Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Minister was kept informed –

The Minister was kept informed –

The alerts came directly from Police Immigration Service (PU). They have had standing instructions to notify in writing up in the system, ahead of all forced returns where it possibly could be noise in public. This causes Bergens Tidende confirmed from several independent sources.

Justice Minister Anders Anundsen apologized Tuesday strongly to the Storting that the Police Directorate (POD) never relayed government orders to soften expulsion standards for asylum children who have been long in the country. The day after Prime Minister owed, Erna Solberg (H) on poor police management in POD.

It is still unknown how many deportation cleared any children have been hit. Bergens Tidende has been waiting since Tuesday on figures from POD how many long remaining children who are sent out the last 24 months. POD had Thursday night not yet managed to obtain these statistics.

Anundsen: “Preparing policy change”

The question more in opposition have asked is whether or not the government should have had it with them if PU followed wrong practice, long before BT’s unveiling Tuesday. Concern messages frequent returns of families who have lived in Norway for long, have been many in recent months. In late October announced Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) that 32 long remaining children were sent out only in September.

Both Anundsen and Solberg has again and again was careful to point out that the government orders softening was crystal clear and that it is in POD error has occurred.

– Police Directorate, which subordinate agency, not followed up the clear policy change that is in the letter of award for 2014. Such errors should not occur, said Anundsen in Parliament.

– (…) Basically our is actually that they will follow up what they’re told, not that we should assume that they do not, said Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

– I believe that it is an example of poor management when one has not managed to take the political control signals, let the Prime Minister.

All shall receive notice

Should minister still though that something was wrong? The fact is that the Ministry of Justice for several years has had a proven system to ensure that the top management – the minister included – get with what happens on the penalty front, almost from day to day. Police Immigration is required to notify the Police Directorate every time they conduct a forced return that can cause writings, protests or other noise in public.

This also confirmed Minister Anders Anundsen in an email to BT Thursday night.

“These alerts are sent to selected people in the civil service and the State Secretary who works with asylum and immigration matters. This applies to all mailings that can create media attention, a number of these concerns naturally also dispatch of families with children. The purpose of the alerts is to make the ministry prepared for any questions from the media. This is a longstanding practice in the ministry. Some of these alerts will flow too me. “

This message shall thereafter BT knows usually include:

  • Information about who is to be returned
  • Where in Norway are to be sent from
  • What country they will be returned to
  • When the rebound to happen
  • Why police think the case can arouse attention

64 documents in the journal

In the electronic mail records POD are 64 documents with PU as the sender, marked “Planned deportation rings – Notification of forced return.” The whole 61 of these have been sent this year, two-thirds over the past four months.

BT has two days attempted to answer what kind of documents this is, but neither the police or the Ministry of Justice has been able to answer it – nor about how many notice the minister has received. PU wrote to BT Thursday that all notification documents are confidential.

The system of notification also existed under the red-green government.

– Alarm bells should have rung

Opposition in Parliament reacted strongly to the Anundsen may have been warned in advance the large number of mailings of long remaining asylum children.

– It is perceived that they have tried to push responsibility down, but this shows that they have been informed well enough and should have reacted. If it turns out that the justice minister had knowledge that it took place many envoys, so does not matter less serious, says Andre N. Skjelstad, immigration policy talperson in Left.

He is supported by Christian Democrat party leader.

– If there has been extensive notification, and if the Minister of Justice may have gotten understanding that many were sent out, so should the alarm bells have rung, says Knut Arild Hareide.

Karin Andersen (SV ) believes BT, once again confirms that Anundsen ought questioned whether the Police Immigration actually followed his orders.

– This means he must have known that it was sent out many long remaining asylum children, says Andersen adds:

– But he should matter certain, regardless of this. It came so many signals that were sent out a large number of asylum children, that it is incomprehensible to me that he has not questioned utlendingsenhets line.


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