Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brokollapsen on E18: – Auto front of me disappeared – Aftenposten

Brokollapsen on E18: – Auto front of me disappeared – Aftenposten

10,000 cars drive each day over the 200-meter highway bridge on the E18 as yesterday collapsed. Miraculously no one was hurt.

Henrik Lind Hagen, who works in rail Chicken, had been in Oslo at work when he Monday afternoon in 14.30 o’clock drove south on E18. Suddenly he realized that something was seriously wrong.

– Attempted to brake

– The car in front of me disappeared. I tried to brake, but it all happened too fast that it was impossible to stop. I saw the car in front of me came up on the other side and raining when with that it would go well. I had really no other choice but to continue. The narrow well in the bottom of the dump, says Lindhagen Aftenposten.

Yesterday afternoon he felt a bit battered after the incident had time to sink in.

– I’m a little put out, he said.

Trailer in midair

It was Skjeggestad Bridge, which leads E18 Holtung road, which failed. It is located at Bentsrud near Holmestrand. The visible failure is southbound fields. Operating and maintenance manager in the NPRA in Vestfold, Odd Tandberg, saying that the southbound section of the bridge hanging in midair. The northbound course it is also unsafe to move on.

– There are more than 35 bridges on the E18 from the Swedish border to Kristiansand. Will you check all these, or is this a failure that only apply this bridge?

– I will be careful not to say anything about this, but the way it looks, this seems to be something that is caused entirely locally. But finally answer this we get when the technical studies are done, says Tandberg.

– Landslide under the bridge

The reason for this shortfall appears to be that reason has collapsed around bropilarene .

– It’s been a landslide under the bridge, so that the pillars supporting the bridge has failed said duty fire chief Jarle Steinnes Vestfold intermunicipal fire brigade yesterday.

He said that it still could be heard noises in the pillars, and that the bridge could get to race together.

Geologists and other experts were yesterday summoned to map in detail what had happened and why.

Road trains passed dump

When traffic stopped in front of frying the bridge, stood several vehicles ahead instead. Drivers and passengers were transported by bus. There were three heavy vehicles left on the bridge, but there are also some trucks that have run over the dump, according to eyewitnesses Aftenposten spoke to.

Lynne Gabrielsen drove like Henrik Lindhagen over the bridge a little after half past two in yesterday afternoon. He commutes on the stretch and immediately saw that something was quite wrong.

– I shied violently. It was a great hole in the ground, and then it was no form of notification, Gabrielsen says to Aftenposten.

He had the sensation of flying over the dump.

– I looked in mirror that came some trucks behind, and that drivers luckily managed to keep control of the vehicle, he said.

– How are you now?

– Now I’m a little shaky, yes. It was really lucky that it went as well as it did, he said.

– E18 being shut long

Motorists through Vestfold must reckon with a closed E18 and traffic congestion in a long time .

– The bridge will be closed for long, but I can not say anything more about what long does, says Department Ingunn Foss at Road Administration Vestfold Aftenposten.

Technical experts started work on the bridge and the ground beneath it yesterday. The work continues today.

Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FRP) says he is primarily glad that no one was hurt in the incident.

– this is not supposed to happen to a bridge that is 15 years old. Therefore Road Administration and NVE begun work to investigate what has happened and how it can be fixed, says Solvik-Olsen.

Queue and detour

The traffic between Helland junction and Island- crossing on the E18 is redirected through Holmestrand. It passes to normal around 10,000 cars a day on this stretch.

– We must expect significant congestion ahead on morning and afternoon today, says Foss.

Transport Minister says they will turn all stones to limit the problems motorists get as a result of diversions. He hopes in particular that heavy traffic will use additional capacity on the ferry route Horten-Moss.

Published: 02.feb. 2015 9:46 p.m.


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