Thursday, February 5, 2015

FRP politician believes Anundsen being subjected to a “unfair run” from the Left and Krf – Aftenposten

FRP politician believes Anundsen being subjected to a "unfair run" from the Left and Krf – Aftenposten

– This is going a little too far, says Helge Thorheim, Progress member of the Parliamentary Control Committee, the strength of center parties criticism of Anders Anundsen.

Today, the questions to shotgun against Justice Minister Anders Anundsen. And some of the most critical issues will come from the center parties – or “cooperative parties” that many in the Conservative Party and the Progress Party calls them. Just that they are cooperative parties, allows individual begins to get enough of the criticism from the Liberal and Christian Democratic Party.

– That Anundsen get like that run, I think that’s unfair of cooperation of our Parties, says Helge Thorheim , which will be the Progress man “utspørrersiden” in today’s hearing.

As Aftenposten wrote yesterday, wonder politicians in the center if Anundsen have deceived them, and he and his advisers have deliberately neglected intent of the agreement Left and KrF has signed with the Conservatives and the Progress Party. In that case they may lose confidence in the justice minister although not hearing ends, they go on to express formal mistrust.

Getting an opportunity to influence

According to the agreement shall be greater emphasis on what is “child academically sound” in decisions about the return of asylum seekers. Therefore jarring it for downtown that last year was sent out more children who have lived long in the country, than the year before.

The agreement is a “deal” between the center and the coalition parties, ie not a parliamentary resolution, and therefore not part of the formal hearing. But it is a backdrop.

– Both parties have under the agreement given the opportunity to influence Government policy. They will be cooperative parties, emphasizes Thorheim. He says it is “okay though they are a bit annoyed,” but notes that “it’s going a bit far” to criticize Anundsen “with the strength they now lie in it.”

During his hand also provides politicians Conservative expresses something of the same.

Nine hour consultation

The hearing starts at nine o’clock today and lasts until at least half past five o’clock – probably longer. Anundsen is the last release to – after including representatives from the Police Immigration and police director Odd Reidar Humlegård have explained themselves.

Anundsen sets together with the current secretary Joran Kallemyr and former right hand in the ministry, Himanshu Gulati. Although the minister will always sit with responsibility, designated Gulati scapegoating of several city politicians.

One of the most important questions in the hearing, is what the Ministry did with all the warnings from the Police Immigration Service (PU) that broadcasts would could create media noise precisely because the Government had agreed to the PU characterized as “notice of so-called amnesty for certain families.” Until last October went all these warnings directly to Gulati.

Conspiracy Theories

Amundsen will also be grilled thoroughly about what it was that made that he could say that it “opened return option »to including Afghanistan.

A sign of the fragile trust between the center and the FRP-controlled Ministry is that some in KrF wonder if” someone “might have linked aid to return – that is threatened with fewer aid millions if not Afghanistan took forcibly returning Afghans. Although it is said that there is a conspiracy theory, it is pointed out that the FRP want to connect repatriation agreements to the overall development policy. FRP platform calls this. The topic should have been brought to the table in the coalition negotiations, but was rejected outright by the Christian Democrats and Liberals.

Such a link is completely unknown to Helge Thorheim.

Regardless says allegations lot about climate between KrF and FRP in advance of today’s hearing.

Published: 05.feb. 2015 9:50 p.m.


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