhood. The neighbor gave himself known, and the person with the ladder were alarmed.
Police in Southern Buskerud were tipped off about the incident clock 01.30 and took action together with politihelikopterets crew.
thermal imaging camera
Using police thermal imaging camera were two people found lying motionless in the terrain close by. On the police’s own video will be accompanied by the plan they put to surprise and arrest the men.
Among other things, it was emphasized that no one had to drive into the area, it would the people who tried to hide, probably discover.
- In the video at the top you can see and hear the police action of the night.
When the men were arrested they had according to Drammen Tidende gloves, crowbars and screwdrivers lying beside it.
Burglary Wave
The two East Europeans was on Friday remanded for four weeks due to the destruction of evidence.
Dagbladet reports that since July 1, police have been notified of 21 residential burglaries in the district, and will probably figure could rise as people return from vacation.
– If we compare this summer with the previous three,
Several of burglaries has clear similarities.
– We see for example that in many of the burglaries they have chosen to take into bedroom windows, says Gunnerød.
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