Friday, February 27, 2015

Approved graduated PST Report –

Approved graduated PST Report –

(Dagbladet): Government in Council today approved a special attorney for the accused Mullah Krekar threat. Also present were Crown Prince Haakon when they secret PST evidence was submitted.

– It shall be a condition for consent that the evidence be known only for the special prosecutor, according to a report from the King in Council.

Meanwhile, the government agreed to the police to submit a graded PST report in the Court of Appeal, and use this as evidence in the appeal about mullahs forced relocation to Kyrksæterøra.

“Ministry of Justice may after consideration decide that evidence that might otherwise be kept secret in the interests of national security, may be submitted in connection with court proceedings following case: Case of trial by Oslo police district’s orders facing Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad (Mullah Krekar) about notification and specific whereabouts. It shall be a condition for consent that the evidence be known only for the special prosecutor, cf. The Immigration Act § 133 “, according to the minutes of the Council of State.

Can not talk Krekar

It is not yet known who the “special prosecutor” will.

Mette Yvonne Larsen lit Dagbladet earlier today that it is not her.

The competent lawyer will be made familiar with the PST graded report, but he may neither speak with Krekar or his lawyer Brynjar Meling.

As Dagbladet wrote yesterday will not Meling see the hemmelighetsstemplede report, and he says he is critical of this new evidence.

– We do not know what we will defend ourselves against. Mullah Krekar can not guard against it because he can not speak with the lawyer, and I can not have contact with this lawyer. There is a legal problem, says Meling NRK.

Expanded indictment

Krekar was yesterday arrested after TV interview that was shown on NRK Wednesday this week.

He is charged with violating the criminal law § 140 public inciting criminal act. The background is the statements he made in yesterday interview with NRK.

According to TV 2 was the indictment this morning expanded to include threats.

– Offences

In the interview he said among other things that people who make caricatures of Prophet Muhammad deserves to die.

– It is obvious that the statements he said to NRK yesterday are punishable under the Penal Code § 140. It has a maximum penalty of eight years to encourage criminal acts. It is obvious that he can be punished for statements, says law professor Stale Eskeland Dagbladet.

Krekar is portrayed for incarceration at 14.00 today.

Dagbladet following the case.


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